> I am unable to create patron categories….

And now I have a very similar problem with staging MARC records as well as 
Z39.50 servers as well as patron categories. They simply do not show up. 

I have a set of MARC records in (presumably) USMARC format. Using the Web-based 
interface I upload the records and Koha comes back telling me:

  Staging results:

    * 1465 records in file
    * 0 records not staged because of MARC error
    * 1465 records staged
    * Did not check for matches with existing records in catalog
    * 0 item records found and staged

I then use the Manage Staged Records function and Koha says, "There are no 
records in this batch to import. Manage staged MARC records.” When I use the 
Staged MARC management function I see two sets of records (because I’ve done 
this twice) but clicking on them tells me:

                        File name: pamphlets.marc
                         Comments: pamphlets
                             Type: Bibliographic records
                           Staged: 2014-07-04 13:52:22
                           Status: Cleaned
            Matching rule applied: No matching rule in effect
  Action if matching record found: Add incoming record
         Action if no match found: Add incoming record
                  Item processing: Always add items

And then "There are no records in this batch to import. Manage staged MARC 

Something just doesn’t seem “turned on”. Stuff goes in but does not come out. 

Eric Lease Morgan

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