[Koha] Modify Patron Transaction Invoices and Fee Receipts

2023-02-27 Thread Ms. Naveen Ali
Dear members, I'd like to modify the Patron Transaction Invoices and Fee Receipts. In fact all the print options available on the Patron Screen (Summary, Slip, Quick Slip, Overdues, Check In Slip) I can't identify them in the Notices and Slips Tool Please provide support. With best regards,

[Koha] Koha 22.05.10 is here!

2023-02-27 Thread Lucas Gass
Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Guten tag, Olá! The Koha community is proud to announce the release of Koha 22.05.10! Koha 22.05.10 includes 2 enhancements and 46 bugfixes. The full release notes can be found here: https://koha-community.org/koha-22-05-10-released/

[Koha] SIP2 login fails

2023-02-27 Thread Bob Ewart
I'm still trying to login to the SIP2 interface.  I keep getting a 940 response to the login. I am connecting and sending 9300CN|CO|CPSLA| The and are in the SIPconfig.xml file and I have logged in to that user ID and password. That user has a category of Professional Staff (STAFF) and can

[Koha] Koha Community Newsletter: February 2023

2023-02-27 Thread Koha Newsletter
The Koha Community Newsletter for February 2023 is here: https://koha-community.org/koha-community-newsletter-february-2023/ Many thanks to everyone who submitted articles and news to this newsletter! Please feel free to email me with any corrections or suggestions. -- Michael Kuhn Editor, Koha

Re: [Koha] Can the Koha Mailing List and DMARC become friends?

2023-02-27 Thread Coehoorn, Joel
FWIW, I'm seeing the same thing for our "york.edu" domain, but only for the last couple of months. The list used to handle this correctly. *Joel Coehoorn* Director of Information Technology *York University* Office: 402-363-5603 | jcoeho...@york.edu | york.edu On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 8:00 AM Da

[Koha] 500 Internal Server Error

2023-02-27 Thread Thomas Daly
I'm finding that the Koha instance's intranet site is crashing with an Internal Server Error. It first happened when I tried to change the superlibrarian's user ID. I couldn't recover the system at all, and had to delete and re-create the instance. It has recurred in the installer when select

Re: [Koha] Creating a database

2023-02-27 Thread Thomas Daly
Thank you for your help. I was actually using MySQL, not MariaDB. I tried setting the MySQL root password to null, but then ran into a different error. So I've now replaced MySQL with MariaDB. Since the 'Koha on Debian' guide says that you can use either MariaDB or MySQL, I think it ought to ma

[Koha] Can the Koha Mailing List and DMARC become friends?

2023-02-27 Thread David Liddle
Greetings, all! At the encouragement of one of the mailing list administrators, I would like to present a situation and a proposal to you all. Normally, I would write from my work account, david.lid...@wycliff.de, since one of the hats I wear is that of a Koha system administrator. One of my othe