Org applications open on 8 February, so we need to get moving on this.
Unfortunately, our wikis are close for editing right now, because of
two spam attacks. Until they are open again, we have a Google Doc.

Google Summer of Code 2016 Ideas page is here: . It's a simple copy/paste
of last year's page, minus all the project ideas. I left team names;
please add or remove as appropriate. Look at previous year's pages if
you've not done this before.

Remember: if you add an idea, include a mentor name or names, and
contact info. Students often report that they are unable to use IRC,
so if you have Telegram, you could include that or just your email, or
even the team list as a contact. The page needs to be complete if we
want to be accepted as a mentoring org. The deadline is 19 February
19:00 UTC.

Google Doc:

We'll transfer to the wiki and close that GDoc as soon as possible.


PS: While you're thinking about it, once you have written out your
idea, please subscribe to the mentor list:
kde-community mailing list

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