From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thed Daily Telegraph
April 12, 2001

 Chinese feel betrayed by 'double meanings'
By David Rennie in Haikou

 ON the hot, rainy streets of Haikou last night, near
the military guesthouse where the 24 crew of the
American spy plane were spending their last night in
China, the people smelled a rat.
Mr Li, a shopkeeper, stabbed a finger at a Chinese
government communique giving Beijing's view of the
American letter.

The document declared that President Bush and the
Secretary of State, Colin Powell, felt "sincere
regret" over the death of a Chinese fighter pilot and
were "very sorry to the Chinese people and the family
of the pilot, Wang Wei". They were also "very sorry
the American plane entered Chinese airspace and landed
without verbal clearance".

Ticking off items as a crowd of onlookers nodded
agreement, Mr Li said: "Sincere regret, that's not an
apology. And this 'very sorry' - they have not used
the word 'apology', which would show they were taking
responsibility. This is all double meanings. None of
these terms is straightforward."

The crowd in the small shop was unanimous: the
Americans being held at the Southern Fleet Air Force
No 1 Military Guesthouse should not be allowed to go.

Mr Li: "This problem has not been properly resolved.
Once the crew are released, we have no leverage over
the Americans. In our hearts we are very upset. The
Chinese pilot hasn't even been found yet."

Passers-by gathered to shout their opinions, paying no
heed to uniformed and plain clothes police nearby. One
man said: "This 'very sorry', it's like they bumped
someone on the street." Another added: "Only a formal
apology will do. They should put the American pilot on
trial. If he has broken the law, let him go to jail."

One man complained that this was not the first time
Chinese leaders had promised an American apology and
then settled for less. He said: "It was just like this
in 1999, after they bombed our embassy in Yugoslavia."

The day began with similar anger as morning paper
headlines claimed that Gen Powell had already "said
sorry". It did not take long to realise that
propaganda chiefs were playing with language as they
chose how to translate the word "sorry" into Chinese,
a language with a dozen different forms of apology.

Closer inspection revealed that the story was a
re-hashing of a statement there days ago, with key
phrases translated more positively. It seemed that
China was trying to manufacture something resembling
an apology to prepare the public for an imminent deal.
A Western diplomat said: "The ladder is being built
for China to climb down."

Gen Powell's original comments were made on Sunday,
when he said he was sorry that the pilot of the F-8
fighter had died in a mid-air collision with the spy
plane over the South China Sea. China's strictly
controlled media had already reported the comments,
but initially translated them using the term yihan,
which can sound dismissive.

But yesterday's Hainan Daily, Beijing Morning Post and
Beijing Youth Daily newspapers reported that Gen
Powell had "said sorry" for the loss of the pilot and
for the plane's intrusion. Propaganda chiefs chose a
new translation - bao qian.

In Mandarin bao qian means sorry, but does not
necessarily admit fault. China had originally demanded
that America must agree to the stronger term dao qian,
which admits guilt. When the American letter was
published last night, diplomats had chosen a third
way, rendering "very sorry" as shen biao qian yi, a
strong apology but not necessarily an admission of

A second-year student at Hainan University said: "They
are using the differences between the English and
Chinese languages, and they shouldn't." He said
students were "really angry", and would "rise up" if
the crew were allowed to go before America apologised

But public opinion counts for only so much in China.
Hainan University authorities and campus security
agents had already suppressed the few hints of
protest. Communist student union leaders quickly tore
down hand-written posters which appeared last week.

A fourth-year student was more cynical. He said:
"There won't be protests. Hainan is not like Beijing
or Shanghai. Students here always believe the

The grip of the Communist Party on the media means
that ordinary people have no idea that there is a
debate over who caused the collision, let alone that
America believes it was not to blame.

They believe, almost without exception, that America
is refusing to accept responsibility out of arrogance
or "hegemony". Asked why the Americans had not said
sorry, one person replied: "Because they think they
are so powerful."

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