# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de_schamphele...@nokia.com>
# Date 1544041678 -3600
#      Wed Dec 05 21:27:58 2018 +0100
# Node ID 97752bbee442057da88f03a75fc4dcf3945d90bb
# Parent  3ececf31e315c414f49a19ed0c5f7544d5c305bb
model: remove UI notification feature

This commit is part of the removal of the UI notification feature from
Kallithea, which is not deemed useful in its current form. Only email
notifications are preserved.

diff --git a/docs/api/models.rst b/docs/api/models.rst
--- a/docs/api/models.rst
+++ b/docs/api/models.rst
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ The :mod:`models` module
 .. automodule:: kallithea.model.comment
-.. automodule:: kallithea.model.notification
-   :members:
 .. automodule:: kallithea.model.permission
diff --git a/kallithea/model/db.py b/kallithea/model/db.py
--- a/kallithea/model/db.py
+++ b/kallithea/model/db.py
@@ -452,9 +452,6 @@ class User(Base, BaseDbModel):
     group_member = relationship('UserGroupMember', cascade='all')
-    notifications = relationship('UserNotification', cascade='all')
-    # notifications assigned to this user
-    user_created_notifications = relationship('Notification', cascade='all')
     # comments created by this user
     user_comments = relationship('ChangesetComment', cascade='all')
     # extra emails for this user
@@ -2478,12 +2475,8 @@ class PullRequestReviewer(Base, BaseDbMo
-class Notification(Base, BaseDbModel):
+class Notification(object):
     __tablename__ = 'notifications'
-    __table_args__ = (
-        Index('notification_type_idx', 'type'),
-        _table_args_default_dict,
-    )
     TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT = u'cs_comment'
     TYPE_MESSAGE = u'message'
@@ -2492,70 +2485,9 @@ class Notification(Base, BaseDbModel):
     TYPE_PULL_REQUEST = u'pull_request'
     TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT = u'pull_request_comment'
-    notification_id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
-    subject = Column(Unicode(512), nullable=False)
-    body = Column(UnicodeText(), nullable=False)
-    created_by = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('users.user_id'), nullable=False)
-    created_on = Column(DateTime(timezone=False), nullable=False, 
-    type_ = Column('type', Unicode(255), nullable=False)
-    created_by_user = relationship('User')
-    notifications_to_users = relationship('UserNotification', cascade="all, 
-    @property
-    def recipients(self):
-        return [x.user for x in UserNotification.query()
-                .filter(UserNotification.notification == self)
-                .order_by(UserNotification.user_id.asc()).all()]
-    @classmethod
-    def create(cls, created_by, subject, body, recipients, type_=None):
-        if type_ is None:
-            type_ = Notification.TYPE_MESSAGE
-        notification = cls()
-        notification.created_by_user = created_by
-        notification.subject = subject
-        notification.body = body
-        notification.type_ = type_
-        notification.created_on = datetime.datetime.now()
-        for recipient in recipients:
-            un = UserNotification()
-            un.notification = notification
-            un.user_id = recipient.user_id
-            # Mark notifications to self "pre-read" - should perhaps just be 
-            if recipient == created_by:
-                un.read = True
-            Session().add(un)
-        Session().add(notification)
-        Session().flush() # assign notification.notification_id
-        return notification
-    @property
-    def description(self):
-        from kallithea.model.notification import NotificationModel
-        return NotificationModel().make_description(self)
-class UserNotification(Base, BaseDbModel):
+class UserNotification(object):
     __tablename__ = 'user_to_notification'
-    __table_args__ = (
-        UniqueConstraint('user_id', 'notification_id'),
-        _table_args_default_dict,
-    )
-    user_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('users.user_id'), primary_key=True)
-    notification_id = Column(Integer(), 
ForeignKey('notifications.notification_id'), primary_key=True)
-    read = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
-    sent_on = Column(DateTime(timezone=False), nullable=True) # FIXME: not 
-    user = relationship('User')
-    notification = relationship('Notification')
-    def mark_as_read(self):
-        self.read = True
 class Gist(Base, BaseDbModel):
diff --git a/kallithea/model/notification.py b/kallithea/model/notification.py
--- a/kallithea/model/notification.py
+++ b/kallithea/model/notification.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Original author and date, and relevant c
 :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE.md for more details.
+import datetime
 import logging
 import traceback
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, s
 import kallithea
 from kallithea.lib import helpers as h
 from kallithea.lib.utils2 import safe_unicode
-from kallithea.model.db import Notification, User, UserNotification
+from kallithea.model.db import Notification, User
 from kallithea.model.meta import Session
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -88,14 +89,8 @@ class NotificationModel(object):
         #else: silently skip notification mails?
-        # TODO: inform user who are notified
-        notif = Notification.create(
-            created_by=created_by_obj, subject=subject,
-            body=body, recipients=recipients_objs, type_=type_
-        )
         if not with_email:
-            return notif
+            return
         headers = {}
         headers['X-Kallithea-Notification-Type'] = type_
@@ -103,18 +98,19 @@ class NotificationModel(object):
             headers['References'] = ' '.join('<%s>' % x for x in 
         # this is passed into template
+        created_on = h.fmt_date(datetime.datetime.now())
         html_kwargs = {
                   'subject': subject,
                   'body': h.render_w_mentions(body, repo_name),
-                  'when': h.fmt_date(notif.created_on),
-                  'user': notif.created_by_user.username,
+                  'when': created_on,
+                  'user': created_by_obj.username,
         txt_kwargs = {
                   'subject': subject,
                   'body': body,
-                  'when': h.fmt_date(notif.created_on),
-                  'user': notif.created_by_user.username,
+                  'when': created_on,
+                  'user': created_by_obj.username,
@@ -134,131 +130,6 @@ class NotificationModel(object):
             tasks.send_email([rec.email], email_subject, email_txt_body,
                      email_html_body, headers, author=created_by_obj)
-        return notif
-    def delete(self, user, notification):
-        # we don't want to remove actual notification just the assignment
-        try:
-            notification = Notification.guess_instance(notification)
-            user = User.guess_instance(user)
-            if notification and user:
-                obj = UserNotification.query() \
-                        .filter(UserNotification.user == user) \
-                        .filter(UserNotification.notification
-                                == notification) \
-                        .one()
-                Session().delete(obj)
-                return True
-        except Exception:
-            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-            raise
-    def query_for_user(self, user, filter_=None):
-        """
-        Get notifications for given user, filter them if filter dict is given
-        :param user:
-        :param filter:
-        """
-        user = User.guess_instance(user)
-        q = UserNotification.query() \
-            .filter(UserNotification.user == user) \
-            .join((Notification, UserNotification.notification_id ==
-                                 Notification.notification_id)) \
-            .options(joinedload('notification')) \
-            .options(subqueryload('notification.created_by_user')) \
-            .order_by(Notification.created_on.desc())
-        if filter_:
-            q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_))
-        return q
-    def mark_read(self, user, notification):
-        try:
-            notification = Notification.guess_instance(notification)
-            user = User.guess_instance(user)
-            if notification and user:
-                obj = UserNotification.query() \
-                        .filter(UserNotification.user == user) \
-                        .filter(UserNotification.notification
-                                == notification) \
-                        .one()
-                obj.read = True
-                return True
-        except Exception:
-            log.error(traceback.format_exc())
-            raise
-    def mark_all_read_for_user(self, user, filter_=None):
-        user = User.guess_instance(user)
-        q = UserNotification.query() \
-            .filter(UserNotification.user == user) \
-            .filter(UserNotification.read == False) \
-            .join((Notification, UserNotification.notification_id ==
-                                 Notification.notification_id))
-        if filter_:
-            q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_))
-        # this is a little inefficient but sqlalchemy doesn't support
-        # update on joined tables :(
-        for obj in q:
-            obj.read = True
-    def get_unread_cnt_for_user(self, user):
-        user = User.guess_instance(user)
-        return UserNotification.query() \
-                .filter(UserNotification.read == False) \
-                .filter(UserNotification.user == user).count()
-    def get_unread_for_user(self, user):
-        user = User.guess_instance(user)
-        return [x.notification for x in UserNotification.query() \
-                .filter(UserNotification.read == False) \
-                .filter(UserNotification.user == user).all()]
-    def get_user_notification(self, user, notification):
-        user = User.guess_instance(user)
-        notification = Notification.guess_instance(notification)
-        return UserNotification.query() \
-            .filter(UserNotification.notification == notification) \
-            .filter(UserNotification.user == user).scalar()
-    def make_description(self, notification, show_age=True):
-        """
-        Creates a human readable description based on properties
-        of notification object
-        """
-        # alias
-        _n = notification
-        if show_age:
-            return {
-                    _n.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT: _('%(user)s commented on 
changeset %(age)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_MESSAGE: _('%(user)s sent message %(age)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_MENTION: _('%(user)s mentioned you %(age)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_REGISTRATION: _('%(user)s registered in Kallithea 
-                    _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: _('%(user)s opened new pull request 
-                    _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT: _('%(user)s commented on 
pull request %(age)s'),
-                }[notification.type_] % dict(
-                    user=notification.created_by_user.username,
-                    age=h.age(notification.created_on),
-                )
-        else:
-            return {
-                    _n.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT: _('%(user)s commented on 
changeset at %(when)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_MESSAGE: _('%(user)s sent message at %(when)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_MENTION: _('%(user)s mentioned you at %(when)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_REGISTRATION: _('%(user)s registered in Kallithea 
at %(when)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: _('%(user)s opened new pull request 
at %(when)s'),
-                    _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT: _('%(user)s commented on 
pull request at %(when)s'),
-                }[notification.type_] % dict(
-                    user=notification.created_by_user.username,
-                    when=h.fmt_date(notification.created_on),
-                )
 class EmailNotificationModel(object):
diff --git a/kallithea/tests/models/test_notifications.py 
--- a/kallithea/tests/models/test_notifications.py
+++ b/kallithea/tests/models/test_notifications.py
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class TestNotifications(TestController):
                 assert '>hi there<' in html_body
                 assert author.username == 'u1'
             with mock.patch.object(kallithea.lib.celerylib.tasks, 
'send_email', send_email):
-                notification = NotificationModel().create(created_by=self.u1,
+                NotificationModel().create(created_by=self.u1,
                                                    subject=u'subj', body=u'hi 
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class TestNotifications(TestController):
                     for desc, type_, body, kwargs in params:
                         # desc is used as "global" variable
-                        notification = 
+                        NotificationModel().create(created_by=self.u1,
body=body, email_kwargs=kwargs,
recipients=[self.u2], type_=type_)
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