I am Om Pandey , a college student from India , I got to know about Gsoc
and open source contribution in December 2017 , Since then i have been
trying to contribute to the open source community
I am in my freshmen year of college and i have been trying to look out for
ways of contribution to the open source community with all failed attempts
i am completely lost as what i should do or where i should start please
guide me so that i can learn to contribute .
I chose to message this organisation i was advised by one of friends and i
saw your name come up on one of the Facebook communities stating that your
organisation could help my situation by guiding me .
Please guide me as to what is to be done , I know some of the technologies
as listed on your Gsoc page and the rest i promise to learn to the best of
my efforts.
I have an entire year to go ,please guide me and I promise that to the best
of my efforts I shall perform.
Yours Truly,
Om Pandey

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