
Lately I stumbled upon some strange behaviour of the keyword search in Koha. In our library we are using an unchanged Zebra configuration as coming with Koha 20.11.00.

The Koha manual describes the keyword search in the following chapter: https://koha-community.org/manual/20.11/en/html/searching.html#basic-searching

1. The manual says: "When a single word is entered, a keyword search is performed. You can check this out by typing one word into the form and note the number of results located. Then, repeat the search with a minor change. In front of the search word, type ‘kw=’ followed by the same search term. The results will be identical." I did check this out and the result was NOT identical. Why is that so?

The following searches produce a difference of four results:

Search for: biology
* URL: .../search.pl?q=biology
* 5939 results

Search for: kw=biology
* URL: .../search.pl?q=kw%3Dbiology
* 5935 results

The following searches produce a difference of 49 results:

Search for: life
* URL: .../search.pl?q=life
* 837 results

Search for: kw=life
* URL: .../search.pl?q=kw%3Dbiology
* 788 results

2. The manual also says: "When you have more than one word in the search box, Koha will still do a keyword search, but a bit differently. Each word will be searched on its own, then the Boolean connector ‘and’ will narrow your search to those items with all words contained in matching records." I did check this out and it does not seem to be true - if I just enter two words (biology life) I get 37 more results than when I'm using the boolean operator AND. What is the explanation for this?

Search for: biology life
* URL: .../search.pl?q=biology+life
* 521 results

Search for: biology AND life
* URL: .../search.pl?q=biology+AND+life
* 484 results

Search for: kw=biology AND kw=life
* URL: .../search.pl?q=kw%3Dbiology+AND+kw%3Dlife
* 484 results

Especially I'm stunned because the first search does not seem to be using the OR operator but still produces considerably more results than the searches using the AND operator.

3. Is there maybe some undocumented use of using wildcards going on if one is not using a search prefix?

Best wishes: Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
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