adding keys to the client database

2005-08-31 Thread Maxwell Bottiger
Hi. My venture into kerberos setups is going pretty well so far. I've been able to build a KDC, connect to it, and add keys for my users and for my hosts. Now however, I'm running into big problems trying to install the keys onto the client machines. The tutorial I'm following says that after I

KDC doesn't appear to open a port

2005-08-30 Thread Maxwell Bottiger
Hi, I'm pretty new to kerberos, so please excuse me if this is a simple question. I'm using Fedora 4 with the preinstalled rpms as my source. I think the version is krb5-server-1.4.1-5. Anyway, the funny thing is, I can't see my KDC. If I start the services krb5admin and krb5kdc services, only