>Subject: Impede the civil war which is being instigated by Kostunica and the

>The election campaign in Yugoslavia was accompanied by massive interferences
>of the West. They not only supported the opposition with a tremendous amount
>of money, promised the lifting of the vicious sanctions in case their
>candidate will win, conducted a powerful media campaign around the globe but
>also exercised military threats against Yugoslavia by holding manoeuvres in
>Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria as well a deploying their navy to the Adriatic
>sea – let alone the political, economic and military aggression of the past
>ten years with the aim to destroy the resistance of the Yugoslavian and
>Serbian people. In this sense and under these condition no free and fair
>democratic election could be carried out.
>We are not able to verify the correctness of the announced electoral
>results, but what we indeed know is, that imperialism is manipulating
>elections and organising frauds all around the world in order to keep its
>puppets in power. With its media machine they use to whitewash also the most
>notorious dictatorships like that of Fujimori in Peru. Therefore there is no
>reason to believe in the truth of their cries of fraud even more as monitors
>from all around the world (except the Nato aggressor counties) reported the
>elections to have been carried out without major irregularities.
>The very fact that Kostunica and the bourgeois opposition is not willing to
>go to the second round of elections prove their fear of loosing them. With
>the support of their Western masters they have chosen to attack boycotting
>the elections, calling for a mass movement in the streets and for a general
>strike to bring down Milosevic. In this way they try to precipitate the
>exhausted people into a bloody and fratricide civil war. Further weakening
>the country and its ability to resist to the New World Order a civil war
>would be in the sole interest of imperialism and its local bourgeois agents.
>This shows the complicity of Kostunica with imperialism and Nato which he
>had been hiding behind a nationalist façade claiming to have been against
>the Nato war and in favour of the Serbian recuperation of Kosovo. However,
>his opposition block is composed of the most open and notorious Nato puppets
>like Djindjic. The real character of Kostunica has not only be highlighted
>by the paramount flow of finances for him but also by his advocacy and
>support of the so-called G17 proposals that are nothing else than a
>blueprint of the IMF, WTO and WB programme which will suck out the country
>in the same semi-colonial way as it is already taking place in Bulgaria or
>Russia. But even if Serbia will obey to the dictate of the New Order as
>Kostunica is planning it this will not bring any help or relieve to the
>Yugoslav masses shaken by the impact of the Western aggression. The goal of
>imperialism is to destroy Yugoslavia and Serbia as the main strategic
>obstacle for their rule over and penetration into the Balkans.
>It is true that Milosevic has led the country into a crisis. This is
>expressed in the Dayton agreements (conceding big parts of Bosnia to
>imperialism with the vane hope to therewith avoid a confrontation), in the
>corruption of the leading strata, in its enrichment by privatisations and
>last but not least in the dangerous confrontation of today: The
>constitutional change in favour of a presidentialist system was a big
>mistake and had to provoke the clash that could have been avoided by a
>president elected by parliament. However, the social block in power could
>preserve Yugoslavia as an independent state opposed to the imperialist New
>World Order as well as some important social gains of the peasants, workers
>and the popular masses in general and the multinational character of the
>The clash between the bourgeois opposition and the governmental block of SPS
>is therefore at the same time both a confrontation between imperialism and
>an oppressed people as well as a class conflict. It is a continuation of an
>imperialist aggression already lasting for tens years but which could not
>reach its goal of the complete subjugation and destruction of Yugoslavia and
>Serbia – even not by the war of last year. The fact that Milosevic has led
>the struggle of the Yugoslav and Serbian masses into an impasse does not
>change the progressive and anti-imperialist character of the popular block
>led by him.
>The anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist forces in Yugoslavia and
>around the world have to support those who:
>· Impede the civil war being instigated by the Kostunica, the opposition and
>the West
>· Defend the resistance and independence of Yugoslavia and Serbia against
>the Nato and its New World Order and strive for the full implementation of
>UN resolution 1244 and later the recuperation of Kosovo by Yugoslavia
>· Stand for social justice and equality refusing the neo-liberal recipes of
>IMF, WTO and WB
>· Secure the multinational character of Yugoslavia
>while creating on this very base an independent popular movement.
>Executive Committee of the ILC
>Vienna, September 27, 2000
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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