>subject: CPA: Melbourne-Economic Forum =WTO.

>Demonstrations to close down World Economic Forum:
>The World Economic Forum is to open in Melbourne tomorrow, September
>11th for three days. The forum will hear speakers representative of
>the worldís leading transnational corporations and  compliant
>Thousands of demonstrators will take to the streets of the city of
>Melbourne to demonstrate against the forum and what it stands for.
>A statement issued by the Communist Party of Australia which is
>participating in the protests together with many other trade union,
>community, evironmental and democratic organisations, says:
>Communist Party of Australia (CPA) members from all parts of
>Australia have gathered in Melbourne to take part in the protests
>against the meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
>The WEF is a meeting of the leaders of the most powerful corporations
>around the globe which monopolise economic, political and military
>power, condemn millions to poverty and diseases, ravage the
>environment and squander resources in their drive for profits.
>We cannot tolerate entering the new millenium with 50 per cent of the
>world ís population surviving on just six per cent of world income.
>The top 100 corporations hold assets equal to the combined GDP of 140
>low income countries. Over 80 per cent of the worldís six billion
>people live in poverty.
>CPA members are joining forces with the large range of organisations
>and individuals who oppose the right of this gathering of
>unrepresentative robber barons to set a global agenda which inflicts
>injustice and underdevelopment on the majority of the worldís peoples
>and devastates the environment which is the basis for all life.
>The Federal Government has passed laws allowing the army to be
>used against demonstrators. A barrage of media propaganda has
>trivialised the protesters while simultaneously accusing them of
>violence and ignorance. Despite this, thousands are attending forums
>and festivals in the lead up to Mondayís actions to close the meeting
>People have the power to change Australia and change the world. We
>have to forge strong and lasting alliances among all the forces
>committed to change in the interests of the people. The campaign to
>close down the World Economic Forum meeting will play a part in this.
>The existing economic and political order does not and cannot serve
>the interests of humanity. The transnationals are socially
>and environmentally irresponsible and are obstacles to human
>They cannot be reformed or regulated. They must be removed and
>replaced by socially and environmentally responsible ways of meeting
>peopleís needs, by a new way of organising society. This is the
>message from the thousands demonstrating in Melbourne against the
>World Economic Forum. " JC
>         JC..Monday morning's happenings -so far
>JC. Radio National Australia, operating under the control of imported
>RightWing CEO's, and having its Truth Documentary/news staff
>disbanded, has reported the Melbourne street scenes at the moment.
>  Our little Prime Minister, a 'friend of Clinton' has spent a lot of
>his feeble racist energies in passing an Act allowing his government
>to call in the Army to prevent rowdy street protests. Our neo-liberal
>(meaning greed for wealth and power) Labour Party which also wanted
>to ensure a toothless ABC and no street protests, concurred with
>these things we describe as politicians.
> To protect the imperialists -many of whom are landing on the roof
>from helicopters -a large metal framework was constructed, 9 meters
>high, with a mesh of piping each meter. This surrounded the immediate
>area of the meeting entrance. But these boys and girls -including the
>welcome foreigners- have been there many times before and have
>concentrated on the streets leading to the protected slime.
>So far, the ABC has reported violent scuffles with police -no Army in
>sight yet -with one protester having his teeth knocked out -and a few
>police needing first aid. The normal racist, religious Disney-loving
>Premier from Western Australia has had his car repainted and his
>tyres fixed.
>No doubt our mates with the muscles -Building trades, Wharfies and
>many others who have lost their futures will be there. For every one
>of them who are now forced on the bread lines, the Aust dollar slides
>down in tandem. Like the USA, our figures for unemployment omit all
>those who earn one hour or one day's work a week, or -with dependent
>wife and children -train their probably tired faculties to learn a
>new trade -particularly computers -at age 45. Their children have
>been excluded from University. Education is now for the rich and the
>wealthy Catholic schools, colleges.
>So that is the background. Tomorrow's reports will tell more facts
>-hopefully -about the Melbourne battle. " JC


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