Hi all,

I'm scheduling downtime of a few hours for tomorrow (28th December),
from 9am NZDT (UTC+13) for the server spring.kde.org. This is to allow
for a system upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This is part of our program
of phasing out Ubuntu 14.04 on our systems.

This upgrade also lays the ground work for later upcoming changes
surrounding notes.kde.org and share.kde.org which will be announced

Spring hosts the following services, all of which will be fully
unavailable during the maintenance period:

- Nextcloud (share.kde.org)
- Jabber (kdetalk.net)
- IRC Bouncer (ZNC - bnc.kde.org)
- IRC Telegram Bridge (IrcsomeBot)
- Various IRC Bots (pursuivant, sKreamer, insanity, Amarok)

For those of you using the Bouncer, it is imperative you are either
connected to the Bouncer at the time of shutdown, or have enabled the
'savebuff' module (see http://wiki.znc.in/Savebuff) otherwise any
unreceived messages will be lost when ZNC is shutdown as part of the
system upgrade.

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

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