ردة الفعل الثانية
Please read the second feedback below  on Riba vs.. Interest.
أساتذة جامعات يقدمون الأبحاث لإثبات أن الفائدة في الإقتصاد الحديث ليست ربا

لكي تعلموا حجم المصيبة
البحث موجود على الرابط المذكور في الرسالة أدناه

Riba, Interest and Six Hadiths: Do We Have a Definition or a Conundrum?
Salam and greetings. 

At the crux of the discourse about Islamic finance and banking is the issue of 
Riba and interest.. There are some ongoing threads focused on this. One of the 
critical areas related to this discourse is Hadith, which serves as the basis 
for the gradually broadened scope of Riba. 

There are a lot of claims about the Riba-Interest Equation [i.e., equating Riba 
and interest in a blanket manner] that is particularly based on hadith. 
However, very few works are available to educate us as Muslims about the 
hadiths that are commonly used to make claims about the Riba-Interest Equation. 

The readers can download a newly published paper - "Riba, Interest and Six 
Hadiths: Do We Have a Definition or a Conundrum?" - from the SSRN archive: 
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1528770 . 

This paper might interest those who want to go beyond the technical aspects of 
Islamic banking and finance and also have a solid foundation in relevant 
evidences from the primary sources of Islam. 

Of course, these are subjects that are complex and making any definitive 
statement or taking any definitive position is unwarranted. That's why this 
paper lays out the pertinent evidence with critical examination so that the 
readers as well as students of this field are helped to do their own due 

Any feedback is most welcome, especially because this is an ongoing research 
and thus I approach such subject and present the work with an open mind. 

Fi amanillah.
Your Brother; 
NIDAL ALSAYYED, PhD Researcher, Islamic Banking and Finance
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From: Nidal Alsayyed <nsayed1...@yahoo.com>
To: Nidal_IslamicFinanceGroup <nidal_islamic-fina...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, January 1, 2010 12:13:02 AM
Subject: [Nidal_IslamicFinance:802] New comment on "[Paper] Riba, Interest and 
Six Hadiths: Do We Have a Definition or a Conundrum?"

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
الأعضاء الأحباب حفظكم الله

هذه أول ردود الفعل من أحد الأعضاء عبر شبكة "لينكدإن" من الدكتور محمد فاروق عن 
موضوع الربا والفائدة
سأنقل لكم هذه الحوارات...وهي عينة فقط لأشخاص يمثلون مؤسسات عالمية

فقط لكي تعلموا عمق المسألة وأن الموضوع ليس سهلا
هل من تعليق على كلامه؟
ما رأيكم؟ 
Any one can comment on the below feedback?
Thank you;

LinkedIn Groups 
        * Group: Global Islamic Finance Resources
        * Subject: New comment (3) on "[Paper] Riba, Interest and Six Hadiths: 
Do We Have a Definition or a Conundrum?"
Salam and greetings.

Thanks to Br. Nidal Alsayyed for sharing this work of Tarek Al Diwany. It is a 
well circulated work on the issue of interest. However, two things need to be 

First, my paper - "Riba, Interest and Six Hadith ..." is a critical analysis of 
hadiths that are commonly cited in blanketly equate interest with Riba. It has 
the limited purpose of merely explaining the problem with the hadiths that are 
generally invoked in support of the traditional view. Br. Tarek's work deals 
with interest as a problem, without putting it in the context of the problems 
identified in the paper "Riba, Interest and Six hadith..." It simply assumes 
the Riba-Interest Equation, without even acknowledging the problem with textual 
evidence (dalil) in this regard.

Secondly, there are several aspects in the work of Br. Tarek that is 
unsubstantiated. For example, he writes: "In the absence of interest .... [T] 
practice of leverage would disappear and with it the speculative mentality of 
our time." 

The above statement assumes that speculation is primarily due to interest. That 
is simply inaccurate. Anyone can look at the stock market which is basically 
not based on interest, but rather on sharing of profit and loss. Is speculation 
absent in the bond market more than the stock market? The answer clearly is 
'no'. Therefore, how can it be expected that speculative mentality would be 
gone simply be causing interest to disappear? Indeed, the counter argument 
might be stronger that those who participate in the bond market are less 
speculative. The speculators in ALL financial markets whether interest-bearing 
or non-interest-bearing markets - be it bond, stock, commodity, currency, etc. 
- they are speculators in contrast with long-term investors.. Removing interest 
would not cause these speculators to heal or give up. This is just one logical 
as well as empirical problem with "The Problem of Interest".

Fi amanillah. 

Posted by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq  
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سياسة النشر في المجموعة:
- ترك ما عارض أهل السنة والجماعة.
- الاكتفاء بأمور ذات علاقة بالاقتصاد الإسلامي وعلومه ولو بالشيء البسيط. ويستثنى 
من هذا مايتعلق بالشأن 
العام على مستوى الأمة كحدث غزة مثلا.
- عدم ذكر ما يتعلق بشخص طبيعي أو اعتباري بعينه. باستثناء الأمر العام الذي يهم 
عامة المسلمين.
-  تمرير بعض الأشياء الخفيفة المسلية ضمن قواعد الأدب وخاصة منها التي تأتي من 
أعضاء لا يشاركون عادة، والقصد من ذلك تشجيعهم على التفاعل الإيجابي.
- ترك المديح الشخصي.

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