Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 13:49:07 +0200

Date: January 4, 2002
Statement No: 230

To the Members of the European Parliament
To the Institutions of the European Union


The absence of DHKP-C and the PKK in the “List of Terrorist Organisations”
which was prepared by the European Union, made the oligarchy in Turkey very
angry. From the government to the monopolist media many circles criticised
the European Union for “having learnt no lessons on terror despite of the
September 11 incident”. On this matter the biggest cry came from the
partners of the coalition government namely the MHP (Nationalist Movement
Party) members.
Some circles within the oligarchy are talking about reconsidering their
relations with the European Union because both DHKP-C and the PKK were not
considered as being terrorist organisations. Without doubt, the moaning of
Turkey’s administration is also reaching you through official channels and
the media. How will you evaluate all these criticisms and bellows from the
oligarchy in Turkey?
Some of the pro-European circles in our country and the unofficial
statements on behalf of the European Union suggest that “there is another
secret list which was prepared by the EU and both DHKP-C and the PKK were
included”. This is called opportunism and it aims to respond to the
oligarchy’s criticism. Without a doubt everyone knows that there are
political calculations and demagogy effecting both the decision of the EU
and the statements of Turkey’s oligarchy.
1- the demands of Turkey’s oligarchy upon Europe concerning our
organisation are not new.
2- Europe is not providing freedom for our organisation as Turkey’s
oligarchy claims.
3- Our organisation was arbitrarily banned in Germany to oppress it, and in
France our members and supporters are terrorised through detentions and
arrests and a de-facto ban exists in practice.
If you are for democracy, Human Rights and freedom, what needs to be done
is not to ban those who are fighting for freedom with “lists of terrorist
organisations” and to oppress and place limitations on revolutionary and
patriotic organisations in Europe. Neither the pressure of the US, nor the
screams of Turkey’s oligarchy can lead you in the right direction. You
should have the courage to see things from an historical, social and
scientific angle. Only if you adopt such an angle will you see that the
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party and Revolutionary People’s
Liberation Front are not “terrorist organisations”.
We are patriots and revolutionaries who struggle against a fascist regime
that TERRORISES their own people. VIOLENCE is an historic, scientific and
social reality and did not appear without any reason. If people are using
violence for freedom and justice, this is because they were left no other
way. History has proven that people and revolutionaries only see violence
as a tool of struggle under such conditions. It is the fascist regime in
Turkey that determined that revolutionary organisations become “illegal”
CANNOT QUESTION ANY ORGANISATION. The history of terror in Turkey has been
exhibited clearly through press releases both by our organisation and by
some other institutions. We will present you with some of them again. Only
if you question them, will you have the right to debate violence. Examine
them. Condemn them. We are ready to discuss everything on this issue.

According a press release from Turkey’s Internal Ministry that was issued
last month, “between 1995-2001, in the entire of Turkey, 1 Million 740
thousand and 70 people were detained.” This number is enough to show how
the people in Turkey face terror in their own land and how they live under
constant police terror. Turkey is a country where all demonstrations
demanding rights and liberties and attempts to organise people are
prevented by police terror, torture and massacres. If the detention of
almost 2 million people in six years is not TERROR, then what is?

1991  23 People were killed during detention under torture. The death
squads massacred 22 People. The police and gendarme massacred 32 people by
shootings during public demonstrations. According to official accounts 552
people were subjected to torture.
1992 - 17 People were killed during detention under torture. The death
squads massacred 63 People. 118 people were massacred during public
demonstrations. 13 Journalists were killed. According to official accounts
594 people were subjected to torture.
1993 - 29 People were killed during detention under torture. The death
squads massacred 57 People. The police and gendarme massacred 23 people by
shootings during public demonstrations. 7 Journalists were killed.
According to official accounts 827 people were subjected to torture.
1994 - 34 People were killed during detention and in the prisons under
torture. The death squads massacred 32 People in their homes and in the
streets. Unknown perpetrators murdered 292 people. 2 journalists were
murdered. 1500 villages were burnt down and evacuated. 14473 people were
detained and 1128 people were subjected to torture.
1995 - 101 People were killed during detention under torture. The death
squads massacred 21 People. Unknown perpetrators murdered 321 people. 220
people were made “disappeared”. The police and gendarme massacred 26 people
by shootings during public demonstrations. Approximately 15,000 people were
detained and tortured. 243 villages were destroyed and evacuated.
1996  The number of those who were killed by the death squads and who were
murdered during detention under torture reached to 190. Unknown
perpetrators murdered 78 people. 194 people were made “disappeared”. 20,434
people were detained and the mass majority of them were subjected to
torture. 68 villages were evacuated and destroyed.
1997  The number of those who were killed by the death squads and who were
murdered under detention by torture reached to 114. Unknown perpetrators
murdered 109 people. 213 people were made “disappeared”. 27,308 people were
detained. It was documented that 366 people were subjected to torture. The
number of villages that were evacuated and destroyed was 243.
1998  The number of those who were killed by the death squads and who were
murdered during detention under torture reached to 128. Unknown
perpetrators murdered 192 people. 66 people were made “disappeared”. 27,308
people were detained. It was documented that 498 people were subjected to
torture. Special Teams and village guards massacred 151 peasants during
village raids.
1999-2000  These years are the years when the demagogy of entering the EU
intensified, the democracy game was played through the laws for harmonising
Turkey within the EU with the Copenhagen criteria and at the same time
extra-judicial executions and torture continued to take place.
Approximately 20,000 people were detained during these years. The
extra-judicial executions and murders by unknown perpetrators were reduced
partially but a wide scale terror was put in practice targeting the entire
In 1999, in Ankara Ulucanlar prison, 10 captives were tortured and
massacred before everyone’s eyes. And at the end of 2000, the biggest ever
massacre in the history of Republic of Turkey’s prisons. During this era,
INTIMIDATION OF PEOPLE became the basic policy of the oligarchy and this
aim was to be achieved through these massacres.
Read these numbers again and again.
Extra-judicial executions, torture, disappearances, murders by unknown
Who exercises all these?
Those who practice them are those who wear OFFICIAL UNIFORMS.
Those who practice them are not questioned, tried and punished in our
Because all of this is used as STATE POLICY in our country.
There is no doubt that all of this is called TERRÖR!
It is also natural to call those who carry out this practice as TERRORISTS.
Yes, we are faced with a TERRORIST STATE.
Those who want us, the revolutionary and patriotic organisations, to be
included in the “list of terror” are nobody but THESE TERRORISTS.

This is such a terrorist state that it does not refrain to use oppression
and torture on those who are already chained and in prisons. There are
principles and rules that govern the treatment towards prisoners and
hostages that were developed throughout centuries by mankind. But a
terrorist state has no morals, principles or rules. It only knows how to
practice terror. Here is the summarised balance sheet of the last two
decades in Turkey’s prisons:

In total 62 political prisoners were massacred during attacks by the
gendarme and wardens.
In total 25 political prisoners lost their lives during Death Fast and
Hunger Strike actions. (Except the ongoing resistance)
In total 67 political prisoners lost their lives because of the denial of
medical treatment or the deliberate delay in treatment.
In total 20 political prisoners lost their lives during protests against
the oppression in prisons.
In total 28 political prisoners lost their lives by torture, beatings and
not receiving medical treatment when it was due. Their deaths were
registered with false information.
28 Captives were massacred during the massacre of December 19-22, 2000.
The number of people who lost their lives during the resistance against
isolation which began on October 20, 2000 and during the Death Fast outside
the prisons, and during the massacres to end the resistance in Armutlu
neighbourhood of Istanbul came to 51. Torture, isolation and massacres in

In order to add our organisation and the PKK to the “list of terrorist
organisation” the MHP is releasing statements by barking like a
rabies-suffering dog. The murdering MHP has a special place within the
oligarchy in Turkey. The MHP is one of the civilian fascist movements,
which was organised by the CIA in the ‘60s, like tens of others in the
other neo-colonies of imperialism. These mobs have been used against the
people and revolutionaries since the ‘70s. The fascist terror of the MHP
mobs in the neighbourhoods, factories, schools and cities aimed to make the
people surrender through intimidation. Between 1974-1980, the fascist mobs
of MHP and its side organisation Ülkü Ocaklarý (Idealistic Hearths)
massacred thousands of our people.
The fascist MHP is also responsible for the murder of tens of
intellectuals. University lecturers (professors and doctors) Cavit Orhan
Tütengil, Bedri Karafakioðlu, Ümit Doðanay; journalists like Abdi Ýpekçi
and tens of other famous and known personalities were massacred as they
tried to create an atmosphere of terror within society. When the single
murders were not effective enough to intimidate people, this fascist
movement carried out mass murders starting from 1978. During the plots in
Malatya, Sivas and Çorum, the massacres in Istanbul university (March 16,
1978), in Maraº (December 24, 1978), in Bahçelievler and Piyangotepe
neighbourhoods in Ankara the members of this fascist party played the key
roles. The cadres and militants of the fascist party were given positions
within the contra mobs and official special teams after the September 12,
1980 coup. These were trained in commando camps and used during the new
era. With the support of the monopolies and the military the MHP was
reinstated in TBMM (National Parliament).
Today almost 20 of the MHP Members of Parliament in the parliament are
those who were directly involved in murders by these mobs. The fascist
murderers are moved into the parliament through the MHP. The administrative
cadres of the MHP are those who planned numerous of massacres. These are
the ones who call us terrorists.
This is the same MHP, which is a partner in the government in Turkey that
is supported by Europe to massacre us in the F-type prisons. They are the
owners of a mentality, which suggests that the prisoners “should be killed”
while the rights of captives were debated. Will the institutions of the EU
act upon the wish of these murderers?

Four people were burnt alive in a house in Istanbul’s Küçükarmutlu
neighbourhood in November 5, 2001. They were those who were on Death Fast
and those who were aiding the resisters and visitors. It was proven by the
official pathology reports that during the operation in the prisons in
December 19, 2000, in Bayrampasa prison’s woman ward, 6 women prisoners
were burnt alive by the special teams. In the face of this clear terrorism,
the European delegations used terms like "excessive violence was used"; "we
have concerns". These delegations have no right to condemn those who
struggle against this terror.
You observe and know that on a daily basis associations and press bureaux
are raided and their workers and visitors are taken to torture centres and
the democratic institutions are closed down. Deaths by torture under
detention are continuing non-stop.
Extra-judicial executions are continuing to take place.
The prosecutors give the decision to “acquit” the police and gendarme
during the cases of torture, murder and massacre. Because there is a TERROR
which is practised by the STATE’S DECISION.
We ask while all these truths are obvious: IN REALITY, WHO IS THE TERRORIST?
If all this is not terrorism then what is?
If those who claim that they are "against terror" are not considering this
terror and not calling those who practice this terrorists, all those
exercises under the name of the “struggle against terror” are nothing but a
great fabrication.

We invite the Members of the European Union and the EU institutions, to
condemn the TERRORIST STATE OF TURKEY, and to ANNOUNCE that those who carry
out these practice TERRORISTS. Just think! They are coming before you and
representing the state in Turkey and asking you to add this or that
organisation to the “terror list”. They are massacring thousands of people
by torture, making thousands “disappear”, killing people in the streets, in
their homes and in their work places without trial, arbitrarily exercising
oppression and bans and you cannot call them “terrorists”. Yes, without
doubt, they are terrorists. They are continuing the rule of exploitation
and plunder through terror. In such a country where people are openly
terrorised, considering us terrorists while we are struggling against this
fascist terror means nothing but supporting fascist terror.
Do not be the supporters of fascist terror. Those who wish to abolish
violence must question the States, which condemn people to hunger and
injustice and must oppose regimes, which violate peoples rights for the
sake of their rule. The source of violence is never the revolutionary and
patriotic liberation movements.

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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