From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: Eric Hayes Patkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Recent IRSP statements

*** Recent Statements by the Irish Republican Socialist Party - please
distribute widely. ***

- 28 Aug: Deaths at work equals 'Employers Terrorism'
- 29 Aug: Bosses should retract threats made to workers
- 29 Aug: Workers must remain focused
- 29 Aug: Release Dessie O'Hare
- 30 Aug: Whose side are they on?
- 3 Sept: "Holy Cross Primary, Where is the Civic Forum?"
- 4 Sept: No justice after 'nine years of shame'
- 5 Sept: Further Job losses created to save bosses profits

Deaths at work equals 'Employers Terrorism' - IRSP
28th August 2001

Irish Republican Socialist Party Ard Comhairle representative Mr. Vincent
Kelly spoke last night following the funeral of Tadgh 'Timmy' Kelliher,
from Ballinteer, Dublin. The 58 year-old builder fell to his death on a
construction site late last week. Mr Kelly said:

"One behalf of the IRSP, I would like to pass on our heart felt condolences
to Timmy's family, friends and fellow work mates at this time. The death of
yet another innocent construction worker is tantamount to 'employers
terrorism' which has to be challenged before we are faced with further loss
of life."

Mr Kelly continued:

"We welcome any attempt by workers to highlight this terrible issue by
taking industrial action, such as tomorrows one day stoppage. The safety
and lives of labourers on construction sites throughout the country are
continually flouted by the bosses in their pursuit of profit."

Mr Kelly concluded:

"The truth has to be stated and stated firmly, 'deaths at work equals
employers terrorism'. Both Unionised and Non-Unionised labourers have now
got to go that bit further by calling on other workplaces who have been
repeatedly subjected to 'employers terrorism' to add their voices by taking
similar industrial action."


(Please note: An estimated 2000 mourners gathered yesterday for the funeral
of Timmy in Dublin's Ballinteer district. Timmy (58) who is survived by his
wife Bridgd and children Sean and Una.  His brother Patrick paid tribute to
him by say "He was a loyal friend and work mate".)


Bosses should retract threats made to workers - IRSP
29th August 2001

The Irish Republican Socialist Party has hit out at claims that a number of
Building Contractors in the capital have threatened workers for taking part
in today's one-day strike action for better health and safety measures for
construction workers.

Dublin IRSP spokesperson said:

"We have been informed that on various construction sites throughout the
city many workers have been threaten with 'immediate dismissal' if they
take part in todays industrial action.  This proves that bosses have little
respect or value for the lives of our class while at work.

"Our Party call on all building contractors to retract threats made by them
on workers whose only crime is workers solidarity for the safety of each
and every worker on sites. Not only in Dublin but throughout the state.
The bosses have now got to sit down with workers representatives and their
unions to ensure that no more lives will be lost."

The Dublin IRSP spokesperson concluded by saying:

"Let us be clear about want is actually happening, following a marked
increase in deaths and accidents within the construction industry over the
past number of years, most building contractors have yet to even act in
securing the safety and lives of their employees.  For far to long they
have been busy feeding off profits from the Celtic tiger whilst totally
ignoring basic health and safety procedures.  Deaths at work is undoubtedly
the worst form of employers terrorism against our class and that has to



Workers must remain focused - IRSP
29th AUGUST 2001

The Irish Republican Socialist Party has called on workers fighting an
ongoing 'pensions dispute' at Loctite Ireland Ltd. plants in Dublin to
remain focused.

Dublin IRSP Ard Comhairle representative said:

"Our party welcomes every attempt made by workers themselves that can
ensure greater worker confidence. We are aware there is difficulties
already at Loctite Ireland as bosses have spoke of issuing 'protective
notices' to employees if the strike continues.

"300 workers at both plants in Ballyfermot and Tallaght, voted for an
escalation in strike action which shows there is indeed worker confidence
in ensuring a successful outcome of this dispute."

The Dublin IRSP Ard Comhairle representative concluded:

"It is our view that as industrial action escalates from the middle of next
month, workers as well as their respective shop stewards need to remain
focused as negotiations take shape. The ball now lies firmly at the bosses



Release Dessie O'Hare - IRSP
29th August 2001

The Irish Republican Socialist Party spokesperson stated today that:

"Our party remains confident and are continuing its campaigning efforts for
the immediate release of Political Prisoner Dessie O'Hare from

IRSP spokesperson continued:

"So far Dessie O'Hare has spent over 13 years in Portlaoise gaol but its
states under strand three of the 'Belfast Agreement' that all prisoners
whose organisations are on ceasefire will benefit from the early release

"Dessie O'Hare is a recognised Irish National Liberation Army (I.N.L.A)
political prisoner of war. Therefore, as the I.N.L.A is an organisation
which is currently on ceasefire, Dessie O'Hare must benefit from this early
release scheme just as others rightfully have.  The early release scheme is
afforded to all other political prisoners who qualify.

"The Irish Justice Minister of the 26 country administration, to date has
already stated that Dessie O'Hare 'is a qualifying prisoner' so the
question everyone must ask is 'then if that is the case then why is Dessie
still incarcerated?"

The spokesperson concluded by saying:

"We ask all republicans, socialists and justice groups to help assist
Dessie O'Hare to obtain equality, justice and freedom by issuing letters of
protest demanding equality and justice for Dessie O'Hare."


For sending letters of protest write, phone or fax:
The Justice Minister
Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
72-76, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Tel: +353 - 1 - 6028202
FAX: +353 - 1 - 6615461

Send a letter of support or post card to Dessie at:
Dessie O'Hare P.O.W
Portlaoise Gaol
Co. Laois, Ireland

For further information on the campaign to release Dessie O'Hare write or
4 Cavendish Row
Dublin 1, Ireland



Whose side are they on? - IRSP
30th August 2001

The Irish Republican Socialist Party has stated that the decision made last
night by the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade
Unions to endorse the policing implementation plan, "increased suspicions
as to whose side they are on."

IRSP Ard Comhairle Mr. John Hogan said:

"The lives of working class people, on both sides of the divide, have been
directly effected, even devastated by the actions such paramilitary police
force.  Men, women and children have been assaulted, tortured and murdered
as a result of the activities of this so-called police force. For such a
body that claims to represent workers interests throughout the six counties
to accept a reformist or repackaged paramilitary police does increase
suspicions as to whose side they are on."

Mr Hogan continued:

"The decision made by ICTU's Northern Ireland Committee in supporting these
new policing structures at both central and district levels flies in the
face of genuine class solidarity.  If the trade union movement believes
that they can assist with creating improvements on behalf of our class,
then they should go back to the drawing board by including its rank and
file membership in open debate as regards policing."

Mr Hogan concluded, stating:

"Just because this supposedly 'new police force' wishes to establish a
balance in its religious make-up, doesn't lessen the severity of their
crimes. Their continued contempt for our class as shown throughout the
RUC's thirty year history of sectarianism repression."



"Holy Cross Primary, Where is the Civic Forum?" - IRSP
3 September 2001

The IRSP in North Belfast have called for an immediate end to the Loyalist
protests at Holy cross primary school  in Ardoyne following this mornings
violent attack on school children. The IRSP are calling on the civic forum
set up under the new legislation to play a positive role in ending these
heinous actions that target five to eleven-year-olds.

North Belfast IRSP representative Paul Little after observing this mornings
attack said:

"Loyalist calls for a widening of the remit of discussions to cover
complaints that the loyalist community  is facing intimidation is little
more than an attempt to divert blame from themselves and their sectarian

If the loyalist community perceives that it is coming under attack from
nationalists in Ardoyne, that needs to be addressed, there are a number of
forums that could be utilised. What about the 'Civic Forum'? Is this not a
situation in which it should be trying to facilitate a peaceful solution."

In conclusion the IRSP representative said:

"The role of local MLA's in this whole dispute needs to be examined. The
PUP's Billy Hutchinson last week failed in an attempt to be elected chair
of the Belfast Education and library board, after listening to his
justification of this mornings picket the question has to be asked should
he even be on the committee?

"In 1999 the IRSP proposed a charter of non aggression for political
groupings, community groups, trade unionists, etc. Such a charter, if
adopted, would have provided both the forum  and the mechanics for
resolving issues such as those in Ardoyne. That initiative was rejected by
the PUP and other loyalist and unionist groups at the time, but all is not
lost on the initiative and we believe that it could still offer a long-term
solution to the problem.



No justice after 'nine years of shame' - IRSP
4th September 2001

Irish Republican Socialist Party, Ard Comhairle representative, Mr Jimmy
Bradley hit out at the continued lack of movement surrounding the expulsion
of two Scots Guards. Mr Jimmy Bradley said "following nine years of shame
and continuous struggle, the McBride family have yet to even achieve a
sense of justice.

Mr. Bradley said:

"The convicted murderers of Peter McBride have been allowed to stay within
the ranks of the British army, receiving all sorts of accreditations from
the highest levels of the British establishment who from the start have
known full well that the cold blooded murder of this innocent young man was
yet another abuse of power act directed towards the nationalist community."

Mr Bradley ended by stating:

"Following nine years of shame, the McBride family have yet to even achieve
a sense of justice which they rightfully deserve.  Our party support fully
the campaigns call to have these convicted murders expelled from the
British army. However as we remember Peter McBride today, we also remember
the victims of plastic bullets, the victims of Bloody Sunday and countless
other innocent members of our class who have been murdered at the hands of
the British state whether they are the Scots Guards, RUC, UDR, UDA or UVF.
Their long lasting wait for justice is sadly unlikely to happen as they are
victims of British state terrorism, produced from an evil war developed
against our class and which is as sordidly well organised as the so called
'laws' that protect it."



Further Job losses created to save bosses profits - IRSP
5th September 2001

Irish Republican Socialist Party, Ard Comhairle representative in Cork, Mr
Eddie Hogan today claimed that stories of further job losses are now being
created to save vast profits made by the bosses.

Cork IRSP Ard Comhairle member said:

"Like most countries throughout Europe, Ireland is also experiencing
massive job losses.  Of course we will now hear little discussion from the
bosses on social partnership as the bosses don't want to be effected by
cuts in profits. As recession deepens, jobs within the multinational
computer sectors etc will be the first to evaporate as most are
'non-unionised' workplaces.

"For that reason republican socialists are calling on rank and file workers
to be prepared for the long haul as things will get more difficult.
Unfortunately we have a situation were most unions or their officials are
remaining lifeless for the simple reason that most have been bought out.

"With that being the case, workers need to be ready for what ever is deemed
necessary to force bosses to make cuts in profits instead of jobs."

Mr Hogan concluded stating:

"We have already learned from recent workplace struggles that increased
unionisation and occupations of plants does ensure that further job losses
created to save profits doesn't necessarily have to be the case."



General Secretary
Irish Republican Socialist Party
P.O. Box 1981, Derry, BT48 8GX, Ireland.

Republican Socialist Press Office
4 Cavendish Row, Dublin 1, Ireland
Tel/Fax No: 01 8735620

Republican Socialist Publicity Bureau
392 Falls Road Belfast, BT48 6DH, Ireland

Tel: 028 90 321024          Fax: 028 90 330786
Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Web site:

Eric Hayes Patkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na h-Éireann) (James Connolly Society) (James Connolly Archive)

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