
We have been missing testers for our latest releases, mostly from the fact that 
people who used to offer daily builds stopped this work.
We first advised people to use Neon (Kubuntu-CI) but they complained it updated 
too many things in their system and didn't want to switch with VMs...
So I am back at the task to build Kdenlive (+MLT) for several targets...

We used to have a PPA for Ubuntu users, and tar.gz bundles (to unpack in $HOME) 
for other distros.
This time I was looking for a smarter system, having heard several times good 
about build.opensuse.org.
Unfortunately the latter doesn't provide Ubuntu Universe dependencies, show 
stopper with all our multimedia stuff.

Do you have other suggestions then, or is this cross distro approach just a 
pipe dream?
Do you have tools/scripts/docs to point me to, to automate the package update 
on a monthly(releases)/weekly(bugfix)/daily(devel) basis?
Maybe work to share somewhere on kde.org?

Many thanks for your help,


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