Re: Cannot run rlogind, telnetd

2010-01-19 Thread Edward Murrell
You probably do not have reverse DNS set up properly, or the reverse DNS name does not match the keytab installed on the application server. In any case, you should ditch telnet and rlogin in favour of SSH. On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 18:19 +0530, vinay kumar wrote: I want to capture

Re: Kerberos multi domain

2010-01-01 Thread Edward Murrell
As far as I know, MIT kerberos can run multiple KDC's from the same machine, but each realm needs to have it's own IP or set of ports. On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 13:19 +0100, BOUCHER, Flavien wrote: Hi, I need to setup kerberos for six distinct domain, there is no trust relationship between

Re: XMPP Kerberos 5

2009-11-30 Thread Edward Murrell
Openfire, MIT Kerberos (I've done it elsewhere with Heimdal) and OpenLDAP, with the Cyrus saslauthd daemon to allow plain text logins. This link was incredibly helpful for getting saslauthd to comply; GSSAPI and plain text logins work

Re: Need help setting up kerberos for the first time

2009-09-28 Thread Edward Murrell
There's a bunch of things there that are a bit messed up. Firstly, if you aren't sure what the hostname is, run; hostname -s If this tells you it's 'localhost', you should edit the /etc/hostname to be something more descriptive (and the same as whatever you pick for myserverhostname below) and

Re: Status 0x96c73ac3 - No credentials cache found

2009-08-18 Thread Edward Murrell
You will need to specify the principle you wish to use when running kinit. This is because keytabs can contain multiple principles. ie; kinit -kt /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab host/ Hope this helps! Cheers, Edward On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 13:04 -0700, dxtans wrote: Hello, I have

Re: multiple domain authentication scenario

2009-08-13 Thread Edward Murrell
You can either add service principles for the other domains to the keytab, or establish cross realm trusts between the realms. The latter is probably better if you expect to have lots of places where you need interoperate. Cheers, Edward On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 17:50 -0400, Farzad Kohantorabi

Re: kerberos+laptop

2009-08-11 Thread Edward Murrell
I've been wondering about this problem for a while. My current solution on my laptop is to use a normal /etc/passwd login, and run kinit once I'm logged in. What I would like is to allow some method of transparently caching passwords, then creating a TGT once network connectivity if established.

Re: kerberos+laptop

2009-08-11 Thread Edward Murrell
On Tue, 2009-08-11 at 14:03 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote: Edward Murrell writes: I've been wondering about this problem for a while. My current solution on my laptop is to use a normal /etc/passwd login, and run kinit once I'm logged in. What I would like is to allow

RE: noob question on where to start with Kerberos

2009-07-31 Thread Edward Murrell
libraries for handling active directory LDAP lookups. Cheers, Edward Murrell On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 15:07 -0700, Bryan Boone wrote: Hi everyone I have a noob question for ya. I need to develop a website for a company that uses kerberos login, the web server resides

Re: noob question on where to start with Kerberos

2009-07-27 Thread Edward Murrell
) compliant LDAP schemas. Other people have already written (and to be fair, support much better) php libraries for handling active directory LDAP lookups. Cheers, Edward Murrell On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 15:07 -0700, Bryan Boone wrote: Hi everyone I have a noob question for ya. I need

Re: Mac OS X 10.5 automatic ticket creation tips?

2008-11-21 Thread Edward Murrell
Hi, From my notes for 10.4 for doing this a few years ago (at a company that I no longer work for, so my memory may be fuzzy and/or out of date) you need to run through the instructions here; AND you need modify the pam files in /etc/pam.d/

Re: Kerberos and SSH ?

2008-10-27 Thread Edward Murrell
Assuming your DNS is set up properly, you'll need to set the host tab's to have the principal fully qualified domain name, ie host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of host/[EMAIL PROTECTED] You can check if it is by running host against the IP of the hostname. So assuming has the IP

Re: Kerberize MS Exchange?

2008-10-14 Thread Edward Murrell
Yep, also confirmed to work with Dovecot IMAP server. Victor Sudakov wrote: Is there anyone for whom Thunderbird with GSSAPI really works? I hope it is not just theory, someone is using it or has tested it? -- Victor Sudakov, VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN 2:5005/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kerberos vs ldap

2008-03-24 Thread Edward Murrell
Can anyone explain to me whats the relation between LDAP vs Kerberos (The longer explanation) Authentication is the process of proving who you are. But, just because I can prove I'm who I say I am via a drivers licence, doesn't mean I'm getting into the club. Your name isn't on the list.

Re: How to determine the authentication domain of a user ?

2008-02-06 Thread Edward Murrell
Hi, NSS doesn't configure the order of authentication, it does (among other things, the order of look up for user is in what group and owns what files (or more accurately, which UID/GIDs map to which user/groups). Authentication is performed by PAM. (see /etc/pam.d/). Authconfig is a Redhat

Re: How to determine the authentication domain of a user ?

2008-02-06 Thread Edward Murrell
us know. Thanks, On Feb 7, 2008 9:57 AM, Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, NSS doesn't configure the order of authentication, it does (among other things, the order of look up for user is in what group and owns what files

Re: Kerberized authorization service

2008-02-05 Thread Edward Murrell
Well, I own a couple of webservers, so I'm sure something could be arranged. This week though, I'm swamped with work, and have the flu. Next week I could look at stick something up somewhere and/or providing you an account? -Edward On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 20:49 -0500, Ken Hornstein wrote: Ken,

Re: Kerberized authorization service

2008-02-05 Thread Edward Murrell
On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 21:44 -0500, Ken Hornstein wrote: Sure. However, somehow I am still ignorant of the mechanics of actually creating any kind of useful web content. I can write text, I can provide you the actual files, but I would rather just hand it all to you and you can make it

Re: Kerberized authorization service

2008-01-21 Thread Edward Murrell
Sounds like something that would be better served using LDAP groups, that way it could hook into existing infrastructure. However, the current PADL pam implementation (last I looked anyway) wasn't especially brilliant at providing control for lots of hosts with lots of users. It was possible to

Re: gss_accept_sec_context fails intermittently

2008-01-21 Thread Edward Murrell
No to try and rain on your parade but... Wouldn't it be easier to use the standard mod_auth_kerb lib and write an apple only directory service apache module (if it doesn't already exist), and set up the auth kerb as non-authoritative? Cheers Edward On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 10:55 -0700, Nathan

Re: kadmin: GSS-API (or Kerberos) error

2007-06-25 Thread Edward Murrell
in kadmin, like so; ktadd -k /home/jyho/bar.keytab host/ These days, I've got a very simple Kerberos setup, so I can't really shed much light I'm afraid... Cheers, ~Edward Murrell On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 09:31 +0800, Anthony Ho wrote: Hi Guys, Anyone got better ideas

Re: kadmin: GSS-API (or Kerberos) error

2007-06-20 Thread Edward Murrell
Erm, dunno if this will help you any. This is a straight copy/paste from my Wiki, which may only apply to my domain, but it sounds about right; kadmin: GSS-API (or Kerberos) error while initializing kadmin interface This occurs when kadmin is attempting to talk to the KDC with the wrong realm.

Re: nfs not working with kerberos

2007-05-10 Thread Edward Murrell
Your DNS looks like it's working correctly then. I would guess that client is trying to connect using NFSv3, and the server is correctly complaining that the client is not listed for NFSv3 in /etc/exports. Although it will generate huge amounts of text, try running the following as root to help

Re: nfs not working with kerberos

2007-05-07 Thread Edward Murrell
! Cheers, Edward Murrell Luca Lauretta wrote: hi i'm struggling in configuring nfsv4 working with mit kerberos v5 /etc/exports on server (sequoia) #/home/condivisa,sync) /home/condivisa gss/krb5(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash) #/home/prova

Re: UNKNOWN_SERVER - Server not ,found in Kerberos database

2007-04-18 Thread Edward Murrell
Jeff Blaine wrote: Jeffrey Altman wrote: tkt=1 ses=1}, [EMAIL PROTECTED] for [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do you really have a lowercased realm? Yes. No good? Not for the best. Active Directory assumes upper case everything for example. The FAQ at

Re: How to make LDAP data needed for Kerberos authentication

2007-04-04 Thread Edward Murrell
A list of useful links is here; Shigeru Ishida wrote: Hi, When I use the style of combination with Kerberos and OpenLDAP, I try to write java-codes with Novell LDAP Classes for Java to entry LDAP data needed for Kerberos authentication. Please tell me

Automagic Kerberos/LDAP intergration on Apache

2007-03-27 Thread Edward Murrell
to share this under the GPL if anyone would care. Regards Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kerberos mailing list

Stash file problems

2007-02-12 Thread Edward Murrell
Hi all, I've run into some problems with a KDC slave that's started giving me grief out of the blue. System (bender) is Debian testing, x86. Krb5 packages are all 1.4.4-6. The master KDC (becks) is Ubuntu 6.06 (LTS) running KRB5, with Krb5 packages 1.4.3-5ubuntu0.2. The master KDC also feeds

Re: Stash file problems

2007-02-12 Thread Edward Murrell
the old realm understood the new realm. Anyway, this fix was to have the correct realm in krb5.conf. Regards Edward Edward Murrell wrote: Hi all, I've run into some problems with a KDC slave that's started giving me grief out of the blue. System (bender) is Debian testing, x86. Krb5

Re: Problem with Kerberos Service

2007-02-07 Thread Edward Murrell
this helps you some! Regards, Edward Murrell Luca Petrini wrote: Hello, I'm italian user and my name is Luca. I'm working with Kerberos on my Ubuntu 6.10. I have installed the krb5 packages and configurated the kdc.conf and krb5.conf files. The files are configurate to test the authentication

Re: Wrong principal in request using virt interface

2007-01-29 Thread Edward Murrell
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear. The servers aren't KDCs, they are CVS/Subversion servers accessed via OpenSSH using GSSAPI Authentication and GSSAPI Key Exchange. In the very simplest case we would have 2 hosts -- one for CVS and one for Subversion. If one

Re: SSH with Multiple Interfaces

2007-01-18 Thread Edward Murrell
Nicolas Williams wrote: Give your server host/f.q.d.n principals and keytab entries for all its interfaces' canonical names. Did that. SSH ignores them. And get a client that know how to decode the SSH_MSG_KEXGSS_ERROR message :) Nico That's really not an option. In most cases, the

Re: SSH with Multiple Interfaces

2007-01-18 Thread Edward Murrell
correctly checks out, but still allowing the forward DNS from the internal LAN to work properly. I hope this helps someone in the future. :) Regards Edward Murrell Edward Murrell wrote: Hi there, I've currently fighting issues with a couple of multi-homed hosts on my network here. I've read

Re: Wiki?

2007-01-17 Thread Edward Murrell
I think screeds of information could be added on Troubleshooting, as well as Installation notes and use with various other products (SSH, PAM, and Windows probably being the main three). I could probably get permission from my boss to copy/paste most of the notes in our wiki about Kerberos. Jeff

SSH with auth_to_local on common account

2007-01-03 Thread Edward Murrell
Hi all, I've got an issue with KRB5 auto_to_local and ssh that I'm trying to work out. I have a machine called 'hobbes' with a common user account that I'm to get working with SSH and Kerberos. Normal SSH + Kerberos works perfectly. However, the specs call for anyone with a valid Kerberos

Re: kadmin problem

2007-01-03 Thread Edward Murrell
, Scotty */Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote: Hi Scotty, The problem sounds like the Kerberos realms are different on each machine, rather than the hosts name. What is the default realm for the kdc and the client machine? Also, if you do a klist before running

Re: Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested (error 220)

2006-12-21 Thread Edward Murrell
This is a really fast response, since I'm about to disappear out the door for Xmas. Probably cause. a) krb5.conf doesn't have kdc address b) DNS doesn't have kdc address c) address specified for kdc is internal address (eg kdc.local.lan.only) d) address specified for kdc no longer exists for some

Re: kadmin problem

2006-12-18 Thread Edward Murrell
Hi Scotty, The problem sounds like the Kerberos realms are different on each machine, rather than the hosts name. What is the default realm for the kdc and the client machine? Also, if you do a klist before running kadmin, what realm does it list? Regards Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-29 Thread Edward Murrell
I thought I'd post back here how I got on. So it turned out to be a funky combination of my earlier silliness in having single names as hostnames (apollo, instead of, returning the single hostname in the reverse DNS, and having a single name set in the /etc/hostname (which I'm sure

Re: Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-22 Thread Edward Murrell
Ken Hornstein wrote: Now I get a string of errors like this; Nov 22 14:57:55 becks krb5kdc[5216](info): TGS_REQ (7 etypes {18 17 16 23 1 3 2}) PROCESS_TGS: authtime 0, unknown client for host/[EMAIL PROTECTED], Key table entry not found So, here's what would be

Re: Domains with linux and windows

2006-11-22 Thread Edward Murrell
Paco Pelma wrote: Hi. In my work I do this for put a windows machine into the domain 1. Assign a valid name, for example w000 2. My pc/properties 3. Change name 4. Domain: my_domain Then it prompts for a user an a password: my_domain\my_user my_password I want to do this with

Re: Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-21 Thread Edward Murrell
Hmm, yes, diagnostics would be helpful wouldn't they. :P OK, so things have progressed slightly. First mistake was finding EXAMPLE.COM in one of my addprincs, and following your advice, and someone else noting that quite possible two different encryption types were in use here, I've deleted the

Re: Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-21 Thread Edward Murrell
Marcus Watts wrote: Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes ... [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ kadmin -s becks -p edward/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Authenticating as principal edward/[EMAIL PROTECTED] with password. Password for edward/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: kadmin: GSS-API (or Kerberos) error while

Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-01 Thread Edward Murrell
two realms in parallel and tell them to trust each other. Unfortunately, MIT Kerberos doesn't appear to allow you to run two KDC's on the same server. Anyone have ideas? Regards Edward Murrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kerberos mailing list

Re: Migrating a Kerberos Realm

2006-11-01 Thread Edward Murrell
Ken Raeburn wrote: You can, but you have to write the config files to specify different port numbers for them. (The code doesn't currently support using only some of a machine's IP addresses, if you wanted to put one on one address and one on another.) The code theoretically supports serving