Either configure the DHCP server to match the option 82 VLAN tags (and
serve up a lease for the "static" IP space), or configure specific VLAN tag
combos under the interface (in your case et-0/0/0). For example:
et-0/0/0 {
auto-configure {
type ia-na;
client-identifier duid-type duid-ll;
On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 10:14 PM Vincent Bernat wrote:
> ❦ 8 avril 2019 18:25 -07, Matt Peterson :
> > In our environment we're using EX2300-C's as 10Gbps NID's for metro
> > ethernet use *(meaning they
In our environment we're using EX2300-C's as 10Gbps NID's for metro
ethernet use *(meaning they're essentially a managed L2 switch with an
in-band management IP). *These are configured without an IP address on the
physical me0 interface, but instead receive an IP via DHCPv4 & v6 as a
tagged "irb" V
Subscriber Management will allow for RADIUS and DHCP options to map to
services or package profiles. For example, VLAN tag combo X gets package Y
which is rate limited to 250Mbps and Z number of DHCP leases.
The "day 1" guide for Subscriber Management (aka BNG) is quite extensive.
Make sure to rol
This is all well documented..
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:05:09PM -0700, joe mcguckin wrote:
> Can this switch perform ingress and egress rate limiting per interface?
> QoS feature
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