This should do the trick too:
apt -f install
El vie, 15 dic 2023 20:44, Sebastian Krieg
> Hello,
> I got the same error. The reason is that you installed your language in
> former versions by hand. Now there is the news package koha-l10n.
> Please empty '/usr/share/koha/mi
I got the same error. The reason is that you installed your language in former
versions by hand. Now there is the news package koha-l10n.
Please empty '/usr/share/koha/misc/translator/po/' (before make a backup!) and
try the installation again.
This should work.
Attempting to update Koha installation on Debian Bullseye host from
23.02.04-2 to 23.11.00-1. The following is the output and error message. Any
ideas on how to resolve?
# apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
We have been a Syndetics user for years and have the features enabled via the
Syndetics system preference. But we have been offered the Syndetics Unbound
upgrade, and have been told we can enable the Unbound service by adding a piece
of javaScript in opac-detail.tmpl in the opac-tmpl/modules dir
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