we  have understood the 90% of code but we have the last two doubts:
The first:
In the file gc-mem.c the freelist array has 21 elements,what is there 
in the 21th element(freelist[20])?(We suppose there is  nothing).

The second:
In the file gc-mem.c the gc_prim_frelist array has 21 elements.
The gc_prim_frelist[20]  element is a pointer to a list of "big" 
gc_blocks(array).What are the other elements of the gc_prim_freelist?We 
suppose in gc_prim_freelist[0] there is a pointer to a list of 
gc_blocks whose "size" is 4096 so they are used to allocate small 
blocks of the freelist array(16,24,..  ,4040).In the  gc_prim_freelist
[3] there is a pointer to a list of gc_blocks whose "size" is 8192
(8192>>11=4(size_t i=sz>>gc_pgbits in gc_primitive-alloc in gc-mem.c)) 
and so on.But what are gc_prim_freelist[1],gc_prim_freelist[2](and so 
Can you help us ?

Thanks for the other advices.

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