----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 7:34 PM
Subject: South African CP, SACP supports World Bank/IMF protests

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South African CP, SACP supports World Bank/IMF protests
From: South African Communist Party, 26/09/2000
http://www.sacp.org.za, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The South African Communist Party (SACP) fully supports the September 26  protests to take place in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria directed at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As these institutions meet in Prague from September 26, thousands of protesters will gather in Prague and other countries across the world protesting against the role and policies of these two institutions.

These institutions are responsible for some of the worst human atrocities, including privatisation, which puts the very services necessary for basic survival out of the reach of the poor. These promoters of global capitalism target the South, and Africa, the most impoverished continent, for more of their destructive attention and programmes.

The South African transition itself is subject to fierce contestations between those forces opposed to transformation (and who push for IMF and World Bank inspired policies) and those forces for fundamental transformation in favour of the poor. Therefore the SACP calls on all our people to join the September 26 protests as part of local struggles for fundamental transformation.

As the SACP, we reject the policies of structural adjustment and trade liberalisation which the World Bank and IMF coerce most of the world's countries into adopting. We call for the reversal of these policies and the introduction of humane policies which place people before profits and which rejects the +ACI-race to the bottom+ACI- which animates the process of corporate globalisation. We call for the cancellation of the burden of debt currently imposed on the countries of the South.

The Prague meeting of the IMF and the World Bank can either be an occasion for genuine engagement with the issues that matter to the South or for another round of bland and false assertions that capitalist globalisation will benefit the South.

We believe that if the Prague meeting fails to consider the demands being made by the increasingly strong global movement for economic and social justice, it will be another lost opportunity.

Mazibuko K. Jara (surname Jara),Department of Media, Information +ACY- Publicity
South African Communist Party
Tel - 011 339-3621/2 Fax - 011 339-4244 Cell- 083 651 0271
Email: sacp1+AEA-wn.apc.org


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