Hi, here are the notes from our today's licensing BoF:

Notes from the Licensing & SPDX BoF
* Licensing presentation:
  * CoLa:
    * I want to have a website with a positive message what each of our used 
SW licenses brings to the user.
    * Something to which the outbound license tags of the frameworks can point 
    * https://phabricator.kde.org/T12094
  * Users of such a page:
    * Add it to https://develop.kde.org/ ? -> yes
    * Link from kde.org/applications -> yes
    * put it on the new application website
  * Ideas? Good examples what others are doing?
    * see what create commons did
    * choosealicense.com
    * include Promo and website teams in discussion
    * https://develop.kde.org/frameworks/breeze-icons/ has some text about 
what the licence means for you
    * --> further discussion, BoF tomorrow: 9UTC
* KDE & REUSE/SPDX: where are we, next steps
  * source code repositories
    * focus on code files for now
    * anything else after that
    * encourage contributors to add themselves to copyright statement: add to 
HowTo, add to policy. -> CoLa
    * Idea: autogenerate the about data information from copyright statements 
    * What about newly created non-source-code files meanwhile? -> TASK, HowTo 
    * Explain in licensing howto how to best add SPDX markers to XML files (e.g 
qrc, appdata) -> CoLa
  * translations
    * can be seen as derivative works
    * Messages.sh scripts (or their successors) could be extended to respect 
SPDX-License-Identifier marker and compute the PO file license
  * websites
    * there is a difference between content and code/formatting:
      * code is AGPL
      * content: could be either CC-BY-SA-4.0 or without SA
        -> needs to be clarified in policy, should be discussed on community 
list? -> Harald
  * do we want to achieve full REUSE compliance?
    * in the long run, yes
    * (see above, code first; anything else later; new files shall directly get 
marked correctly)
* License Documentation Status
  * What is state of the wiki: HowTo + Policy
  * Explain how to add correct SPDX information to files wihtout copyright 
(CC-0 info) -> CoLa
  * Add section about license (in-)compatibility -> CoLa
* SPDX & REUSE Conversion Q&A:
  * licensedigger usage questions?
  * license questions?
* Breeze Icons and theme
  * possible license change
  * https://phabricator.kde.org/T12027 (So the style after all and not the 
  * "Jan wants this done to get it into Qt"
* how much LGPL-2.0-only & GPL-2.0-only code do we still have around that 
needs to be converted?
  * krop is working on this for PIM
  * CoLa is working on KF5
  * anybody else is very welcomed to join this effort!

**Raw Discussion**
[13:01] Jonathan Riddell : woo licences!
[13:01] Volker Krause : did anyone copy the notes?
[13:06] Tobias Fella : https://develop.kde.org/
[13:08] David Redondo : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
[13:08] Arjen Hiemstra : https://creativecommons.org/about/cclicenses/
[13:08] Vlad Zahorodnii : is it okay to add questions in the shared notes?
[13:08] Volker Krause : sure
[13:08] Albert Astals Cid : or just speak :)
[13:08] Adriaan de Groot : choosealicense.com
[13:08] Adriaan de Groot : is github's license explainer
[13:11] Luigi Toscano : so can't we just link that?
[13:11] Harald Sitter : https://choosealicense.com/licenses/
[13:13] Harald Sitter : backing data appears https://github.com/github/
[13:13] Albert Astals Cid : yep
[13:13] David Redondo : 
[13:14] David Redondo : Oh to slow
[13:14] Carl Schwan : Hi :)
[13:15] Carl Schwan : tommorow morning
[13:15] Carl Schwan : ok :)
[13:16] FreeWear-Ramón : Hi Carl :)
[13:16] Nicolas Fella : aslo kde connect
[13:28] Carl Schwan : https://invent.kde.org/websites/kde-org/-/
merge_requests/15 :)
[13:34] Harald Sitter : https://reuse.software/faq/#bulk-license
[13:43] Jonathan Riddell : https://develop.kde.org/frameworks/breeze-icons/
[13:45] Carl Schwan : https://invent.kde.org/websites/kmymoney-org
[13:46] Nicolas Fella : Rewrite everything
[13:48] Johan Ouwerkerk : there's a difference between content & code right?
[13:52] Johan Ouwerkerk : depending on license it also kind of doesn't matter 
too much because the site is consumed by people who aren't granted any rights 
[13:53] Johan Ouwerkerk : what volker says ^
[13:54] Volker Krause : ah, what Johan said :) (was reading notes, not chat)
[13:55] Johan Ouwerkerk : CC-BY-SA-4.0, yeah
[13:55] Johan Ouwerkerk : fits the general pattern of how we want to license 
"assets", right?
[13:56] Johan Ouwerkerk : (as opposed to raw data for which we'd use CC0)
[13:57] Carl Schwan : ok good idea to take it to the mailing list
[14:04] Nicolas Fella : IIRC he wants it in Qt
[14:05] Johan Ouwerkerk : flatpak has runtimes, so that's probably it right?
[14:06] Carl Schwan : but that does Qt have to do with flatpak?
[14:06] Johan Ouwerkerk : nothing, other than also being included in the 
[14:17] Carl Schwan : a gitlab project makes more sence
[14:18] Albert Astals Cid : https://invent.kde.org/teams/flathub/issues/-/
[14:18] Carl Schwan : https://invent.kde.org/teams
[14:19] Carl Schwan : thanks CoLa :)
[14:19] Allyson Alexandrou : notes can be saved
[14:19] Allyson Alexandrou : there is a download button :)

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