Dear List,

We imported more than 1000 000 records in Koha 3.22.13, Ubuntu 3.14. 04, and Authority record nearly 30 000.

Now when we wanted to link bibs with authority

|sudo perl -I /usr/share/koha/lib /usr/share/koha/bin/|

and   have got such error


DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389843'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1287. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389843'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1288.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389843'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2233. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389843'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2234.

Could not retrieve bib 389843 from the database - record is corrupt.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389844'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1287. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389844'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1288.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389844'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2233. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389844'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2234.

Could not retrieve bib 389844 from the database - record is corrupt.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389845'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1287. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389845'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1288.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389845'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2233. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT frameworkcode FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=?" with ParamValues: 0='389845'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 2234.

Could not retrieve bib 389845 from the database - record is corrupt.
Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL client ran out of memory [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389846'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1287. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() [for Statement "SELECT biblioitemnumber, marcxml FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber=? " with ParamValues: 0='389846'] at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 1288.
Out of memory!
DBD::mysql::db DESTROY failed: MySQL server has gone away during global destruction.


And noticed in koha-error.log  such error.


[Thu Feb 23 12:22:54.769719 2017] [cgi:error] [pid 10443] [client] AH01215: [Thu Feb 23 12:22:54 2017] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::selec [Thu Feb 23 12:25:18.418824 2017] [cgi:error] [pid 10512] [client] AH01215: [Thu Feb 23 12:25:18 2017] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::selec [Thu Feb 23 12:26:05.141596 2017] [cgi:error] [pid 10536] [client] AH01215: [Thu Feb 23 12:26:05 2017] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::selec


After that we encrease buffer_size <>parameter in /etc/mysql/ from 16 M to 1G . After that when the command

|(|) was running again, we have got the same error.


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