I am proud to announce the second CMake 3.13 release candidate.

The first 3.13.0 release candidates included a change to allow
generator expressions in "install(CODE)" and "install(SCRIPT)".
This has been reverted in rc2 due to breaking backwards
compatibility. See issue 18435.

Documentation is available at:

Release notes appear below and are also published at

Some of the more significant changes in CMake 3.13 are:

* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above learned to
  support the "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION" target property and
  supporting "CheckIPOSupported" module.

* The "Green Hills MULTI" generator has been updated to include
  support for platform, architecture, and toolset selection.

* The "cmake" command gained the "-S <source_dir>" command line
  option to specify the location of the source directory. This option
  can be used independently of "-B".

* The "cmake" command gained the "-B <build_dir>" command line
  option to specify the location of the build directory. This option
  can be used independently of "-S".

* The "cmake" "-E create_symlink" command can now be used on

* The "target_link_directories()" command was created to specify
  link directories for targets and their dependents.

* The "target_link_options()" command was created to specify link
  options for targets and their dependents.

* The "target_link_libraries()" command may now be called to modify
  targets created outside the current directory. See policy "CMP0079".

* The "install(TARGETS)" command learned to install targets created
  outside the current directory.

* A "VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS" target property was created to
  set the debugging command line arguments with Visual Studio
  Generators for VS 2010 and above.

* A "VS_DEBUGGER_ENVIRONMENT" target property was created to set the
  debugging environment with Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and

* The "option()" command now honors an existing normal variable of
  the same name and does nothing instead of possibly creating a cache
  entry (or setting its type) and removing the normal variable. See
  policy "CMP0077".

* The "target_sources()" command now interprets relative source file
  paths as relative to the current source directory.  This simplifies
  incrementally building up a target's sources from subdirectories.
  The "CMP0076" policy was added to provide backward compatibility
  with the old behavior where required.

CMake 3.13 Release Notes

Changes made since CMake 3.12 include the following.

New Features


* The Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and above learned to
  support the "INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION" target property and
  supporting "CheckIPOSupported" module.

* The "Xcode" generator learned to configure more Xcode Scheme
  fields. See the "CMAKE_XCODE_GENERATE_SCHEME" variable.

* The "Green Hills MULTI" generator has been updated:

  * Added support for architecture selection through
    "CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM": e.g. "arm", "ppc", and "86".

  * Added support for toolset selection through
    "CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET", e.g. "comp_201205", "comp_201510",

  * Added support for platform selection through
    "GHS_TARGET_PLATFORM", e.g. "integrity", "linux", "standalone",

  * No longer checks that "arm" based compilers are installed but
    ensures that the correct "gbuild.exe" exists.

  * No longer hard-codes ARM files, BSP, toolset, or OS locations.


* The "cmake(1)" command gained the "-S <source_dir>" command line
  option to specify the location of the source directory. This option
  can be used independently of "-B".

* The "cmake(1)" command gained the "-B <build_dir>" command line
  option to specify the location of the build directory. This option
  can be used independently of "-S".

* The "cmake(1)" "-E create_symlink" command can now be used on


* The "add_custom_command()" and "add_custom_target()" commands
  learned to support generator expressions in "WORKING_DIRECTORY"

* The "add_link_options()" command was created to add link options
  in the current directory.

* The "install(TARGETS)" command learned to install targets created
  outside the current directory.

* The "link_directories()" command gained options to control
  insertion position.

* The "list(SORT)" command gained options to control the comparison
  operation used to order the entries.

* The "math()" command gained options for hexadecimal.

* The "target_link_directories()" command was created to specify
  link directories for targets and their dependents.

* The "target_link_options()" command was created to specify link
  options for targets and their dependents.

* The "target_link_libraries()" command may now be called to modify
  targets created outside the current directory. See policy "CMP0079".


* A "CMAKE_AUTOGEN_VERBOSE" variable was added to optionally
  increase the verbosity of "AUTOMOC", "AUTOUIC" and "AUTORCC" from
  within CMake project code.

* A "CMAKE_VS_GLOBALS" variable was added to initialize
  "VS_GLOBAL_<variable>" target properties on targets as they are


* The "DEPLOYMENT_ADDITIONAL_FILES" target property was added to
  tell the "Visual Studio 9 2008" generator to specify additional
  files for deployment to WinCE devices for remote debugging.

* The "INTERFACE_LINK_DEPENDS" target property was created to
  specify transitive link dependencies on files.

* The "LINK_DEPENDS" target property learned to support "generator

  properties were added to collect link directories for a target and
  its dependents.  Use the "target_link_directories()" command to set

* "LINK_OPTIONS" and "INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS" target properties were
  added to collect link options for a target and its dependents.  Use
  the "target_link_options()" command to set them.

* A "LINK_OPTIONS" directory property was added to collect link
  options for targets created under the current directory. Use the
  "add_link_options()" command to set it.

* A "STATIC_LIBRARY_OPTIONS" target property was created to specify
  archiver options to use when creating static libraries.

* A "VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS" target property was created to
  set the debugging command line arguments with Visual Studio
  Generators for VS 2010 and above.

* A "VS_DEBUGGER_ENVIRONMENT" target property was created to set the
  debugging environment with Visual Studio Generators for VS 2010 and

  target properties now support generator expressions.


* The "FindCURL" module learned to find debug and release variants

* The "FindMatlab" module gained new components "ENGINE_LIBRARY" and
  "DATAARRAY_LIBRARY" to request finding the Matlab C++ Engine and
  DataArray libraries respectively.

* The "FindMatlab" module now explicitly exports mexFunction in
  Visual Studio.

* The "FindMatlab" module gained a new "MCC_COMPILER" component to
  request finding the Matlab Compiler add-on.

* The "FindPkgConfig" module gained an option to create imported
  targets in global scope.

* The "FindPkgConfig" module gained support for "<" and ">"
  operators for version checks in addition to the already supported
  operators ">=", "<=", and "=".

* Modules "FindPython3", "FindPython2" and "FindPython" gain
  capability to control order of resource lookup on macOS (Framework)
  and Windows (Registry).

* The "FindSubversion" module "Subversion_WC_INFO" command gained an
  "IGNORE_SVN_FAILURE" option to suppress failures, e.g. when the
  source tree is not under Subversion control.

* The "UseSWIG" module learned to manage target property
  "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES" for "SWIG" compilation.


* "ctest(1)" gained a "--progress" option to enable a live test
  progress summary when output goes to a terminal.


* The "CPack Deb Generator" learned to split debug symbols into a
  corresponding .ddeb package when "CPACK_DEBIAN_DEBUGINFO_PACKAGE" is

* The "CPack Deb Generator" learned to honor the "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"
  environment variable when packaging files.  This is useful for
  generating reproducible packages.

* CPack gained a new "CPack External Generator" which is used to
  export the CPack metadata in a format that other software can
  understand. The intention of this generator is to allow external
  packaging software to take advantage of CPack's features when it may
  not be possible to use CPack for the entire packaging process.

Deprecated and Removed Features

* An explicit deprecation diagnostic was added for policies
  "CMP0055" through "CMP0063" ("CMP0054" and below were already
  deprecated). The "cmake-policies(7)" manual explains that the OLD
  behaviors of all policies are deprecated and that projects should
  port to the NEW behaviors.

Other Changes

* The precompiled binaries provided on "cmake.org" now include
  qthelp- format documentation.

* The "option()" command now honors an existing normal variable of
  the same name and does nothing instead of possibly creating a cache
  entry (or setting its type) and removing the normal variable. See
  policy "CMP0077".

* The Makefile Generators learned to remove custom command and
  custom target byproducts during "make clean".

* The "target_sources()" command now interprets relative source file
  paths as relative to the current source directory.  This simplifies
  incrementally building up a target's sources from subdirectories.
  The "CMP0076" policy was added to provide backward compatibility
  with the old behavior where required.

* The "BundleUtilities" module may no longer be included at
  configure time. This was always a bug anyway. See policy "CMP0080".

* The "UseSWIG" module has changed strategy for target naming. See
  policy "CMP0078".

* The "LINK_DIRECTORIES" target property now expects absolute paths.
  See policy "CMP0081".

* The CPack generators have been moved into their own separate
  section in the documentation, rather than having the documentation
  in their internal implementation modules. These internal
  implementation modules are also no longer available to scripts that
  may have been incorrectly including them, because they should never
  have been available in the first place.

Changes made since CMake 3.13.0-rc1:

Ben Boeckel (1):
      CMP0053: document that `$` is a valid literal variable character

Brad King (17):
      Tests: Fix Cuda test project names
      VS: Drop workaround for CUDA compiler PDB location on CUDA 9.2+
      VS: Add workaround for CUDA compiler PDB location with space
      install: Revert CODE,SCRIPT support for generator expressions
      cmake-server: Revert "Support codemodel filegroups for INTERFACE_SOURCES"
      Utilities/Release: Add qthelp docs to binary archives
      Help: Clarify command-line encoding of target_link_libraries items
      curl: Update script to get curl 7.61.1
      curl: Backport to work with CMake 3.1 again
      curl: Update build within CMake to account for 7.61 changes
      curl: add missing type sizes for 'long long' and '__int64'
      VS: Fix crash on CSharp sources in a custom target
      VS: Fix CSharp support for win32res: and win32icon: flags
      cmake: Distinguish '-E tar' warnings from errors copying data
      Tests: Add missing BUILD_TESTING conditions
      cmake-gui: Fix "Open Project" for VS IDE with space in path
      CMake 3.13.0-rc2

Craig Scott (1):
      FindPkgConfig: Document support for > and < operators

Curl Upstream (1):
      curl 2018-09-04 (432eb5f5)

James Clarke (1):
      GNUInstallDirs: Don't use BSD info and man paths on GNU/kFreeBSD

KWSys Upstream (1):
      KWSys 2018-10-19 (c2f29d2e)

Kyle Edwards (3):
      Help: Convert DeployQt4 to block-style comment
      DeployQt4: Convert to 2-space indentation
      DeployQt4: Do not include BundleUtilities at configure time

Marc Chevrier (1):
      FindPython*: Add missing registry paths

Mario Bielert (1):
      FindBoost: Search for -mt variant of release libs

Mateusz Łoskot (1):
      FindBoost: Add support for upcoming Boost 1.69

Robert Maynard (3):
      Help: document CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES support for LINK properties
      CUDA: Filter out host link flags during device linking
      CUDA: Add test for device linking when host linking uses threads

Rolf Eike Beer (1):
      FindThreads: Pass -pthread to CUDA compiler through -Xcompiler

vim-cmake-syntax upstream (2):
      vim-cmake-syntax 2018-10-10 (ac1957fb)
      vim-cmake-syntax 2018-10-18 (64ff4bd7)

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