D13805: Present error dialog when user tries to create directory named "." or ".."

2018-06-29 Thread Thomas Marshall
tmarshall created this revision. tmarshall added a reviewer: Dolphin. tmarshall added a project: Dolphin. Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. tmarshall requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY BUG: 387449

D13804: [KRecentDocument] Consider duplicate entries only based on path, not launched app

2018-06-29 Thread Christoph Feck
cfeck added a comment. But if I open the file in Kate, it appears in Kate's "Open Recent" menu, even if I previously had opened it in KWrite? REPOSITORY R241 KIO REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13804 To: ngraham, broulik, #dolphin, #frameworks Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-deve

KDE CI: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.10 - Build # 51 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kdelibs4support%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.10/51/ Project: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.10 Date of build: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 00:39:58 + Build duration: 6 min 11 sec and counting JUnit

KDE CI: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 - Build # 24 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kdelibs4support%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.9/24/ Project: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 Date of build: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 00:39:58 + Build duration: 5 min 59 sec and counting JUnit T

KDE CI: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 11 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kdelibs4support%20kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.10/11/ Project: Frameworks kdelibs4support kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 Date of build: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 00:39:58 + Build duration: 4 min 39 sec and counting

D11828: Simplify orPostingIterator and make it faster

2018-06-29 Thread Stefan Brüns
bruns added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > fvogt wrote in orpostingiterator.cpp:86 > Looks like most of those parens are unnecessary. only one pair is, the others support readability, see Qt Coding Style: > Use parentheses to group expressions REPOSITORY R293 Baloo REVISION DETAIL ht

D13804: [KRecentDocument] Consider duplicate entries only based on path, not launched app

2018-06-29 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham edited the summary of this revision. ngraham edited the test plan for this revision. REPOSITORY R241 KIO REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13804 To: ngraham, broulik, #dolphin, #frameworks Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D13804: [KRecentDocument] Consider duplicate entries only based on path, not launched app

2018-06-29 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham created this revision. ngraham added reviewers: broulik, Dolphin, Frameworks. Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. ngraham requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY BUG: 379129 FIXED-IN 5.48

D13601: OutputManagement fractional scaling

2018-06-29 Thread David Edmundson
davidedmundson updated this revision to Diff 36919. davidedmundson added a comment. Also emit scale changed when scaleF changes REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601?vs=36910&id=36919 REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601 AF

D13800: Drop outdated QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS

2018-06-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. Closed by commit R240:484d5f4ceea2: Drop outdated QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS (authored by kossebau). REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13800?vs=36900&id=36917 RE

D13601: OutputManagement fractional scaling

2018-06-29 Thread David Edmundson
davidedmundson updated this revision to Diff 36910. davidedmundson added a comment. Rebase REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601?vs=36908&id=36910 REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601 AFFECTED FILES autotests/client/test_

D13601: OutputManagement fractional scaling

2018-06-29 Thread David Edmundson
davidedmundson updated this revision to Diff 36908. davidedmundson added a comment. qFuzzyCompare REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601?vs=36907&id=36908 REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13601 AFFECTED FILES autotests/clien

D13601: OutputManagement fractional scaling

2018-06-29 Thread David Edmundson
davidedmundson updated this revision to Diff 36907. davidedmundson marked 2 inline comments as done. davidedmundson added a comment. qFuzzyCompare (not sure it's relevant as the comparison it makes is greater than the resolution of wl_fixed, but whatever) REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CH

D13583: KFormat: Allow usage of quantities beyond bytes and seconds

2018-06-29 Thread Alexander Stippich
astippich accepted this revision. astippich added a comment. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. working fine here, but someone more qualified should have a look at the code REPOSITORY R244 KCoreAddons BRANCH d13583 REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13583 To: b

D13800: Drop outdated QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS

2018-06-29 Thread Volker Krause
vkrause accepted this revision. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules BRANCH dropQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13800 To: kossebau, vkrause Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, kde-buildsystem, michaelh, ngraham,

D13700: implement reading of the replaygain tags

2018-06-29 Thread Alexander Stippich
astippich added a comment. baloo handles floats actually just fine REPOSITORY R286 KFileMetaData REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13700 To: astippich, mgallien, bruns Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams

D13700: implement reading of the replaygain tags

2018-06-29 Thread Alexander Stippich
astippich updated this revision to Diff 36901. astippich added a comment. - use floats to store the replaygain tags REPOSITORY R286 KFileMetaData CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13700?vs=36571&id=36901 BRANCH replaygain REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.

D13800: Drop outdated QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS

2018-06-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment. Some context from Olivier: [15:06] isn't QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION no more a thing since late 4.8, and in qt5 only QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS is still considered? [15:12] and QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER is a superset of QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS, so with the initial t

D13800: Drop outdated QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS

2018-06-29 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau created this revision. Restricted Application added projects: Frameworks, Build System. Restricted Application added subscribers: kde-buildsystem, kde-frameworks-devel. kossebau requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS has been deprecated in Qt 4.8,

D13798: Port remaining uses of qDebug() to qcDebug(ATTICA)

2018-06-29 Thread Ralf Habacker
habacker created this revision. Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. habacker requested review of this revision. TEST PLAN compiled on linux REPOSITORY R235 Attica BRANCH master REVISION DETAIL https://phabr

D13777: KMessageWidget : revert to using highlight colour for Information style (WIP)

2018-06-29 Thread Christoph Feck
cfeck added a comment. I don't understand. The brightness should be as close as possible to the brightness of the window background, that's why we only used a small blending factor. If your window text color is black, and your hightlight background is also black (with white highlight text),

D13797: Only add actual documents to Recent Documents

2018-06-29 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham created this revision. ngraham added reviewers: Dolphin, Frameworks, broulik. Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. ngraham requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY KIO's Recent Documents feature is

D13698: Improve ECMAddAppIconMacro.

2018-06-29 Thread Dominik Schmidt
dschmidt marked 8 inline comments as done. dschmidt added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > cgiboudeaux wrote in ECMAddAppIcon.cmake:161 > 36? It's not mentioned in the doc. Good catch, I forgot to update this part after I fixed the resolutions in a different place.. The resolutions I copied f

D13698: Improve ECMAddAppIconMacro.

2018-06-29 Thread Dominik Schmidt
dschmidt updated this revision to Diff 36891. dschmidt added a comment. Fix since version in FindIcoTool too REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13698?vs=36890&id=36891 BRANCH app-icon-modernization REVISION DETAIL https://phabr

D13698: Improve ECMAddAppIconMacro.

2018-06-29 Thread Dominik Schmidt
dschmidt updated this revision to Diff 36890. dschmidt added a comment. Fix comment REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13698?vs=36889&id=36890 BRANCH app-icon-modernization REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13698 AF

D13698: Improve ECMAddAppIconMacro.

2018-06-29 Thread Dominik Schmidt
dschmidt updated this revision to Diff 36889. dschmidt added a comment. Fix "Since version" and wrong resolutions in a few places REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D13698?vs=36719&id=36889 BRANCH app-icon-modernization REVISION D

D12820: Add KWayland virtual desktop protocol

2018-06-29 Thread Marco Martin
mart marked an inline comment as done. REPOSITORY R127 KWayland REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D12820 To: mart, #kwin, #plasma, graesslin, hein Cc: davidedmundson, zzag, bshah, romangg, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D12820: Add KWayland virtual desktop protocol

2018-06-29 Thread Marco Martin
mart updated this revision to Diff 36888. mart marked an inline comment as done. mart added a comment. - better comments REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D12820?vs=36887&id=36888 BRANCH mart/plasmavirtualdesktop REVISION DETAIL https://p

D12820: Add KWayland virtual desktop protocol

2018-06-29 Thread Marco Martin
mart updated this revision to Diff 36887. mart added a comment. - add desktopActivated signal - correct behavior for set on all desktops - add new tests for on all desktops - make the old isOnallVirtualDesktops api work REPOSITORY R127 KWayland CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phab

KDE CI: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 59 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kio%20kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.10/59/ Project: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:12:35 + Build duration: 7 min 7 sec and counting JUnit Tests Name:

KDE CI: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 - Build # 153 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kio%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.9/153/ Project: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:12:35 + Build duration: 6 min 9 sec and counting JUnit Tests Name: (root)

KDE CI: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.10 - Build # 304 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kio%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.10/304/ Project: Frameworks kio kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.10 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:12:35 + Build duration: 4 min 56 sec and counting JUnit Tests Name: (roo

KDE CI: Frameworks kpackage kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 11 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kpackage%20kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.10/11/ Project: Frameworks kpackage kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:08:55 + Build duration: 1 min 2 sec and counting JUnit Tests

D13777: KMessageWidget : revert to using highlight colour for Information style (WIP)

2018-06-29 Thread René J . V . Bertin
rjvbb updated this revision to Diff 36886. rjvbb added a comment. A new revision: - makes a start with the requested export of the QSettings functionality - drops the alpha tweak and introduces a new experiment: Since background colours are not obtained from theme colours designed f

D13777: KMessageWidget : revert to using highlight colour for Information style (WIP)

2018-06-29 Thread René J . V . Bertin
rjvbb set the repository for this revision to R236 KWidgetsAddons. REPOSITORY R236 KWidgetsAddons REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13777 To: rjvbb, ngraham, #frameworks Cc: cfeck, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

KDE CI: Frameworks kdeclarative kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 13 - Fixed!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD SUCCESS Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kdeclarative%20kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.10/13/ Project: Frameworks kdeclarative kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 14:04:50 + Build duration: 1 min 41 sec and counting JUnit

PSA: Phabricator staging repositories

2018-06-29 Thread Bhushan Shah
Hello developers, So in last few days I and Ben has been working on setting up the staging repositories for phabricator. More information on this feature is documented as part of Harbormaster documentation [1] change handoff section. To explain further, this will allow the people to push commits

D13698: Improve ECMAddAppIconMacro.

2018-06-29 Thread Christophe Giboudeaux
cgiboudeaux added inline comments. INLINE COMMENTS > FindIcoTool.cmake:25 > +# > +# Since 5.49. > + The next release will be 5.48 > ECMAddAppIcon.cmake:11-12 > +# ICONS [ [...]] > +# [SIDEBAR_ICONS [ [...]] # Since 5.49 > +# [OUTFILE_BASEN

D9446: WIP: Allow to autogenerate and install categories file

2018-06-29 Thread David Faure
dfaure added a comment. On the other hand it means that when you add a new category, you get to recompile *everything* :-) REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D9446 To: mlaurent, kfunk, lbeltrame, cgiboudeaux, dfaure, fvogt Cc: ltoscano, kde-f

D13792: Remove unused include

2018-06-29 Thread Aleix Pol Gonzalez
apol accepted this revision. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. REPOSITORY R237 KConfig REVISION DETAIL https://phabricator.kde.org/D13792 To: rempt, #frameworks, apol Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D10166: Add -Wlogical-op -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant to KF5 warnings

2018-06-29 Thread Albert Astals Cid
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. Closed by commit R240:60cb4b74bce8: Add -Wlogical-op -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant to KF5 warnings (authored by aacid). REPOSITORY R240 Extra CMake Modules CHANGES SINCE LAST UPDATE https://phabricator.kde.org/D10166

D9446: WIP: Allow to autogenerate and install categories file

2018-06-29 Thread Ralf Habacker
habacker added a comment. In D9446#284185 , @ltoscano wrote: > There can be more headers file for the same repository, and it has not been a problem in practice because the categories usually maps to different groups of files in different directo

D13792: Remove unused include

2018-06-29 Thread Boudewijn Rempt
rempt created this revision. rempt added a reviewer: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. rempt requested review of this revision. REVISION SUMMARY While trying to figure out how to make kconfig work with

KColorScheme::BackgroundRole and theming

2018-06-29 Thread J.V. Bertin
Hi, FYI, I just launched an idea in Visual Design Group forum (https:// forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=153023) with an implicit question: is there a reason KColorScheme::BackgroundRole was never exposed completely to theming? R.

KDE CI: Frameworks kcoreaddons kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 10 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kcoreaddons%20kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.10/10/ Project: Frameworks kcoreaddons kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:09:27 + Build duration: 1 hr 6 min and counting JUnit Tes

KDE CI: Frameworks kcoreaddons kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 - Build # 32 - Still Unstable!

2018-06-29 Thread CI System
BUILD UNSTABLE Build URL https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks%20kcoreaddons%20kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.9/32/ Project: Frameworks kcoreaddons kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.9 Date of build: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 06:09:26 + Build duration: 1 hr 2 min and counting JUnit Tests