Hey Team,

Today I was inspired to have a look at git master to see how things are 
progressing. I'm running Ubuntu 12.10. I used the build script found here:
For anyone else who wants to try it, you have to create a "build-kdenlive.conf" 
file and add the following two lines:
Without that, it will build from the 0.9 branch instead of master.

When I ran the script, I ended up with an error message from cmake about not 
being able to find "FindGLEW.cmake". So I had to create one and put it in 
"cmake/modules". The file is attached for anyone who wants it. I didn't push it 
to git becuase I don't know anything about cmake or GLEW. But it would be nice 
to make git work without any changes, so hopefully someone will add the file, 
or find another way to make it work. Let me know if there is anything I can do 
to help.

After Kdenlive compiled, I was able to sucessfully run it. I must say, I'm 
pretty excited about the changes. I love the dual monitor view. And I like that 
I can select from all the generators (test patterns, count, blipflash, etc). 
Way to go.

I might have some small bursts of time available in my evenings. So feel free 
to let me know if there are any odd jobs or bugs I can look into. In the mean 
time, I might try to squash any crashes I run into.

Keep up the good work,

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