----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 4:36 PM
Subject: [CrashList] Critique of "New Economy"

NY Times, December 21, 2000

An Author Savagely Indicts Notions of a New Economy


CHICAGO - The telephone rings. It does not chirp or beep, it rings - an
actual clapper strikes brass bells and the 1940's Bakelite body shudders -
like a voice from another time, like a wake-up call.

Thomas Frank answers. He has been waiting, here in his home office in the
Hyde Park neighborhood. On the other end of the line is an interviewer from
a National Public Radio station at the University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, ready to fill an hour with a phone-in discussion of Mr.
Frank's new book, "One Market, Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market
Populism and the End of Economic Democracy" (Doubleday).

In a sweeping, savage and witty indictment of American business, Mr. Frank,
35, slams the notion that the 1990's lived up to the promise of the new
economy - a sensibility summed up by commercials for WorldCom that ask, "Is
this a great time, or what?"

Mr. Frank argues that the answer is "or what." Behind the go-go stock
market and the feel-good atmosphere, he says, the American economy that
bloomed in the 1990's is sick: the divide between rich and poor has
widened, he insists, and mechanisms like government regulation and unions
that traditionally protected underdogs have been hobbled.

Mergers and globalization, meanwhile, are homogenizing the world into one
big Wal-Mart. Yet, he says, Americans have been sold the notion that the
pixie-dust prosperity has touched almost everyone.

His timing could not be better: Mr. Frank is riding a nascent wave of
antibusiness resentment that shows itself in everything from consumer
complaints about health maintenance organizations to trashed Starbucks
stores during last year's World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle. Vice
President Al Gore knew the sentiment was there when he attacked "big
tobacco, big oil, the big polluters, the pharmaceutical companies, the
H.M.O.'s." And even Business Week asked on its Sept. 11 cover: "Too Much
Corporate Power?"

"One Market, Under God" vivisects the libertarian manifestoes, management
how-to books, academic gobbledygook, advertisements and finance-oriented
cable networks to describe Mr. Frank's key bête noire: market populism.

This phrase, Mr. Frank argues, captures a new genre of spin that turns
traditional populism on its head. Instead of the classic populist stance on
behalf of the little guy, market populism hijacks the power-to-the-people
language to glorify capitalism and its biggest winners. Yeoman farmer, make
way for the Foosball-playing high-technology chief executive, courtesy of
evangelists like George Gilder, the former Reagan administration icon
turned tech cheerleader; Tom Peters, the management guru; Walter Wriston,
once the chief executive of Citicorp; and the creators of the Motley Fool
stock-pickers Web site.

Mr. Frank has been laying out elements of this argument for some time in
his obscure magazine, The Baffler, and in earlier books, including
"Commodify Your Dissent (W. W. Norton, 1997). But "One Market, Under God,"
published in November, is his manifesto. He attacks business pretensions,
not with the cruel streak of Michael Moore in his films or the studied
folksiness of Jim Hightower on radio, but with a cool, ironic wit that
evokes the line of Elvis Costello, the rock star, who sang, "Oh, I used to
be disgusted/And now I try to be amused."

As he sits through the radio interview, elbows propped on his aged oak desk
and head resting on his hands, Mr. Frank gives his spiel, its freshness
faded by repetition over the course of a grueling book tour. He has
returned just the night before from a California swing. But he limbers
mentally as he speaks, his voice almost preppy and slightly nasal, holding
up his part of the disembodied conversation, the anger rising. The
sentences build and flow with the fluidity of hot jazz and the urgency of
hard rock, one thought after another tumbling out.

With the business boom on the Internet, he says:

"A lot of business thinkers thought they had happened onto a kind of Golden
Age, onto a new world. There's a business magazine out there calling itself
Business 2.0, as if all of, all of history was, like, version 1.3, 1.4,
that sort of thing - and then now we've turned this Grand Corner, and
market populism is kind of the expression of that feeling, of business at
its most righteous, and at its most self-confident, and most willing to
take on its enemies and, and shout them down if you will."

Full article at: http://www.nytimes.com/2000/12/21/business/21ANTI.html

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