Hi Michaël,
thanks for the suggestions.

>srid.txt encoding
I upgraded SVN repository with a UTF-8 version.

>I noticed that tests done on the srid integer value are not consistent
between the comments and the code.
Sorry. I am still  not familiar with some developing terminology (and the
usage of Java).
Does it means I should remove those comments from that position?

>ProjUtils is a very big class and contains redundant code
Yes. During the long syage of thge class I added many extra code. Right now
I realized that readSRSFromAuxiliaryFile_1 method was not used (and I
removed from repository). I will use your suggestions and make it simpler
and smaller, following OJ philosophy.

Thanks again


2016-09-02 0:05 GMT+02:00 Michaël Michaud <m.michael.mich...@orange.fr>:

> Hi Peppe,
> Thanks for the work. Here are some suggestions.
> I noticed that tests done on the srid integer value are not consistent
> between the comments (and the referenced site http://help.arcgis.com/en/
> arcgisserver/10.0/apis/soap/whnjs.htm#SOAP_Geometry_FindSRByWKID.htm) and
> the code.
> Also I think there is a problem with srid.txt encoding (with the addition
> of IGNF registry which includes non ASCII characters). I suggest that we
> code the file  in UTF-8 (it is currently recognized as ISO 8859-1 by my
> IDE) and read it as UTF-8 so that it behaves similarly on windows or linux
> (using *InputStreamReader
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/io/InputStreamReader.html#InputStreamReader-java.io.InputStream-java.lang.String->*
> *(**InputStream
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/io/InputStream.html>*
> * in, **String
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/String.html>*
> * charset*Name))
> ProjUtils is a very big class and contains redundant code. Maybe a few
> helper methods would help
> - getSRSDef(int srid) // to get SRSDef from SRID (computed 3 times in the
> file)
> - normalizeSRSName(String srs) // to normalize SRSName writing
> (whitespaces, separators...)
> - getSRSDef(String prjName) // read from srid.txt
> ...
> In readSRSFromAuxiliaryFile_1 and readSRSFromAuxiliaryFile methods, tests
> could be organized this way
> projectSourceFilePrj
> projectSourceRFilePrj // not used in readSRSFromAuxiliaryFile_1
> projectSourceRFileAux
> // List<String> fileList : useless !
> if (projectSourceFilePrj.exists()) {/**/}
> else if (projectSourceRFilePrj .exists()) {/**/}
> else if (projectSourceRFileAux.exists()) {/**/}
> else
> // if (!prjname.isEmpty()) {/* */} : no more needed if you wrote a
> getSRSDef(String prjName) method
> Michaël
> Le 01/09/2016 à 07:23, Giuseppe Aruta a écrit :
> Hi all,
> sorry for the long time I took to answer.
> I understood the difficulties. My idea was limited to work on the
> measurement part of Coordinate systems (something that I started to do on
> my Measurement plugin). The reprojection part was put aside.
> After reading the opinions of all, I decided to abandon the idea to a add
> projection ID to the Task and to limit the work in small steps only at
> layer level, without core modifications.
> I added to projection detection of layers (LayerProperty and
> RasterLayerProperty plugins) the capability to show the relative  measure
> unit.
> It was easy as it required only some extra info on the SRID registry file
> (org.openjump.core.ccordsys.utils.srid.txt)
> In the future I will work on modified (measurement, zoom, scale) plugin
> that detect that measure unit , Measure Plugin will remain the main place
> for this work.
> Best regards
> Peppe
> @Michael I added on SRID registry file also IGNF and IGN Gèoportail codes,
> trying to set the most possible common "synonimous". But I didn't test it
> as I didn't find datas on that Authority. Could you give a quick look,
> please. I took the informaion ffor IGN Gèoportail form this page (
> http://www.wms.lautre.net/projgp.html - 2011)
> 2016-08-04 23:32 GMT+02:00 Michaël Michaud <m.michael.mich...@orange.fr>:
>> Hi Peppe,
>> Your explanation is clear.
>> I tend to be on the same opinion as Jukka on this topic because I
>> generally use OpenJUMP as a toolbox, and I generally know exactly what I
>> want to do with my data.
>> But I admit that to visualize heterogeneous data, OpenJUMP has not much
>> to offer to the user to solve projection problems, and the beginner can
>> be bothered by the lack of assistance.
>> Here are a few recommandation :
>> 1 - Projection issues may be tricky. It is magic as long as the only
>> need is visualization, but if the user need to reproject his dataset, he
>> must be aware of the consequences (reversibility, topology
>> consistency...). Last time I have been screwed by a projection problem
>> is with FME. I imported shapefiles with a prj in a project using the
>> "same" projection. It was supposed to be a no-op (doing nothing), except
>> that FME did a transformation from projection A (defined by prj
>> parameters) to projection A (defined by internal FME parameters), which
>> resulted in an invisible switch of  a few micrometers difficult to see,
>> but which broke the consistency with another layer (which did not follow
>> the same process). Of course this can be avoided in FME, but this is
>> just an example to illustrate that without a great care, something
>> supposed to be magic may become dramatic.
>> 2 - From my point of view, one of the most difficult problem is to be
>> able to recognize that two coordinate reference system with different
>> origins (different registries, different formats, different libraries,
>> different definitions) represent the same thing (see the above problem
>> with FME). I think you already worked on that problem.
>> 3 - Your mail explains quite clearly what already exists and where you
>> want to go. I think that to anticipate difficulties, we can suppose that
>> a SRID is associated to the task and try to define OpenJUMP behaviour in
>> different situations :
>> - default behaviour when creating a new task : asking for a srid or not
>> ? it is a good thing if OJ can infer information from prj files or other
>> sources, but I don't like having to answer esoteric questions before I
>> can start working.
>> - task without srid : does it take the srid of the first layer imported
>> ? What if layers without srid are already imported ?
>> - can we change the srid of a task if layers with srid are already
>> imported ?
>> - importing a layer with a different srid : 1) the layer is just tagged
>> (layer srid mismatch task srid), 2) the layer is automatically
>> reprojected by the renderer ? 3) the user is invited to reproject the
>> layer ? 4) There are some options to define OpenJUMP behaviour
>> - how to deal with layers without projection : can we import them in a
>> task with a srid ? can we edit them ? Do we set the task projection to
>> the layer projection automatically ?
>> - if a reprojected layer is not editable, an interesting option would be
>> to set the task srid to the selected layer srid (-> makes the selected
>> layer editable, and reproject other layers)
>> - etc.
>> 4- Implementation : no real opinion. Ede's advice will certainly make
>> the code more flexible, but also a bit more complex. And how to
>> represent the coordinate system property ? Another difficult question.
>> We already have SRID represented by an int at the geometry level (JTS)
>> and a CoordinateSystem at the FeatureSchema level. IMHO, the first is a
>> bit too lightweight (cannot handle non EPSG crs). The second is too
>> lightweight if we want to use it to effectively transform coordinates
>> (cannot handle much transformations) and too heavyweight if we just use
>> it as a reference to be used by CTS library (or any other).
>> My 3 cents
>> Michael
>> Le 03/08/2016 à 15:13, Gmail a écrit :
>> > LoopThis thread needs a larger explanation.
>> > I try to simplify it.
>> > other GIS like Kosmo or GVSig implemented Coordinate system framework
>> > following these steps:
>> > a) first step they add a projection object to the task (usually as EPSG
>> or
>> > ESRI code). In Kosmo user has to set that. QGIS also allows to set Task
>> > projection loading that from the first loadedf file (with SRID).
>> > b) QGIS define the Unit of the task from SRID ( ex. 4326>degree,
>> > 32632>metre) while GvSig And Kosmo require to set it manually.
>> > c) a projection object is set to each loaded layer. This is done reading
>> > layer metadata or manually
>> > d) if the task and the layer projection object are different a
>> > transformation should be set. Those software use ( for vector) proj4
>> > libraries. In this step Qgis and newer gvsig allows on fly reprojection.
>> > e) this transformation is taken into account only by layer renderes on
>> the
>> > workbench. Which changes geometry before drawing it.
>> > This transformation is saved into project file and taken into account
>> > whenever the project file is loaded.
>> > f) Note that Kosmo (and probably Gvsig) doesn't allow any spatial
>> operation
>> > on reprojected layers. The only way to modify them is to save them
>> reprojected.
>> >
>> > Recently I did few modifications on shape file reading in order to
>> expand
>> > capability to set layer SRId  when reading file. Layer properties
>> plugins
>> > already have this capability for both raster and vector ( included
>> > geotif*). Together with database and wfs capability to record layer
>> srid we
>> > probably get almost point C of my list.
>> >
>> > My idea is to work on point A and B, integrating parts if my measure
>> plugin
>> > in to OJ core in order to have measurements\zoom when task projection is
>> > geographic or possibility that oj display meter or feet unit on
>> > measurements \ scale bar.
>> > The other points can be faced in the future, including in fly
>> reprojection.
>> >
>> > My project:
>> > 1) Oj already as a srid registry embedded that I added when I defined
>> srid
>> > detection capability from auxiliary files. It is a simple list of
>> > projection, a series of lines with only srid number and a proj.
>> description
>> > ( ex <32632>;<WGS 84 UTM zone 32>), build using proj4 registries and
>> excel.
>> > I could expand each line with unit ( ex <32632>;<WGS 84 UTM zone
>> 32>;<metre>)
>> > 2) expand Task class with srid code and unit. User can define manually .
>> > 3) modify measure /zoom plugins according units, meter, foot, degree (
>> in
>> > this last case I would limit only to wgs84 ) using classes fro my
>> measure
>> > plugin.
>> >
>> > Peppe
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > *
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Inviato con AquaMail per Android
>> > http://www.aqua-mail.com
>> >
>> >
>> > Il 03 agosto 2016 12:32:48 edgar.sol...@web.de ha scritto:
>> >
>> >> hey Peppe,
>> >>
>> >> On 03.08.2016 11 <03.08.2016%2011>:11, Giuseppe Aruta wrote:
>> >>> Hi all,
>> >>> The title explains what is my idea. In a possible future we can
>> extend OJ
>> >>> projection capabilities.  And the 1st step I would explore is to add
>> >>> code to a task (to centralize possible transformations)
>> >> can you elaborate?
>> >>
>> >>> and unit of measurements (retriving from SRID, which will affect other
>> >>> plugins/tools like measure tools, measure area/length, display scales
>> etc,
>> >>> especially for Geographic coordinate systems).
>> >> same here.
>> >>
>> >>> I gave a look at Task class , should I implement (srid and unit) as
>> >>> properties into the associate xml file? Does it breaks compatibility?
>> >> ..ede
>> >>
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