Hi Everyone,


I am playing around with subscriber management on 12.2R1.3 MX series in
the lab at the moment and I have a question about the RI variable.



This link says that I can configure a static routing instance name
rather than using the $junos-routing-instance variable yet I am finding
I cannot configure this.  Does anyone know how this can be done?


I also cannot find a way to set a default for the junos-routing-instance
variable which would be an alternative.  Does anyone know how this can
be done?



admin@MX5T# set dynamic-profiles test routing-instances ?

Possible completions:

  $junos-routing-instance  Dynamic profile routing instance name

+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data

+ apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these


admin@MX5T# set dynamic-profiles test routing-instances internet


syntax error.

admin@MX5T# set dynamic-profiles test routing-instances internet


I am also seeing some odd behaviour with vlan rewrite/push/pop/bridging
when using dynamic profiles and vlan auto-configuration.  Has anyone
else had issues here or have any recommendations?




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