Hello everybody,

we are having a kind of strange haviour here. It's not really an issue but at least a curiousity. On a couple of EX4550 in VC we have storm-control enabled. This works fine so far. But on every commit, we see a "storm-control in effect" message in our logs:

Jan 26 11:50:45 cs0 eswd[1298]: ESWD_ST_CTL_ERROR_IN_EFFECT: ae2.0: storm control in effect on the port Jan 26 11:51:47 cs0 eswd[1298]: ESWD_ST_CTL_ERROR_IN_EFFECT: ae2.0: storm control in effect on the port

I wonder where this comes from. I doubt that this is real since most commits only contain a vlan configuration change for some ports but no major adjustments. Maybe someone can bring some light in this.

juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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