Systems settings help is a locator service, at best. I'm glad the 
compose key location seems to have stabilized from F13 onwards, save 
that in F16, it's defined by default as both left and right Win keys. I 
used to define it as just the left Win key.

Fine. Whatever.

But could you provide some doc on how to use the thing? There's nothing 
in kwrite or kate doc, and nothing in the settings 'help'. In Windows, 
this is all numeric, and impossible to remember for most people. X/KDE 
is a vastly better system. 

is not the whole story. I know I used to be able to get a micron symbol, 
because I read a doc where I used it. I can't find it again. Slash u, or 
u slash doesn't work, no matter the case. Nor could I find any reference 
to it in that /usr/share/X11 doc. It could be in there, but it's not 
really searchable. 'Micron' came up empty, and there are innumerable 
'u's. The file is 5359 lines!

Searching the KDE online docs, I get four hits. None of them relevant. 
The only help available is random returns from Google--much of it dated. 
A grep through the filesystem turned up mostly Gnome docs. Which I 
supose I would have to go through, if I wanted it badly enough to waste 
hours in the chase.

If a 'micron' compose key sequence still exists, it might as well not. 
Nobody can discover how to access it! Please, please, PLEASE don't use 
this as an argument for yet more dumbing-down of the interface, and just 
elliminate the feature. The more valuable, though harder, software 
engineering path is to stabilize and document the capability.

I'm not going to learn C++ and the Qt libs to help you with this--I'm 
busy too. I just spent 12 hours writing bash, Python, and Go. But I'm 
willing to help with testing and doc writing.

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