Hi all,
Roberto Rossi and I made a revision on Rasterize vector layer tools in
This functionality is quite essential in raster analysis as it allows to
transfer info in a raster to reuse in so-called Raster algebra to get new
Generally, in a raster analysis, the number of vector files that can be
transformed into rasters can be huge. So the user  needs a fast and exact
rasterization tool

OpenJUMP currently has two tools: one on sextante toolbox and the other on
OpenKLEM plugin.

a) The one of OpenKLEM is quite exact on transformation but it takes a
quite long time to convert a vector file to a raster. In a test, using a
layer with 6000 polygons, this tool takes almost 4 to 5 minutes. It is not
acceptable if the user needs to convert many layers.

b) The tool in Sextante is very fast, basically 6 to 7 seconds for a layer
of 6000 polygons. The problem of this tool is that it requires that the
vector layer should be first validated to correct non simple geometries and
then the geometries must be merged according to common values from an
attribute name. The second (merge) is sequential to the first (validate).
All those three processes (Validate, Merge and Rasterize) are located into
different plugins between OJ and Sextante. Using all to rasterize a vector
will enlarge the time and actions and it will again not be acceptable if
the files to convert are many.

In order to solve this problem, I developed a Raterization plugin for
OpenJUMP, mostly reusing Sextante code but adding also the other
preprocesses (Validate and Merge). This plugin shows a relatively short
time to do all the process until rasterization (10 to 12 seconds).
I will add this plugin in the next days after doing some cleaning of code
Best regards

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