----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 8:51 PM
Subject: PC Refounding, Italy, Invitation to a meeting on G8/ pls circulate

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   PC Refounding, Italy, Invitation to a meeting on G8/ pls circulate
    From: Party of the Communist Refounding, Italy, Thu, 29 Mar 2001
     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.rifondazione.it/

Dear comrades,
please find here attached an invitation to a meeting on G8 protest
actions in Genoa.
Please confirm when you receive this message.
Thank you

Prc International Department

Associations NGOs International Networks
Trade Unions
Political Forces

                                                  Genoa, 26th March 2001
Re: The G8 summit in Genoa

We are some Italian and Genoese organisations, which, all together, are
coordinating themselves in view of the protest actions against the G8
summit in Genoa on 20/22 July.

We have undersigned a document that you can find here attached, and we
have been working together for a few months to negotiate with local and
national authorities on the spaces for the actions and demonstrations of
those days.

On the basis of the Porto Alegre final document, to prepare at best the
actions we are going to organize, we think it useful to call on an
international meeting for 4/5 May in Genoa. The meeting working language
will be English. We will inform you as soon as possible about other
details such as programme, timetables, venue of the meeting, and above
all the planning of the action we have been thinking about.

Please forward this letter to all associations and organizations you
think might be interested. All those who, individually or as an
organization, would like to attend or ask for any kind of information,
please send an e-mail to _ HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Further details are available on the web at _ HYPERLINK
"http://www.genoa-g8.org" __www.genoa-g8.org_ (under construction)


Genoa, 20-22 July 2001

A different world is possible

The world in which the Genoa G8 Summit is to be held is one full of
striking injustices. 20% of the world population - in countries with
advanced capitalism - wastes 83% of the resources of our planet; 11
million children die every year of malnutrition and 1.3 billion children
live on less than one dollar per day.
This situation does not improve: on the contrary, it is getting worse
and worse.
Thanks to its international relevance, this summit is a challenge to all
those organisations that for a long time have undertaken to assert -
with different methods and priorities- principles of social justice and
solidarity, as well as fair and sustainable development.
The challenge must be met! We must contribute all together to make the
different projects known, which deal with such matters as international
co-operation, environmental protection, citizens' and workers' rights,
promotion of ethical and solidaristic economic models, and development
of multiethnic communities, support peace and fight against injustice.
These experiences must help society to grow, spurring it to develop, by
July 2001, initiatives aimed at increasing the public awareness of this
unacceptable situation and at denouncing it.
It is necessary to develop a new way of thinking in order to respond to
the dominant cultural models that - through growing social disruption -
hinder even the dream of a better society.
Yet, a different world is possible!
This is the meaning of the challenge for the citizens to accept. The
international organisations, upon which the attention of a growing
global movement is focussing, should be forced to take into account the
demands of an ever more attentive population, determined to ask for real
democracy and new social and economical justice.

Work Agreement
For aforesaid reasons, the signatory organisations commit themselves to
a work agreement whose objectives are as follows:
raising the citizens' awareness of the different themes each association
focuses on, respecting their individual methods and procedures;
asking the local and national authorities to grant everybody wide spaces
for activities, projects and demonstrations to be organised before and
during the Summit; above all, demanding that the right to demonstrate
not be subjected to arbitrary restrictions;
acting in a co-ordinate way in order to favour a smooth flowing of
information and to foster all the initiatives in the program;
respecting all open and transparent forms of expression, protest and
direct and non-violent action.
Through this document the signatory organisations invite all interested
organisations and networks as well as those who are already working
against the G8 Summit, to meet soon in order to better co-ordinate their
energies and purposes, to start a dialogue with the scientific and
political circles, to pursue the above mentioned goals as effectively as

Local Signatories: ACLI, Altrimondi, ARCI Nuova Associazione,
Arciragazzi, ASSEFA, Associazione Agire Politicamente, Associazione
Città Aperta, Associazione Medici per l'Ambiente - ISDE, Associazione
per il Rinnovamento della Sinistra, AYUSYA, Bambini Vittime, Banca Etica
- Circoscrizione Locale di Genova e Imperia, CEDRITT, Centro
Cooperazione Sviluppo, Centro Sociale Talpa e Orologio, Centro Sociale
Terra di Nessuno, Centro Sociale Zapata, Circolo ARCI Mascherona 16,
COGEDE, Consorzio Sociale Agorà, COSPE, Federazione Chiese Evangeliche
Liguria, Federazione Giovani Socialisti, Federazione Regionale
Solidarietà e Lavoro, ICS - Consorzio Italiano di Solidarietà, Il
Ce.sto, ISCOS CISL Liguria, Legacoop Liguria - Comparto Cooperative
Sociali, Lavoratori della Libreria Feltrinelli, Legambiente Regionale
Liguria, LOC - Lega Obiettori di Coscienza, Mani Tese, Marea, Movimento
Federalista Europeo, Partito Rifondazione Comunista, Planet, Progetto
Continenti, Rete ControG8, Rete Lilliput, Sinistra Giovanile,
Sondagenova, UISP, Ya Basta!

National Signatories: Altrimondi, ARCI Nuova Associazione, Arciragazzi,
Associazione Botteghe del Mondo, Associazione Coordinamento Pace
(Cinisello Balsamo), Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Follereau,
Associazione per la Pace, Associazione Tatavasco, ATLHA - Associazione
Tempo Libero Handicappati, Beati i costruttori di pace, Bilanci di
Giustizia, Campagna Chiama L'Africa, Campagna Dire mai al MAI - Stop
Millennium Round, Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale, Campagna
Sdebitarsi, Carta - Cantieri Sociali, Centro Nuovo Modello di Sviluppo,
Centro Sociale Leoncavallo, Coalizione Italiana Contro la Pena di Morte,
COCORICO - COnsumatori COnsapevoli RIciclanti COmpatibili, Comitato per
la Globalizzazione dei Diritti (TO), Consorzio CTM Altomercato,
Cooperativa Roba dell'Altro Mondo, COSPE, Democrazia Popolare,
Federazione Chiese Evangeliche, Federazione dei Verdi, Federazione
Giovani Socialisti, Giovani Comuniste e Comunisti, ICEI - Istituto
Cooperazione Internazionale, ICS - Consorzio Italiano di Solidarietà,
IRED Nord,  Lega Missionaria Studenti, Legambiente, LILA, Lunaria, Mani
Tese, Nigrizia, Partito Rifondazione Comunista, Pax Christi, Rete
ControG8, Rete delle Marce Europee, Rete Lilliput, Rete Lilliput (SV),
Rete Radie Resch, S.in.COBAS, Sinistra Giovanile, Tavola della Pace,
UISP, Unione degli Studenti, WWF, Ya Basta!

International Signatories: Casa da Mulher Oito de Março (BR), Forum Nord
Sud (BE), Marches européennes contre le chomage, la précarité et les
exclusions (FR), National Coordination in Greece - Campaign Genoa 2001

                                                   Rome, 26th March 2001
Dear comrades,

Please find here attached an invitation to the international meeting
taking place on 4/5 May in Genoa to discuss on the protest actions
against the G8 summit on 20,21 and 22 July in Genoa.

Associations, organizations, NGOs, international networks, trade unions
and political forces will attend the meeting. Communist Refoundation is
the only party taking part, as such, in the promoting committee.

If you are interested in taking part in the meeting or if you want to be
part of the committee please let us know by fax (+ 39 06 44182286) or by
e-mail (_ HYPERLINK "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Fraternal greetings

Ramon Mantovani
Head of the Prc International Department

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