----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 4:28 PM
Subject: [Cuba SI] CrashL: World Oil production, Causes of World Wars

subject: CrashL: World OIL production, Causes of World wars
From: "M A Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [CrashList] World oil consumption
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
List-Id: CrashList <crashlist.lists.wwpublish.com>

Seth wrote:

> the articles Mark Jones posted to   Crashlist from the official
sources deftly omit one big part of the global oil production story:
World consumption of oil was 76 million barrels a day during January-
April 2000, an increase of eight million barrels a day since   1990,
according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).  And the
US? Its   oil consumption was a mere 19 million barrels per day
during January-April   2000 versus 17 million barrels in January-
April 1990, according to the IEA.     Seems that concrete reality is
a bit much for the official sources to report   to the public, eh? >

Not only am I not "deftly omitting *rising* oil consumption", that's
my whole point! In article after article over many years, I've been
arguing that there is NO SUCH THING as 'virtualisation' of the
economy, NO SUCH THING as the so-called 'New Economy', Internet etc,
actually REDUCING energy consumption. We have been told time after
time that energy is 'no longer important' because it takes 'too small
a percentage share of GDP to matter any more'; we have been told that
capitalist economies have become 'energy-efficient' and that energy
input costs have become 'decoupled' from economic growth and that
energy is a 'declining part of each dollar unit of GDP' etc. All
lies! For a long time it was impossible even to get a hearing (but
people like Doug Henwood and Carrol Cox are now more clearly
revealed as ostriches). The truth was that (a) oil was AND IS
indispensable to modern economies, (b) oil is a highly finite
resource; (c) oil is irreplaceable, and the so-called 'alternatives'
(wind, PVs, biomass etc) are just hoaxes; (d) oil supply would start
to peak and decline after 2000.

 And the truth WAS AND IS that capitalism cannot exist WITHOUT
GROWTH: it is a grow-or-die society, and that too is what I've
repeatedly been saying, and I've been pointing to the simple fact
that when energy deficits bite, capitalism will almost INSTANTLY
enter crisis, and depending on what happen s next, that crisis can be
final, ie, can result in a catatsrophic economic slump, followed by
wars, mass dieoffs and more besides.

 I believe that the PEAK IS HERE and that the true situation is far
worse than the public is told. This means quite simply that the
populations of the advances countries are being led like sheep to the
slaughter. As for the 3rd world, the situation in many places is
aleady completely catastrophic; they will become simply the
battlegrounds of world war 3, the war fought for energy (as also
world war 2 was fought for energy).

 I lived through the collapse of Soviet oil and I see many,
many similarities with what is happening today in the West. I expect
world oil production top decline so fast that it will quickly throw
the entire global energy system into profound and irreversible
crisis. Industrial collapse will collapse, there will be
unprecedented mass unamployment: and that is JUST THE BEGINNING of
what will be the blackest two or three decades in the history if
industrial capitalism.

 What ought to worry you most of all is that there is one other set
of people who HAVE long known the truth: I mean the ruling class, the
veiled world of mega-corps. big Government, of massive and baroque
armed forces. They have known and they have KEPT SILENT about this
calamity which wil costs tens of millions and hundreds of millions of

Why are they silent?

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From: "Mark Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:09:22 +0100

Causes of war

I recently found a useful article explaining the Caspian oil
connection to the war against the FRY by Sean Gervasi titled "Why is
NATO in Yugoslavia?". The report was delivered at the Conference on
the Enlargement of NATO in Prague on January 13-14, 1996 and can be
found at http://www.mclink.it/assoc/fondpasti/nato/.

I have since updated the institutional theory provided in the article
with additional evidence from a variety of sources. My hope was to
connect the dots that led to this tragedy; describe it in terms of
current system theory; and suggest how such wars could be avoided in
the future.

I do hope it will at least provides useful information to you and can
in some way contribute to an overall understanding ofthe cause of all
this suffering. The writing style may be too heavily descriptive as I
am an environmental analytical soil and water chemist and not a
professional writer.

James Robbins

Wagons east - International trade and the FRY-NATO war US President
Bill Clinton has admitted thatthe war against The Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (FRY) by NATO and French Eurocorps forces is about the
global economy, stupid! Clinton's exact words were "If we're going to
have a strong economic relationship that includes our ability to sell
around the world, Europe has got to be a key.... That's what this
Kosovo thing is all about."

(1) In other words, NATO must pacify
Yugoslavia so that transnational oil companies in coordination with
the Bretton Woods Institutions, can secure the oil transportation
route from the Caspian Sea into Central Europe. Globalism and the New
Silk Road oil route Sean Gervasi in his paper "Why is NATO in
Yugoslavia" described the main globalistic objective of NATO as
control of the Danube Canal in the FRY to ensure a continuous trade
route to the East block and increase trade with Eastern Europe,
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

(2) This action would
create a NATO administered European inland waterway between the Black
Sea and the North Sea via the Rhine-Main-Danube canal. More
importantly this canal would serve as the means for transnational
corporations to transport oil and petroleum products from the Caspian
Sea into Central Europe. The US Geological Survey (USGS) has
estimated the low sulfur Caspian oil reserves to be up to 200 billion
barrels (Gbo), which is about twice the 94 Gbo of oil recaptured from
Iraq in the Kuwait war.

(3) Proven natural gas reserves stand at about 5 to 8
trillion cubic meters, on par with those of the United States, with
estimated recoverable reserves three times larger.

(4) According to William Ramsay, deputy assistant secretary of state
for energy,
sanctions and commodities, "these Caspian reserves are crucial to the
world energy balance over the next 25 years". He also said "the
Caspian can provide one-third of the expected increase in energy
demand by 2010 -- and will play a decisive role in powering world
development over the next three decades."

(5) Clinton's war goals and
Gervasi's institutional theory support Ramsey's vision that, "There
already exists a kind of outline of a new Silk Road running through
the Caucasus and beyond the Caspian. We think oil and gas pipelines,
roads, railways and fiber optics can make this 21st century Silk Road
a superhighway linking Europe and Central Asia." (5) Recent analysis
of world oil reserves indicate that all oil estimates by the
transnational oil companies and the USGS significantly overestimates
the global oil reserves, however, this would add even more urgency to
extracting Caspian Sea oil.

(6) Ramsey was further quoted as saying
that U.S. Energy Secretary Pena stressed,on his visit to the Caucasus
region in November 1997 "that the next 12 to 18 months are a crucial
period in Caspian development."(5) Coincidentally, the first secure
pipeline from the Azerbaijan Caspian Sea port of Baku to the Georgian
Black Sea port of Sapsa was ceremonial opened in December 1998 and
the first oil tanker destined for Spain was loaded in March of 1999.

Numerous wars for control of this oil, including the Georgia-
Albania-Azerbaijan (Nagorno-Karbakh), North Ossetian-Ingush, and
Chechnya-Russia wars, make other pipeline routes unreliable.
Unfortunately, the Strait of Bosporus is already overcrowded with
tanker traffic, and Turkey further limits oil tankers in the Bosporus
fearing an Exxon Valdez type oil disaster.

(7) Solutions to getting
the oil to market include alternate oil pipelines planned between
Bulgaria-Greece, Bulgaria-Macedonia-Albania, and Azerbaijan-Southern
Turkey. However, none of these routes solves the problem of how to
economically transport oil to Germany and the surrounding Northern
European countries and finished products to markets in the former
Soviet Union. The reopening of the Danube canal following the
1991-1995 UN sanctions against Yugoslavia andthe recent completion of
the Rhine-Main-Danube canal would allow the bulk transport of oil and
refined petroleum products to Austria, Germany, Poland, and Belgium.
This waterway is being expanded by channeling most ofthe major rivers
of Europe, including a Rhine-Rhone canal into France.

(8) The canal
system is already the most economical trade route for most of Western
Europe, supporting both freighter and barge train traffic. The
Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta would serve as a transshipment
point from and to the Silk Road. This European "TRACECA" (Transport
Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia) corridor VII would also support oil
pipeline along the Danube.
(9) Constanta has large oil refineries which
could provide secondary petroleum products to western markets.

(10) The opportunity for resumption of Ukrainian iron and coal
imports is also a significant factor in the trade equation. The
TRACECA program was implemented at Baku September 8, 1998 to provide
sustainable access to Trans-European and Trans-Asian transport
networks for the land-locked Caucasian and Central Asian
countries.(9) The subsequent Silk Road Declaration of April 24, 1999
is designed to "promote the effective use of the international
transport corridor Europe - the Caucasus".

(11) The European Union has recently created the INOGATE
program that is designed to promote the security of energy supplies.
An INOGATE Summit Meeting will be organized in Kiev (Ukraine) on July
22, 1999, in order to proceed with the final signature of the
"Umbrella Agreement" Careful reading of all these European Union
programs show that they are designed to protect the investment of
transnational corporations.

(12) Yugoslavia as a NATO security threat
With this eastward expansion of the European Union and the
corresponding NATO security alliance,the independent FRY has become a
perceived threat to globalistic economic interests. The fact that the
FRY was not a NATO or UN combined with 1998 talks on the proposed
formation of a Russia, Belarus, and Yugoslavia federation threatened
their plans. The recent Balkan wars underscored to NATO that the
region was unstable andthat further pacification was needed to ensure
a safe economic climate for Western investors! Ironically, the
Canadian economist Michael Chossudovsky, has shown that the IMF
ordered restructuring of the Yugoslavia economy during the late
1980s,and administered by reformist bankers such as Milosevic,
contributed to the Balkan wars during the 1990s. The massive economic
crisis from these economic policies, including the loss of
approximately two million jobs by the end of 1980, had ignited ethnic
hatreds, exacerbated by authoritarian leaders, leading to brutal wars
of ethnic cleansing by Serb, Croat, and Muslim forces beginning in

(13) The
reverend Jesse Jackson once remarked that "They no longer use bullets
and ropes. They use the World Bank and the IMF."
(14). Most people in
the region never realized that the true "butchers of the Balkans" of
the late 20th Century were the IMF and World Bank leaders who
inflicted pain and suffering with a pen The recent completion of the
Baku-Supsa pipeline has undoubtedly added pressure on the European
political system to resolve the FRY problem and get on with the oil
rush. Social unrest and drastic economic downturns in Romania,
Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland, caused by the failed policies of
economic "Structural Adjustment" engineering by the IMF, is of great
concern to the European Union security. Thus the desperate need for
the European Union to show that capitalism bears fruit in Eastern
Europe has accentuated the NATO perception that the FRY posed a
security threat to trade. NATO's slogan has thus became, "NATO: Out
of Area or Out of Business".

(15) Lessons from Dayton The success of the 1995 Dayton Accords
allowed NATO to pacify Bosnia-Hertzogovenia with some 60,000 troops
equipped with armor and backed by superior air and naval forces. This
NATO deployment was unique in that it was the first major NATO
operation and it was staged outside NATO boundaries.
Undoubtedly, Clinton mistook the willingness of the Slobodan
Milosovic's government to negotiate at the Dayton Accords, following
a short NATO bombing campaign against the Republic of Serbia forces,
for weakness.
   The added ease of which Franjo Tudjman's US and German trained
Croat army was able to capture Krijana, kill approximately
10,000 Serbs and ethnically cleanse some 750,000 Serbs from Croatia,
added to this misconception. Clinton's Bluff Anyone who bothered to
read Appendix B of the Rambouillet ultimatum noticed that it required
Yugoslavia to submit to occupation by 30,000 NATO troops, not only in
Kosovo and Metahuji (Kosmet), but also throughout Serbia and
Vojvodina. The FRY Ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic drew the parallel
that "what happened at Rambouillet was the same thing that Hitler had
done with Czechoslovakia over the Sudetenland: If Prague does not
agree, Germany will attack." The expected refusal of the Serbs to
relinquish sovereignty provided the justification needed for the
immediate coalition bombing campaign! Jesse Jackson later remarked
that "a diplomacy with no diplomacy is no diplomacy; that bombing and
forcing an enemy to capitulate with no other dialogue is wrong."
Apparently the bombing campaign was expected to result in the
immediate capitulation of Yugoslavia rather than face the most
powerful air force in world history. NATO commander General Wesley
Clark went so far as to tell US Rep. Randy `Duke' Cunningham of the
51st Congressional District that "Duke, NATO only wanted to bomb one
day and quit".

(16)". Unfortunately, Clinton and his advisors did not
consider the law of unexpected consequences, as Milosovic failed to
capitulate as expected. One would have thought that at least General
Clark would have been acutely aware of this principle following his
fateful planning of the Waco, Texas assault on the Branch Davidian
(17). Serbian strategy After the NATO political leaders had
their bluff called in their high stakes poker game with the FRY, the
NATO generals were either too stupid, or more likely too afraid, to
let the political leaders know thatthis was not the Kuwait oil war!
A good analysis of the FRY strategy was recently published in the
STRATFOR Journal (11) and reveals that the FRY would use a strategy
similar to what Switzerland used to deter Germany in WWII, that is,
the threat to inflict a pyrrhic victory. A brutal, but necessary,
component of this defensive strategy is the ethnic cleansing of a
majority of Kosovar Albanian citizens and approximately half million
illegal Albanian aliens. This action serves to tie up NATO resources,
create a defendable border, and eliminate rear guard attacks from KLA
terrorists within Kosmet. Humanitarian smokescreens To cover the
failed bluff, NATO has lied when it claims that the massive
deportations Albanians and the ethnic cleansing of Kosavar Albanians
from Kosmet was the justification for bombing. The FRY military and
police only started their defensive depopulation of the battlefield
once the bombing attack began. While the Serbian deportation and
ethnic cleansing strategy cannot be condoned, neither can the ethnic
cleansing of Serbs from Croatia in 1995 or of Palestinians from
Israel in the 1947-1949 war.

 (19) In each of these three cases, the history
of hundreds of years of injustices by both sides of the conflict led
to deportation and ethnic cleansing.The NATO political propaganda has
justified the subsequent deaths of about 2,000 civilians and the
wounding of another 6,000, including Kosovar Albanians, as collateral
damage in a war to protect Kosavar Albanians. To deflect attention
from NATO geopolitical goals, they repeat the Balkan war propaganda,
that the Serbian people are subhuman neo-fascists who deserve what
they get in order. In reality, atrocities attributable in the Balkan
wars, by Serb, Croat, and Muslim forces were approximately
proportional to their respective populations and had their roots in
IMF policy.

The Clinton Administration is even more amnesic in failing
to acknowledge the genocidal wars against native Americans and the
many instances of ethnic cleansing, such as the Trail of Tears, the
forced removals of Navajo (Dine) and Apache from Arizona, and the
Ojibwe from Wisconsin, to mention only a few. Appeals to prevent and
reverse the widespread illegal acquisition of tribal lands within
Sovereign Indian Nations by non-Indians are routinely blocked by the
US Congress. This latter land grab policy makes America and Israel
the only two nations in the world that do not have clearly defined
borders. Spoils of war The key tactical objective of the current air
war seems to be the deindustrialization of Serbia and Vojvodina, by
the destruction of key national refinery, communication and
transportation assets in day and night bombardment. John Broder has
recently quoted Clinton as saying that "Europeans would...pay most of
the cost of rebuilding Yugoslavia" after the war. It is more likely
that this help will come in the form of IMF arranged privatization of
these economic sectors of Serbia by transnational corporations at
fire sale prices. The control of oil fields in Vojvodina,
approximately five billion in mineral deposits and the second largest
European deposit of lignite coal (17 billion tons) in Kosmet, are
just secondary prizes.

All evidence points to partitioning the FRY into at
least the provinces of Kosova, Serbia and by giving the ethnic
Hungarian portion of Vojvodina to Hungary. Such goals would require a
long-term military occupation by a large NATO army until compliant
leaders can be identified and placed in administrative positions and
internal security policing established. Wagons East Once the FRY is
secured the NATO military alliance can turn its attention the
Caucasus. Ariel Cohen, a scholar in Russian and Eurasian Studies, at
the Heritage Foundation, has recently stated of that "It is in
Western interests to have that region pacified."

(20). To stabilize Georgia, it was made an Associate of the European
Union in April 1999 and an Associate member of NATO on May 31, 1999,
and for starters it is being
provided with 10 American helicopter gunships and German police
advisors. This aid combined with recent joint military exercises
between the US 82nd Airborne and Azerbaijan, are meant to protect the
crucial pipelines from rebel groups. Major NATO efforts will also be
required in Turkey to control a part of Kurdistan's 65 Gbo of oil
reserves and the oil pipeline from the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk
to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. The planned major oil and
gas pipelines between Azerbaijan to the port of Ceyhan will require
additional security. There are also plans to extend this gas pipeline
to Israel, which may explain recent joint Turkey and Israel military
exercises. The need to protect this new pipeline will eventually be
used tojustify an aggressive new NATO pacification action against the
Kurdish people. The new 30 billion-five year agreement to
modernization of Turkey's military by US arms merchants seems to bear
out this possibility. Turkey has already killed thousands of Kurds,
destroyed some 3,000 villages, and created about two million refugees
in the last 14 years!

 What will happen when Turkey really gets serious about pipeline
security! This eastward NATO expansion vision into the Caucasus can
be sold to the American and European Union citizens
through the powerful subliminal combination of the "American conquest
of the frontier" and the "European crusade" myths. However, these
myths avoid the question: what happens when the "Indians or Infidels"
in these regions resist being pacified and moved to reservations?
Fear of the big stick It is obvious that this "Big Stick" war against
FRY is an ecological, social and economic disaster to the Balkans and
ultimately may threaten European Union access to the Caspian Sea oil
that it thinks it so desperately needs. Alexander Solzhenytsin stated
on June 3, 1999, that "NATO wants to enforce the New World Order and
it needs Yugoslavia to set an example." "We will punish Yugoslavia,
and the rest of the planet will tremble", and that "it can bring the
dictatorship of NATO, and the tyranny of NATO over the rest of the
planet". Solzhenytsin added that, "he does not see any difference at
all between NATO and Hitler". This typical response from Russia and
many members of the Commonwealth of Independent States has convinced
most of these countries that they need to keep, or acquire, nuclear
weapons to protect their people against NATO attacks. The recent
Russian military buildup in Daghestan and Armenia due to their fears
of being cut out of the oil rush should be carefully considered by
NATO. Canary in the mine shaft The NATO war against the FRY has shown
that the IMF can destroy European countries just as it can those in
the third world. US Rep. Bernie Sanders has argued that such IMF
administered policies result in: "a few world-class billionaires,
economic collapse, soaring debt, mass unemployment, grinding poverty,
and unpaid wages and pensions."

Unfortunately, the media only shows acute suffering and not the
chronic death by a thousand cuts that the IMF dispenses. There is now
alarming evidence that the IMF and NATO destruction of Yugoslavia
will be replayed in the Caspian Sea region. IMF policies in the
Caspian Sea region are already causing widespread suffering and may
result in conflicts to numerous to count.

(21, 22)
Western powers are also failing to deal with the socioeconomic
disruption that comes with sudden oil wealth (23). Who within the EU
media will dare announce that many have died for the IMF and many
will follow? FRY-NATO war solution. The FRY parliament approved G8
agreement for meaningful self-rule and sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FRY suggests a Kosova-Kosmet model similar to the
Belgium federal monarchy. In Belgium, there are distinct Flemish,
Walloon and German communities and decisions affecting each community
culture are made within the respective culture as much as possible.
Ultimately, it is doubtful that anything less than aCzechoslovak-
style divorce would work, no matter how many peacekeepers
are present. In the Kosova-Kosmet there would also be the impossible
task of separating the Kosavar Albanians factions to keep them from
killing each other. There is also the question of whether anyone
would want to return to a destroyed land that is littered with mines,
bomb fragments, cluster bombs, toxic spills and dusted with depleted
uranium. Given the extensive damage in all of the FRY one would
expect many refugees of all ethnic groups to try to make a new start
elsewhere in the EU, if possible. According to the United Nations
HighCommission on Refugees, of 1 million Bosnians who fled during the
1990s fighting, only 321,000 have returned home in the four years
since the peace agreements were signed. The peace plan will allow
both the Clinton (NATO) and Milosovic governments to be able to give
the appearance of not losing the war. The reality is that, almost
everyone involved lost and will continue to lose for many decades to

System engineering causes for the war The fundamental lesson from the
war was that no one recognized that it arose for the following
shifting the burden model:

(1) completion of the Caucusus pipeline led to;

(2) a need to intimidate the FRY into submitting to loss of
sovereignty which;

(3) led to the tactic of intimidation of the FRY for a failing
balancing loop between Albanians and Serbs that;

(4) resulted in quick fix NATO war against the FRY which;

(5) caused the unintended consequences of refugees, deaths,
suffering, and mass destruction and;

(6) addiction loops where the EU community and UN troops will have to
keep solving the problems of their intervention for decades which;

(7) cause additional problems that lead to more quick fix solutions

(8) ultimately create numerous other system theory archetype

(28) In retrospect, the money wasted on this war could have been used
in the late 1980s to create a prosperous and just society in the
multiethnic Balkan region that would not have posed a perceived
threat. New directions As this bloody century closes it is critical
that the peoples of the European Union reflect on their historical
failures. It is time that Europe addresses the root economic causes
to social discord come up with alternatives to the classical large
Nation State or the reductionist New World Order. Fortunately, many
economists have clearly described the bribe, divide, and conquer
strategies of the New World Order and have suggested alternative ways
to conduct a more civil and environmentally sound society.(24, 25,
Such changes will require a radical change from the current Newtonian
world view of crisis, chaos, pollution and decay to a entropy world
view which emphasizes the reduction of disorder in all aspects of
society.(27) Care must also be taken to avoid tactical quick fix
solutions to socioeconomic problems. This will require thoughtful
consideration of strategic system theory principles before
engineering cultural changes.(28) Europeans must carefully consider
such alternative voices in the wilderness or the next century will
even more tragic!

Bibliography :

(1) U.S. President Bill Clinton In a speech delivered the day before
his televised address to the American people about the crisis in
Kosovo, Quoted in "The Case Against Intervention in Kosovo", by
Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne, The Nation Magazine, April
19, 1999 issue.

(2) Sean Gervasi, "Why is NATO in Yugoslavia" presented at the 1996
Prague Conference on the Enlargement of NATO.

(3) Caspian Sea: U.S. Experts Say Oil Reserves Are Huge By Charles
Fenyvesi Washington, 5 May 1998 (RFE/RL)

(4) US and EU scrambling to tap the natural resources of the Caspian
region by Ivan Vlahov

(5) Pipeline Superhighway Replaces The Silk Road By Stuart Parrott
London, 19 November 1997 (RFE/RL)

(6) Campbell, C.J. and Laherrere, J. H. 1998. The End of Cheap Oil.
Scientific American March, 1998. pp78-84.

(7) Bosphorus Straits Regulation and Central Asian Oil. At
http://gurukul.ucc.american.edu/ted / BOSPORUS.htm.

(8) Arnould, M. and Epple, R. France Moves to Channelize the Rhone,
World Rivers Review, February 1997

(9) The Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for
Development of the Europe - the Caucasus - Asia Corridor" Baku 8th
September 1998 http://www.azembassy.com/traceca/browse.htm

(10) Gross, A. Inches close to the deal of the century: Will the Oil
Road cross Romania. IR Magazine 7.

(11) Silk Road Declaration. Declaration between Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan. April 24, 1999

(12) U.S.-EU statement on caspian energy. May 18, 1998

(13) Chossudovsky, M. "The Globalization of Poverty, Impacts of IMF
and World Bank Reforms" (1997, Zed Books).

(14) Jackson, J. Presentation to eleven African heads of state,
Liberville, Gabon, May 27, 1993.

(15) Senator Richard Lugar. "NATO: Out of Area or Out of Business",
Remarks Delivered to the Open Forum of the US State Department,
2, 1993, Washington, D.C.

(16) US Representative Randy `Duke' Cunningham, 51st Congressional
District. KOSOVO (House of Representatives - May 05, 1999) [[Page:
H2785] [TIME: 2045]]

(17) Cockburn, A and St Clair, J. 1999. Clark at Waco?

(18) STRATFOR. Analysis of NATO's ground invasion options. April 14,

(19) Mattlage, A. A chronology of the Zionist-Arab conflict. Dept. of
Philosophy. St. Cloud State Univ. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (online).

(20) Cohen, A. in Analyst says west has stake in NIS oil development
by Rose, W. USIS Staff Writer Daily Washington File. 11/02/95

(21) Starr, S. F. Gloomy thoughts: scenario for a meltdown in central
Asia and the Caucasus. Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, SAIS. notes.
The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the
John Hopkins University May 1999

(22) Cohen, A. Ethnic conflicts threaten u.s. interests in the
Caucasus The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No.1222. September 25,

(23) Starr, S. F. Being rich will not be enough oil and policy in
central Asia and the Caucasus. briefing paper Central Asia-Caucasus
Institute, SAIS. The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International
Studies of the John Hopkins University

(24) Korten, D. 1995. "When Corporations Rule the World" Kumarian
Press, Inc. and Berrett-Kohler Publishers, Inc.

(25) The End of Work. 1995. The Decline of the Global Labor Force and
the Dawn of the Post-Market Era. G.P. Putnam's Sons

(26) Chomsky, N. 1999. Profit over people:Neoliberalism and Global
Order. Seven Stories.

(27) Rifkin, J. 1980. Entropy A New World View. Foundation on
Trends. Viking Press

(28) Senge, P. 1990. The Fifth Discipline. The Art and Practice of
Learning Organization. A Currency Book.
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