Somehow I've had stable power at home for almost 4 years

... and also forgotten to upgrade this thing.

... or fix the now very out of date interface descriptions.

root@ex2200-c> show log messages | last 
Feb 25 22:21:58 ex2200-c newsyslog[49500]: logfile turned over due to -F request
Feb 25 22:22:11  ex2200-c lldpd[1049]: TASK_OS_MEMHIGH: Using 50409 KB of 
memory, 100 percent of available
Feb 25 22:23:11  ex2200-c lldpd[1049]: TASK_OS_MEMHIGH: Using 50409 KB of 
memory, 100 percent of available
Feb 25 22:24:11  ex2200-c lldpd[1049]: TASK_OS_MEMHIGH: Using 50409 KB of 
memory, 100 percent of available
root@ex2200-c> show system uptime 
Current time: 2017-02-25 22:29:39 EST
System booted: 2013-03-09 16:47:26 EST (207w0d 05:42 ago)
Protocols started: 2013-03-09 16:50:04 EST (207w0d 05:39 ago)
Last configured: 2013-11-04 21:58:52 EST (172w5d 00:30 ago) by root
10:29PM  up 1449 days,  5:42, 1 user, load averages: 0.59, 0.69, 0.34

And now to upgrade to 14.3 (yes eventually 15.1).

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