Summary: Sending mail hangs if KWallet has been closed and
                    reopened by another application
           Product: kmail2
           Version: 2.1.0
          Platform: Gentoo Packages
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: NOR
         Component: general

Version:           2.1.0 (using KDE 4.6.3) 
OS:                Linux

When the KWallet is closed (for example by locking the session) and
subsequently reopened by an application other than KMail, then sending mail in
KMail hangs forever.  The message sits in the Outbox and is never sent.

This behavior actually occurred in KMail 1, too, but now that mail is passed
through Akonadi, things are a bit different.  In KMail 1, if I tried to quit
KMail while it was in this state, the UI would close, but the kmail process
would continue running, and I had to kill it with SIGTERM.  Then relaunching
KMail and choosing "Send Queued Messages" would get the mail to go out.  Now,
in KMail 2, I can quit KMail and the process actually terminates, but when I
relaunch, the mail is still sitting in the Outbox.  The way to unstick it now
seems to be to kill the Akonadi Mail Dispatcher process.  The Akonadi server
immediately relaunches that agent, and the mail sends.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have KMail open.
2. Close the wallet.
3. Access the wallet from another application to cause it to prompt for the
password and be reopened.
4. Try to send a message in KMail.

Actual Results:  
Message sits in Outbox forever, and there is no attempt to connect to the SMTP
server.  Killing the Akonadi Mail Dispatcher (thereby restarting it) causes the
message to be sent.

Expected Results:  
If the wallet is already open (even if it was reopened by another application
after having been closed), the Mail Dispatcher should have no problem
establishing a connection to the SMTP server.

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