>From: Mark Clement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Monday, September 18, 2000
>LATEST NEWS++++++++++
>Iraq press say U.S. plans attack against Baghdad.
>BAGHDAD, Sept 18 (Reuters) - The Iraqi press rejected on Monday threats to
>use force against Baghdad if it threatens its neighbours and charged that
>Washington was preparing an attack on Iraq with the aid of its allies in the
>Middle East.
>The United States warned Baghdad after allegations last week from Iraq that
>Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil from a border field.
>U.S. Defence Secretary William Cohen said in Singapore on Sunday that the
>United States was watching Iraq closely and would not allow President Saddam
>Hussein to become a threat again. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright had
>said on Thursday that Washington stood ready to use military force against
>Iraq on Saturday had denied it was threatening any of its neighbours and
>dismissed as baseless what it called U.S. allegations that it was
>threatening Kuwait.
>"We not only pour scorn to statements made by those Zionists, but we regret
>the level of political and moral misery they have reached," the ruling Baath
>party newspaper said in a front-page editorial.
>"After revealing the reality of this (Kuwaiti) theft, the American
>administration starts issuing warnings to Iraq in a ridiculous manner," it
>Iraq's most influential newspaper, Babel, said that the United States was
>planning a new military attack against Iraq. "The American administration is
>planning a new aggression against Iraq, relying on its failing actors in the
>region, the rulers of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia," said Babel, which is owned
>by the eldest son of the Iraqi president.
>Iraq recently revived accusations that Kuwait was stealing its oil and
>warned of unspecified measures against the neighbour it invaded in 1990,
>leading to the U.S.-led Gulf War in 1991. The Kuwaiti cabinet met on Sunday
>and issued a statement saying that Iraq posed a real and present threat to
>the vital oil-rich Gulf region and called for serious international steps to
>contain its former occupier.
>Kuwait "strongly rejects these false (Iraqi) accusations and the real danger
>they pose to regional security and stability", the statement said.
>Russian businessmen arrive in Iraq to talk business.
>Text of report by Russian Mayak radio on 18th September
>A group of Russian businessmen has arrived in Iraq. The group is headed by
>Arnold Bekker, president of the Stroytransgas corporation. They are expected
>to have talks at the Iraqi oil ministry today [18th September]. They will
>discuss Russia's future involvement in projects to extract hydrocarbons in
>Iraq and supplies of equipment, in particular. The businessmen also brought
>five tonnes of medicine in humanitarian aid to Iraq. The Iraqi government
>and public responded positively to this new manifestation of friendship by
>Unease in Two Gulfs Sends Crude to 10-Year High.
>NEW YORK (Wall Street Journal) - Crude-oil futures climbed Friday to their
>highest levels since the Gulf War, as tensions between Iraq and Kuwait and a
>hurricane threat in the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico heightened supply worries.
>October crude futures at the New York Mercantile Exchange rose $1.93 to as
>high as $36 a barrel, before closing at a 10-year high of $35.92, up $1.85.
>US warns against resuming flights to Baghdad.
>A campaign to restore civilian air travel to Baghdad gained pace yesterday
>when Jordan joined Russia in declaring that it was preparing to end 10 years
>of Iraqi isolation.
>As Iraq continued to accuse Kuwait of stealing its oil and the US warned
>President Saddam Hussein against renewing hostilities in the Gulf, Jordan
>said it was consulting other countries about resuming civilian flights.
>Moscow said last week that it might begin passenger flights to Baghdad next
>month, but no final decision has been taken. Russian and Iraqi officials are
>negotiating the arrangements.
>While the US and Britain insist that non-humanitarian flights to Baghdad are
>proscribed by the UN sanctions resolution, Russia and France say that the
>resolution makes no explicit mention of passenger air traffic.
>The US secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, said civilian flights into
>Saddam Hussein International Airport were not a good idea.
>The Jordanian trade minister, Wasef Azar, was quoted by the Petra news
>agency yesterday as saying that Jordan was `coordinating with various
>international sides to resume air flights to Iraq'.
>Iraq has accused Kuwait of stealing hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil
>daily from two oilfields near the southern port of Basrah. Kuwait has
>replied that it is far readier to resist than it was 10 years ago when Iraq
>invaded its territory.
>The US defence secretary, William Cohen, said yesterday: `We have made it
>very clear to Saddam Hussein that he should not seek to pose a threat to his
>neighbours or to his own people as he has done in the past.'
>Iraqi newspapers said it was `common knowledge" that Kuwait was stealing
>Iraqi oil. Kuwait said yesterday that Iraq posed a real danger to the
>region, and called on the international community to take `serious steps' to
>end threat. Iraq would `pay dearly if it committed any military stupidity,'
>it said.
>(The Guardian)
>KUWAIT TIMES - Razzooqi meets rights officials in Geneva - No going back on
>war prisoners issue.
>GENEVA: The Kuwaiti permanent representative to the United Nations here
>Dharar Abdel Razzak Razzooqi told an informal meeting of the human rights
>commission that "Kuwait will not let Iraq off the hook".
>Addressing the informal meeting late Friday, Razzooqi stressed that Kuwait
>is watching the developments closely. "We will continue to monitor the
>situation and intensify our efforts to solve the humanitarian tragedy of 600
>missing persons including prisoners of war, Kuwaitis and third country
>nationals victims of the illegal Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in August 1990,"
>added Razzooqi.
>KUWAIT TIMES - Hostile remarks against Kuwait - Iraq keeping tension high.
>Kuwait's Information Minister Dr Saad Bin Teflah Al-Ajmi said on Thursday
>that Iraq is attempting to bring the area into other wars and strives to
>keep tension going. He said that the continuation of the Iraqi regime was
>linked to the continuance of tension in the region by creating problems and
>crises with its neighbours.
>This came in a statement to Kuna commenting on recent Iraqi statements in
>which it accused Kuwait of stealing oil from the Iraqi Al-Rumailah oil field
>near the Kuwait-Iraq borders. "These outrageous media statements launched by
>the Baghdad government cannot be understood apart from other strongly-worded
>and hostile remarks uttered against neighbouring countries", he said.
>Bin Teflah said "the Iraqi regime had earlier launched hostile statements
>against Egypt and the Arab League Secretary General, followed by an
>unjustified attack against the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and then
>Iran every now and then".
>News from the United Arab Emirates - Sanctions-busting vessels sold off.
>Abu Dhabi - The UAE authorities have sold six UN sanction-busting vessels
>for about Dh4 million in an auction held at Abu Dhabi's Port Zayed and the
>Free Port.
>All six vessels were intercepted and seized by international naval forces in
>Gulf waters between the first week of July and the first week of August for
>breaking the UN oil embargo on Iraq.
>After the interception, the UN naval forces handed over the vessels to the
>UAE Coast Guard in the territorial waters of the emirates. The Coast Guard
>escorted them to the Free Port and Mina Zayed of Abu Dhabi Seaports
>One of the vessels, the Sea Whale, was sold for Dh2.01 million. The vessel,
>and its cargo of 7,700 tonnes of fuel oil, were auctioned at Port Zayed. The
>vessel was berthed at Port Zayed, instead of the Free Port, due to its large
>size. The cargo was sold for Dh4 million, fetching twice the value of the
>vessel. The other vessels auctioned were: Al Mabrouka (Dh460,000); Divine II
>(Dh420,000); Medan (Dh400,000); Sunshine I (Dh320,000); and Seawind
>Another Kingston-flagged vessel, Good Premium, has been released by the
>local and UN authorities after investigations revealed that it was not
>carrying illegal Iraqi oil.
>Officials at the Free Port were not able to provide any information about
>the cargo auction of the five ships. But one official said the cargo of the
>five vessels at Free Port must have fetched more Dh2 million for the UN.
>According to sanction rules, the proceeds from the sale of oil go to the
>United Nations, and the country that accepts a seized vessel is free to do
>with it according to its laws.
>Rockets hit Baghdad, Iraq blames Iran.
>Unknown assailants fired three 122-millimeter rockets in a residential
>quarter of Baghdad on Sunday, wounding one civilian and damaging a number of
>houses, the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) quoted a police source as
>INA quoted the unnamed source as saying Iran was behind the attack. "The
>Iranian regime bears the full responsibility for these horrible acts. This
>crime will not pass without punishment."
>The agency did not give the exact location of the attack, which occurred at
>around 2 a.m., but quoted the source as saying they found launching pads and
>an unexploded rocket at the site.
>On May 1 this year, a missile attack in a residential area of
>Baghdad killed a young girl and wounded six. Iraq also blamed Iran for that
>attack. Iraq and Iran have accused each other of hosting opposition groups
>close to their common borders, with Iraq sheltering Iran's National
>Liberation Army, and Iran hosting Al-Badr Forces.
>(c) 2000 KYODO NEWS.
>Iraq says Iran rockets hit Baghdad, houses wrecked.
>BAGHDAD, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Iraq said Iranian agents fired three rockets at
>residential districts in Baghdad on Sunday, wounding one person and
>destroying several houses.
>"A group of killers, agents of the Iranian regime, fired three 122mm rockets
>at residential districts in Baghdad," the Iraqi News Agency INA quoted a
>security official as saying. The rockets struck at 8 a.m. (0400 GMT).
>"This cowardly incident has led to wounding one citizen and damaging a
>number of residential houses," the official said.
>There was no immediate comment from Iran.
>Tension between the two neighbours has escalated in recent months over
>cross-border attacks by the Iraq-based Mujahideen Khalq, the main exiled
>Iranian opposition group. Iran has in the past launched retaliatory strikes
>against Mujahideen positions in Iraq.
>INA quoted the security official as saying that Iraqi authorities had found
>an unexploded fourth rocket and equipment for firing the projectiles.
>The official said Iraq held the Iranian government responsible for the
>attack, a "crime that would not pass without revenge".
>Iraq's satellite television channel broadcast pictures of a house with a
>large crater in the roof and smashed windows. It also showed two cars
>damaged in the attack and one of the injured victims being treated in a
>Baghdad hospital.
>Egypt, Iraq Sign Protocol on Cooperation in Energy.
>CAIRO, September 17 (Xinhua) - Egypt and Iraq have signed a protocol on
>technical cooperation in the field of electricity and unconventional energy,
>the Egyptian Gazette newspaper reported on Sunday.
>Egyptian Minister of Electricity and Energy Ali el-Saeedi and Director of
>the Iraqi Electricity Commission Salah Yusuf Kazir inked the protocol, the
>English-language paper said.
>Under the agreement, the two countries will exchange expertise and
>information on replacement, renewal and maintenance of power stations, and
>hold relevant and needed technical consultations.
>It covers cooperation in generation, transfer and distribution of
>electricity in remote areas, as well as training Iraqi technicians and
>engineers at specialized centers affiliated to the Egyptian Ministry of
>Electricity and Energy.
>The protocol called on the private sector in both countries to step up joint
>investment in the manufacture and export of electrical equipments, in
>addition to meeting the needs of Arab and African countries in this respect.
>Iraq has a desire to make use of Egyptian expertise in building power
>projects and utilizing unconventional energy, the pro-government paper said.
>El-Saeedi said after the signing ceremony that Egyptian companies are ready
>to help rehabilitate outdated relay stations of electricity in the Iraqi
>capital of Baghdad.
>Kazir, who arrived in Cairo on Tuesday for a week-long visit, expressed
>Iraq's keenness on cooperating with Egypt in using unconventional and new
>and renewable energy.
>Russian oil delegation arrives on board direct Moscow-Baghdad flight. Text
>of report by Iraqi radio on 17th September
>A Russian civilian plane landed at Saddam Airport at 1300 [0900 gmt] today
>in a direct flight from Moscow to Baghdad. The Yak-42 plane carried an
>11-member Russian oil delegation, in addition to its seven-member crew.
>Alkos Bekker, head of the delegation and head of the Stroy Transgas Company,
>made a statement to the Iraqi News Agency, the Iraqi Space Channel and Iraq
>Television after disembarking from the plane. He said that this flight
>reflects Russia's rejection of the continued air embargo imposed on Iraq
>without any legal justification. He added that the delegation will hold
>talks with Iraqi officials aiming at developing and bolstering oil
>cooperation between Iraq and Russia.
>Fa'iz Abdallah al-Shahin, Oil Ministry undersecretary, was present to
>welcome the delegation. He welcomed the Russian delegation's visit as a
>reflection of the deep friendship between Iraq and Russia. He explained that
>the visit is an occasion for the Russian oil companies seeking transactions
>with Iraq to explore avenues of bilateral cooperation.
>It is noteworthy that Russian officials announced in press statements that
>the UN resolutions do not provide for banning flights between Iraq and the
>outside world and vice-versa.
>Historical calendar ......1980 - A simmering border war between Iran and
>Iraq flared into full-scale hostilities when Iraqi troops crossed the border
>and encircled Abadan, setting fire to the world's biggest oil refinery
>UN observer mission denies "unusual" Iraqi troop movement near Kuwaiti
>border. Excerpt from report by London-based newspaper 'Al-Sharq al-Awsat'
>web site
>Kuwait: A Kuwaiti military source has said that his country is ready to deal
>with any Iraqi provocation. Meanwhile, the official spokesman for the UN
>Iraq-Kuwait Observers Mission, UNIKOM, Abd-al-Ilahi Rijal [name as
>transliterated], said that there are no unusual Iraqi troop movements in
>southern Iraq near the demilitarized zone between the two countries. Rijal
>said that the "situation on the border is very calm and everything is
>normal". He stressed that the mission has not "monitored an unusual or
>irregular Iraqi movements in the past week".
>Iraq renews oil theft accusation against Kuwait.
>BAGHDAD, Sept 17 (Reuters) - The Iraqi press on Sunday renewed Baghdad's
>accusation that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil and one newspaper said Baghdad
>was demanding its return.
>"It has become public knowledge that Kuwait is stealing Iraqi oil from the
>Rumaila and Zubair oilfields in the (southern province of) Basra," the
>government newspaper al-Jumhouriya said.


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