I'm pleased to announce our latest white paper "Recommended Practices  
for Deploying & Using Kerberos in Mixed Environments",  is now  
available at:


This document explores some of the many issues that emerge when  
deploying and using Kerberos in mixed environments, and presents  
guidance on addressing these issues and recommends practices for  
minimizing problems while optimizing the value of Kerberos as a  
consistent, cross‐platform authentication solution. The target  
audience includes IT professionals with responsibility for  
infrastructure planning, strategy, architecture, and technology  
refresh. While the focus is on how Kerberos can be used effectively  
in mixed environments, it also addresses many issues that will be  
encountered by people who primarily deal with homogeneous environments.

In addition, we have received many comments on earlier white papers  
that have improved the quality and completeness of these works.

I welcome additional comments you might have on these:

        "The Role of Kerberos in Modern Information Systems
        "The MIT Kerberos Administrator's How-to Guide"

        "Best Practices for Integrating Kerberos Into Your Application"

        "Why is Kerberos a Credible Security Solution?"

Please note, that these white papers are made available under the  
same copyright as the MIT Kerberos software, which grants permission  
to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation for any purpose.

Thank you again for your support of the Kerberos Consortium.



Stephen C. Buckley
Executive Director
Kerberos Consortium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave W92-159
Cambridge, MA 02139
web: http://www.kerberos.org

Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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