
I've been inspired to add support in Kdenlive for more of the producers in MLT. 
Right now, you can make color clips and you can use the generator plugin to 
create a noise and count down clip. But MLT exposes some other producers: like 
the Frei0r test patterns. And I'd like to add some audio test tone synthesizers.

I've been researching this part of the Kdenlive code and I found that there are 
two ways that MLT producers are exposed: "clips" and "generators". My frist 
inclination was to make generators for all producers. But I don't care for the 
fact that you end up with another MLT file to manage with the project and that 
the generated clips can not be extended on the timeline by clicking and 
draging. It seems to me that it would be better if the clips were implemented 
like the color clip. But that would require more code in the clip manager - and 
I don't know how scalable that would be.

It would sure be nice if the clip manager supported a generic MLT wrapper 
architecture like the effects stack. That way, when new producers are added in 
MLT, Kdenlive could adopt them just by adding a new XML file.

I'm willing to put in some time to make the clip manager more generic. But I'd 
like to hear your thoughts on that first. If you aren't excited about having 
changsd made in there, then i would be content to just implement more generator 

Thanks for your thoughts,


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