I've been trying to understand this particular section towards the end of the 
style guide, but seem to be going round and round in circles. A stripped down 
version is shown below.

The definition of Unit_e and Diag_e goes directly against what is suggested in 
that section (I think). I've seen another reference/suggestion, based on a 
baremodule in GTK.jl. But that did not lead to easier to read code. I've also 
seen other recent threads, but to me none easy to grasp. Maybe another example 

Initially I set out to be able to use the form used to assign to l in below 
code fragment.

Hmc() is part of several larger composite types, but that just seems a repeated 
use of this structure. Any suggestions how to do this properly in Julia?

Rob J. Goedman


abstract Metrics
type Unit_e <: Metrics
type Diag_e <: Metrics

abstract Algorithm
type Hmc <: Algorithm
  # ...
type Fixed_param <: Algorithm

Hmc() = Hmc(Diag_e())
Hmc(m::DataType) = ( m <: Metrics ? Hmc(m()) : "Error: $(m) not a subtype of 
Metrics" )
Hmc(m::Symbol) = ( eval(m) <: Metrics ? Hmc(eval(m)()) : "Error: $(m) not a 
subtype of Metrics" )

h = Hmc()
l = Hmc(Diag_e)
k = Hmc(:Unit_e)

@assert isa(h.metric, Metrics)
@assert isa(l.metric, Metrics)
@assert isa(k.metric, Metrics)
@assert typeof(k.metric) <: Metrics

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