وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

اطلعت رقابة على البيان الصادر عن أمجة، كما اطلعت على الدراسات المقدمة في
مؤتمر أمجة ومنها دراسة الأخ المحترم الدكتور معن القضاة، ونعتقد أن لجنة
الفتوى في أمجة والأخ الدكتور معن قيد رأيه بحدود ما اطلع عليه من مستندات
تمثلت في عقد الرهن التقليدي الذي حصل عليه من أحد أفراد الجالية، وفي فترة
زمنية لا تتجاوز 2012، ونحن في رقابة بموجب عقد تدقيق مع شركة لاربا في النصف
الثاني من عام 2014 قمنا بالاطلاع على كل المستندات والإجراءات التي نعتقد
أنها ضرورية لإبداء رأي شرعي في هيكل وتصميم المنتج، وقمنا بمراجعتها في ضوء
أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية مع المعايير الشرعية للأيوفي، وقرارات المجامع
الفقهية ومنها أمجة، وفتاوى ندوات البركة، وتم اعتمادها، وأصدرنا رأينا
المنشور على موقع شركة لاربا بشأن المنتج. عقد الرهن التقليدي الذي اطلع عليه
الدكتور معن وبنى رأيه عليه، ومن ثم جاء بيان لجنة الفتوى في أمجة مستندًا
إليه، هو -طبقًا للتصميم الذي تم اعتماده من قبلنا- مجرد توثيق للمديونية التي
نشأت طبقًا للإجراءات والمستندات الشرعية المعتمدة. ولن يكون من المتاح مهنيًا
مشاركة المستندات والعقود والإجراءات المعتمدة من قبلنا مع الجمهور، ولكن في
حدود المتاح مهنيًا يمكن القول أن المستندات والعقود والإجراءات تعد تطبيقًا
للتأصيل الشرعي للمنتج والذي سبق نشره من قبلنا ويمكن الاطلاع عليه على هذا
الرابط.  http://raqaba.co.uk/?q=node/1341/

د.عبدالباري مشعل

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 1:43 AM, A B <attr...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> From: kqm...@hotmail.com
> To: nidal-islamicfina...@googlegroups.com; mohanadaldak...@raqaba.co.uk
> Subject: RE: [INAYAH GROUP-22895] التدقيق الشرعي في البنوك الإسلامية
> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 20:39:08 +0000
> Assalamu Alaykom Wa Rahmatu Allah
>  Thank you all for opening this subject again.
> I want to assure here that Dr.Abdul-Bary Mesha'al is highly specialized in
> Islamic Fiance, and his opinion is very valuable. Although we did not meet
> in person yet, but we have been in touch over the phone and through INAYAH
> Group for a ehile. I am positive that Dr.Masha'al will be an asset for
> Muslims in the US in sha Allah, especially within his field.
> On the other hand, AMJA does have all the necessary documents to issue a
> verdict regarding Lariba and other mortgage companies. We believe that the
> legal contract signed mutually between Lariba and its clients is the most
> important document to analyze. Muslims in the US are showering us with
> contracts and other affiliate paperwork to check and issue a Fatwa
> regarding those companies who introduce their products as Sharia compliant
> ones. Lariba is one of those companies where people have sent me in
> particular its contract. I have a copy of the 2012 version of the contract.
> *We could not find any hint in Lariba contract showing any Islamic mode of
> finance in effect, rather it looks like a very conventional mortgage
> contract. Thus, AMJA declared that Lariba contract is a void one, and that
> it is prohibited for Muslims to finance with Lariba.*
> For more details, please see below the Lariba-related part of my PERSONAL
> research discussed in AMJA recent convention. My research does NOT reflect
> AMJA position, rather the declaration we issued recently is the ONLY
> official stand of AMJA.
> *Chapter Three*
> *American Finance House Lariba*
>    *Introduction to the Company*
>       Lariba is one of the oldest Islamic housing companies in the US,
> starting its operations back in 1987. It finances the purchase of houses
> and refinances them for those who want to convert from a conventional
> mortgage to an Islamic or Riba-free one, as well as financing the purchase
> of businesses, cars, furnishings, and medical equipment.
> Their website, www.lariba.com, explains how the Lariba mode of finance
> works and the different financing services they provide to the community at
> large.
> *Modes of Islamic Finance*
> According to the website
> *    "Our home financing model is based on the concept of “Declining
> Participation in Usufruct” (DPU) (Declining Musharaka). This is done as the
> basis for calculating the monthly payment and marking the value of the
> property to the market using actual market rental values of similar
> properties in the same neighborhood. The uniqueness of the LARIBA model is
> that we DO NOT RENT MONEY.  Instead, we approach each transaction as an
> investment.  The market rental value of the property financed determines
> attractiveness as an investment. If the house is overpriced, the model will
> flag this fact to the homebuyer in order to go back to renegotiate a lower
> price or to wait until an existing market “bubble” is burst. *
> *It is important to note that each property like a car, a home, a
> commercial building has two rights of ownership. The first is the ownership
> of title to the property called “Milkul Raqabah” (the ownership of the
> neck). The other right is the right to use the property (Haqul Manfa’aa –
> the usufruct). For example one can own a car or a house but he or she can
> rent out the right to use the car or the house by leasing it.*
> *1.  LARIBA conceptually purchases the property jointly with the client.
> LARIBA would authorize the client to act as its agent (wakeel) to select,
> negotiate the price of, and purchase the Property."* The website then
> goes into detail, explaining the steps of implementing this model. Please
> go towww.lariba.com*/home-financing.htm* for details.
> On the Sharia compliance issue, they state, "*Our Home (Auto, Businesses
> and Trade) Financing (and Refinancing) Shari’aa Compliant Riba-Free Model
> is based on the Fatwas Given By Sheikh Qaradawi…… & His Team of Aalim
> (Scholars) in 1990 and Justice Sheikh Taqi Usmani fatwa and methodology."*
> *Analyzing the Contract*
>     Theoretically speaking, the Lariba mode of finance is identical to the
> Guidance Residential one, which according to them is a Diminishing
> Musharakah one.
>        But the main difference is that Lariba's contract, which is the
> legal document that governs the relationship between the company and its
> client, does not reflect any of the obligations and financial
> responsibilities of the parties in the Diminishing Partnership model, while
> the Guidance contract, as discussed, does – but then the latter is not
> Sharia-compliant anyway.
>  The only thing I could found in the Lariba 85 pages long contract in this
> regard is *"Buyer/s and AFHL mutually recognize that as a matter of
> Islamic Jurisprudence, Buyer/s may not pay numerical interest on a debt.
> However, Buyer/s additionally acknowledge and confirm that Buyer/s may
> repay the Initial Capital advanced by AFHL (Repayment of Capital or RofC)
> plus a return on Capital (RonC), plus an amount needed to pay all property
> taxes and assessment and to keep the property insured…..Buyer/s and AFHL
> have mutually performed such due diligence as each deemed appropriate to
> determine a mutually agreeable rental value for the use and enjoyment that
> Buyer/s will receive from the property….The interest rate stated in the
> Note is an implied interest rate for purposes of conformity with the laws
> of California and the United States of America, and is intended to be deed
> of Trust/Mortgage interest under the Internal Revenue Code and similar
> state tax laws."*
> However, just before this, we find the following:
> *  "In the event of late payment, non-payment or prepayment, the terms and
> conditions of the Note and Deed of Trust/Mortgage will govern as fully as
> though this Agreement were not present. All terms and conditions of the
> Note and Deed of Trust/Mortgage remain fully enforceable according to their
> terms. This agreement describes how the parties arrived at the terms of the
> Note but does not amend or supersede the Note. Moreover, the parties
> expressly acknowledge that in the event of any civil judicial action, suit
> or proceeding by either party to enforce or interpret the Financing
> Documents, the Note and Deed of Trust/Mortgage shall be construed strictly
> in accordance with their terms as ordinarily understood in the civil courts
> of North Carolina"*
>      It is obvious that the second paragraph negates the first one
> completely. Furthermore, the first one-to start with- does not furnish any
> of the duties and financial responsibilities of the two contracting parties
> in this diminishing partnership.
> *Status of This Contract*
>      The agreement of the company and its client is a Diminishing
> Musharakah, thus, the content of the contract must comply with and reflect
> the guidelines of such an agreement in Sharia.
>       Because none of the guidelines of Diminishing Musharakah is
> mentioned in the contract, it is invalid. It characterizes the relationship
> between Lariba and the client as a lender who advances an explicit
> interest-bearing loan to a borrower.
>       In fact, in 2005 the AMJA Fatwa Committee issued a Fatwa,
> unanimously declaring that the Lariba contract is a void one. In addition
> to the writer of this research, this Fatwa was signed by their eminences
> Dr. Salah Al-Sawy, Dr. Ahmad Shlaibak, Dr. Waleed Menecy, and Dr. Mwaffak
> Ghalayeny.
>    Although Dr. Hatem Al-Haj was not a part of the Fatwa Committee at that
> time, he adopted the same conclusion later on, and has a Fatwa on the AMJA
> website indicating clearly that the Lariba contract is identical to any
> other conventional mortgage contract. I am not aware of any verbal or
> written Fatwa by Dr. Waleed Basyouni or Dr. Mohamad Nai'em Sae'y that
> indicates otherwise.
> *Suggestions to Make This Contract Sharia-Compliant:*
>     All the duties and financial responsibilities of the two partners in
> Diminishing Musharakah have to be reflected and enforced by the contract.
> The *conceptual* agreements between Lariba and their clients do not
> constitute a binding and enforceable relationship.
> *Dr.Main Al-Qudah*
> *Assistant Professor*
> *Al-Huda University *
> http://www.AlhudaUniversity.org <http://www.alhudauniversity.org/>
> dr.m...@alhudauniversity.org
> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/AlHudaUniversity> | Twitter
> <https://twitter.com/HudaUniversity> | LinkedIn
> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/al-huda-university>
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:20:20 +0800
> Subject: {Kantakji Group}. Add '12930' RAQABA launched its activities in
> the U.S with shari'a audit on structures and design of the products in
> Islamic financial institutions
> From: mohanadaldak...@raqaba.co.uk
> To: kantakjigroup@googlegroups.com
> RAQABA launched its activities in the U.S with shari'a audit  on
> structures and design
> of  the products in Islamic financial institutions
> http://raqaba.co.uk/?q=en/node/1414/
> Each product in the financial institutions has specific policies and
> procedures, and the degree of difficulty to understand these policies and
> procedures vary in accordance to basic rules which are:
> (A) Shari'a rules.
> (B) Laws and regulations.
> (C) The instructions of the central bank and the supervisory authorities.
> (D) The related standards, including accounting standards.
> (E) Controls elements.
> The products may resemble sometimes in the name only, however the
> structure and design of the product may differ substantially, for instance,
> there are many types of the leasing which the Islamic financial
> institutions use, one of them is Ijara ended with ownership (ijarah
> muntahia bittamleek). It is leasing with promise to ownership leased
> property to the lessee at the end of the lease period or during, the
> ownership can be either by donation or sale.
> There are other financing structures of leasing they are characterized by
> creativity, it has been mentioned in the Sunnah and enriched by our
> scholars, this financing structure has been restructured based on very
> famous jurisprudence issue is Sale with the benefit exception (or sell the
> asset or neck with benefit exception), it has found a way to apply smoothly
> and intelligently in an environment that is facing legal challenges and
> different legislative, through one of our clients in the United States
> (American Finance House - LARIBA).
> An understanding of the structure and design of the product includes
> understanding its shari'a structure, laws affecting it; related
> instructions of the central bank and supervisory authorities, related
> accounting standards, and controls elements. All policies and procedures
> including contracts which arrange relations between the financing and all
> related parties (suppliers, investors .. etc.) are an integral part of the
> structure and design of the product. And also the understanding of the
> structure and design of the product is half of shari'a audit.
> One of the shari'a audit services is to express an independent
> professional opinion on the structure and design of the product, this
> service is new at the level of theory and practice, Raqaba has provided
> this service to one of its clients in the United States (American Finance
> House - Lariba). This service stands out as a necessary condition for
> activation the shari'a audit on the implementation.
> Dr. Abdulbari Mashal (Chairman , Raqaba Group) sees that shari'a audit
> service on structures and design of the products will impact positively on
> raising the quality and efficiency of products and services compliant with
> shari'a rules. Also Dr. Mashal added that the shari'a audit is still
> expanding to accommodate other services similar to financial audit, and he
> expect that providing an independent professional opinion about the
> internal shari'a control system of the institution will be required in the
> professional practice significantly.
> It is noteworthy that RAQABA -In a step that reflects the professional
> status of the group in the field of shari'a audit and Islamic financial
> consultation - has signed an agreement for an independent external shari'a
> audit with American Finance House (Lariba) by one of the group companies
> (Raqaba - US) in the second half of 2014. The agreement contains provision
> independent external shari'a audit services on structures and design of the
> products, thus enhancing (Lariba) efforts in its responsibility for the
> design and implementation of the contracts and transactions in compliance
> with shari'a rules.
> RAQABA (Raqaba - US) has issued the first shari'a audit report in the
> United States after a professional work continued for several months about
> examination of structures and procedures for "LARIBA" Home Financing Model
> "Declining Participation in the Usufruct (DPU)" (the product) , it will be
> followed by the issuance of the shari'a audit report on the implementation
> of the contracts and transaction for the year ended 31.12.2015.
> It is worth mentioning that RAQABA group offers a wide range of shari'a
> audit services as well as Islamic financial advisory services include the
> following:
> - External Shari’a Audit,
> - Internal Shari’a Audit,
> - Agreed Upon Procedures (Special Purpose Audit),
> - Corporate Governance Audit,
> - Establishment of and Conversion of Financial Institutions to Islamic
> System,
> - Structuring and Development of Islamic Bonds (Sukuk) and Other Islamic
> Financial Products,
> - Development of Policies and Procedures of Products and Processes,
> - Assistance in the Design of and Implementing Systems That are in
> Compliance - with the Islamic Laws and Regulations (Shari’a),
> - Shari’a Compliant Equities Index,
> - Foundation and Management of Shari’a Supervisory Boards (SSBs),
> - Development of Policies and Procedures of Internal Shari’a Audit,
> - Establishment and Management of the Internal Shari’a Audit Department,
> - Establishment and Management of External Shari’a Audit Office,
> - Developing and Monitoring Shari’a Quality Systems,
> - Design of Seminars' Programs and Conferences,
> - Islamic Commercial Arbitration,
> American Finance House (LARIBA) was founded in 1987 in Pasadena,
> California in the United States; it was created by a group of businessmen.
> The main objective of this company is interest-free financing for all
> segments of society, by leasing or participation through specialized
> products in home financing, commercial property financing, auto financing,
> and equipment financing.
> Related Links:
> Establishment of (Raqaba- USA) in the United States
> http://raqaba.co.uk/?q=en/node/1392/
>    -
> --
> --
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> سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
> ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد
> الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط، ويستثنى من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن العام على
> مستوى الأمة... عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه باستثناء الأمر
> العام الذي يهم عامة المسلمين... تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد
> الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم
> على التفاعل الإيجابي... ترك المديح الشخصي...إن كل المقالات والآراء المنشورة
> تُعبر عن رأي أصحابها، ولا تعبّر عن رأي إدارة المجموعة بالضرورة.
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> سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
> ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد
> الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط، ويستثنى من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن العام على
> مستوى الأمة... عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه باستثناء الأمر
> العام الذي يهم عامة المسلمين... تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد
> الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم
> على التفاعل الإيجابي... ترك المديح الشخصي...إن كل المقالات والآراء المنشورة
> تُعبر عن رأي أصحابها، ولا تعبّر عن رأي إدارة المجموعة بالضرورة.
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Best regards,

Mohanad Al-Dakash | Senior Associate | Consultation

Raqaba Ltd | Shari'a Audit & Islamic Financial Consultations
44 Woodsley Road, Leeds, LS3 1DT, UK
Tel: +44 (113) 314 4447 | +44 (113) 314 4448 | Fax: +44 (113) 868 0383
mohanadaldak...@raqaba.co.uk <mohamadalshur...@raqaba.co.uk> |

Raqaba Ltd – shari’a audit and islamic financial consultations firm
registered in the United Kingdom under commercial registration number
(6405981) and includes a network of independent members in Kuwait under
commercial registration number (340898), Syria under commercial
registration number (81105) and Lebanon under commercial registration
number (5003661).

 Please note that our working hours are from Sunday to Thursday (0800 to

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سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة... الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي 
وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط، ويستثنى من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن العام على مستوى 
الأمة... عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه باستثناء الأمر العام الذي 
يهم عامة المسلمين... تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد الأدب وخاصة 
منها التي تأتي من أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم على التفاعل 
الإيجابي... ترك المديح الشخصي...إن كل المقالات والآراء المنشورة تُعبر عن رأي 
أصحابها، ولا تعبّر عن رأي إدارة المجموعة بالضرورة.
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