I'm working on a new plugin, for CSV export.  As I'd based it on
mymoneyqifwriter.cpp, which I'd recently worked on, and without too
much thought, I built it in kmymoney/kmymoney/converter/ and had it
working nicely, with just some tidying up to do, or so I thought.

Then I moved it all to kmymoney/kmymoney/plugins and had to sort out
several undefined reference problems.  I now am getting the following
error and am a bit stuck on what's needed.
../../../lib/libwidgets.a(register.cpp.o): In function
undefined reference to `timetrace(char const*)' "

In desperation, I googled and found an exchange between Michael
Edwardes and Cristian in 2010, but that didn't seem relevant as it
involved building qtdesigner widgets plugin, which I'm not doing.

This is what I now have included in my CMakeLists.txt -
  kmm_mymoney kmm_plugin
  ${LIBALKIMIA_LIBRARY}  kmymoney_common dialogs widgets models kmm_config

Can anyone help dig me out please?  Many thanks

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