Hi all,
I am using kerberosv51.6.3.
I am able to generate AS-REQ by kinit and TGS-REQ by rlogin.
Please guide me in using PKINIT suppot for kerberos ,
I want to get TGT from kdc by submitting certificate by via padata field.
How can I achive this .
with regards
"Christopher D. Clausen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If you are running jobs under the same keytab, why not have one that
> kinits with the keytab and then sequentially runs each thing that you
> want run using the same krb5cc for each job?
> You can just have all of these jobs share the same
Matthew Loar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vladimir Konrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to increase allowed number of requests per second on
>> KDC? I have several different CRON jobs (using the same keytab in
>> kinit), which run at the same time, and I get:
Vladimir Konrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to increase allowed number of requests per second on
> KDC? I have several different CRON jobs (using the same keytab in
> kinit), which run at the same time, and I get:
> DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) request from ,
Where's my -verbose flag for kprop! :) I'm obviously new to
this step (slave KDCs) so any debugging methods would be
helpful if shared. syslog shows nothing.
% sudo kdb5_util dump /var/krb5kdc/slave_datatrans
% sudo kprop -f /var/krb5kdc/slave_datatrans rcf-kdc2.foo.com
rcf-kdc2% pwd
# file .k5.RCF.FOO.COM
.k5.RCF.FOO.COM: TrueType font file version 1.0 (TTF)
Kerberos mailing list Kerberos@mit.edu
I installed Kerberos V5, but I didn't specified a domain name. I would like to
know if I must have a DNS server in my network or not. If it's not necessary,
does it work without specifying a domain name.
Kerberos m
Is there a way to increase allowed number of requests per second on
KDC? I have several different CRON jobs (using the same keytab in
kinit), which run at the same time, and I get:
DISPATCH: repeated (retransmitted?) request from ,
resending previous response
And the jobs fail to authent