Found the problem.  I had 4 records with an extra $ in subfield b.

Sorry for the false alarm.


From: Shell, Lezlie
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 3:57 PM
Subject: MarcEdit Error Message

I was doing the last step of preparing my records for importing 
(re-re-re-importing) my records into our new Koha db.  I was using Swap Fields 
to copy the 050ab to the 942$h and got this error message:

Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Since I have no idea what that means, I thought maybe my file of 118k records 
was too big, so I split it into 5 files and did a happy dance when the first 
group of 25k records did the swap with no problem.

But, the second file, did not work, so I split that and one of those worked.  
For the one that didn't I used Swap Fields and copied 260ab to 942h and it 
worked.  So, there must be a problem with one or more of the 050 fields?

Can someone please give me some idea of what I should be looking for in my 050 

I was so close.


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