Re: renew tgt using xlock / XscreenSaver ?

2005-01-11 Thread David Kuhl
I use xscreensaver-command -lock all the time. I'm not sure about doing a renew that way (we give out tickets for 6 hour increments *blush*) but if you have PAM integrated xscreensaver handles it just fine. I didn't have any success with xlock however. Here are the options I use for PAM con

renew tgt using xlock / XscreenSaver ?

2004-12-07 Thread Frederic Medery
First of all, thank to all of the great input find here !! Before adding beta users to my kerberos/ldap server, I still have some problems remaining. Linux users do not halt or log off all the time (because of stuff running in consoles for example). So is there a way (pam_krb5 ? ) to renew TGT when

renew tgt using xlock / XscreenSaver ?

2004-12-07 Thread Frederic Medery
Sorry I forgot to add a subject, so I send it again : First of all, thank to all of the great input find here !! Before adding beta users to my kerberos/ldap server, I still have some problems remaining. Linux users do not halt or log off all the time (because of stuff running in consoles for e