Summary: Kontact/kmail change resource type on KOLAB resource
           Product: kontact
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: Debian testing
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Version:           Kontact version 4.3.1, KMail version 1.12.1  (using KDE
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages

Kontact (or Kmail, which may be the actual culprit, as it is the application
handing the IMAP folders, AFAIK) is changing the resource type on additional
resources (an additional address book, an additional calendar) of the KOLAB
groupware folders (from calendar or address book to mail).

This is a violation of the KOLAB specification, and folders are consequently
displayed as mail folders in Kmail, instead of as address books or calendars.

The folder type can be restored by hand with the 

mboxcfg <mailbox> /vendor/kolab/folder-type {event,contact}

command in cyradm on the server, after which Kontact will again display the
resource correctly until it changes its type back to "mail" again. 

Note that the bug does not seem to affect the "standard" resources ("Contacts"
"Calendar") but only those that are additionally created. So there may already
be provisions that prevent changing those folders, but the logic may be
hard-coded on the Contacts/Calendar folders, instead of KOLAB groupware folders
in general.

Also not entirely sure whether this is caused by Kontact or Kmail, so this bug
may need bouncing over to Kmail.

Either way: Kontact/Kmail must never change the folder type on KOLAB groupware

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