Keynote Report to European Seminar on Juche Idea and Issues of Socialism

Ever-victorious Is Cause of Mankind for Independence, Cause of Socialism

Edmond Jouve

Deputy Director-General of the IIJI Board,

President of the Council of the European Regional

Society for the Study of the Juche Idea,

Professor at the University of Paris V, France

Dear comrades and friends!

I am mostly pleased to get together like this with many

comrades and friends who are now invariably upholding the

unflagging banner of independence, socialism and working

devotedly for its materialization in many European countries.

>From now on I would like to propose a keynote report entitled

by "Ever-victorious Is Cause of Mankind for Independence,

Cause of Socialism" since I am highly honoured to be assigned

by the Preparatory Committee for the seminar to submit this


Comrades and friends!

The historical task facing the progressive European people

who aspire to socialism today is to restore and advance the

socialist movement on a new basis.

As you know, the 2oth century witnessed an abnormal situation

of bankruptcy of socialism in various countries which emerged

victorious in one country in the 10th of this century and later

converted into world-wide range.

The progressive European people who aspire to socialism are

now seeking after the way to overcome the historical waves caused

by the bankruptcy of socialism, restore and victoriously advance


I am fully convinced that our seminar opened under the agenda

of "the Juche Idea and Issues of Socialism" will undoubtedly not

only give powerful stimulation to the broad sections of people

to arise out in the honourable struggle for socialism with

conviction in victory and fresh courage, but also mark a

historical significance in restoring and advancing the socialist

movement on the basis of the scientific socialist ideology and



Dear comrades and friends!

The socialist idea emerged early in the world as a reflection

of the popular masses' long-cherished desire to lead independent

and creative lives to their hearts' content in a society free

from exploitation and oppression. It has long remained, however,

as a fantasy since the scientific approaches to realizing

socialism were not found.

Marxism elucidated conditions and methods for the social

liberation of the working class, thus shifting socialism from

fantasy to science and inspired the European working class to

the struggle against the domination of capitalism, opening the

beginning of the socialist movement.

Leninism inherited and developed Marxism in accordance with

the historical condition that capitalism turned into imperialism

and proved the possibility of the socialist victory in a certain

country, thereby carrying socialism into historical realization

and laying the beginning of the transition from capitalism to


Opening the socialist movement and laying the beginning of

transition to socialism, needless to say, constitute the

historical achievements of the founders of Marx-Leninism which

contributed to the socialist cause of mankind.

The struggle of the popular masses for independence never

remains in one place.

The victory of socialism in a certain country affected other

countries in the world, bringing about a rapid growth of the

struggle of the people for independence.

In this way, a new age was approaching, in which revolutionary

struggle made progress in a broad and diversified way on a

worldwide scale.

However, this never meant that the struggle of the popular

masses for independence was developing smoothly. Socialism once

upsurged in some European countries witnessed repeated failures

and trials and especially the struggle of the people in colonies

and semi-colonies had gone this way and that, without finding

the correct way.

The development of the times needs that of idea and theory.

Only when they have ideas and theories correctly reflecting the

demand of the times, the struggle of the popular masses for

independence can brave through all sorts of hardships and trials

and advance victoriously.

President Kim Il Sung, with a far insight into the urgent

demand of the new times which was quickening within the

framework of old, previous age, created the Juche idea, the man-

centred outlook on the world and the scientific theory for the

realization of the masses' independence. Thus he developed the

struggle of the popular masses for independence onto a new

higher stage and opened up a new historical era, the era of


The Juche idea elucidated the great truth that the master of

one's destiny is oneself and that the strength with which to hew

out one's own destiny also lies in oneself. Particularly it

defined the revolutions in colonies and semi-colonies which were

considered, in the past, only reserve army of the socialist

movement in the suzerain state as an original one the people of

that country should carry out on their own responsibility. It

also extensively presented ways for its realization, opening a

new era of the colonial national liberation struggle. Thus in

the wake of the Second World War a lot of colonial and semi-

colonial countries achieved national independence and embarked

upon the road of building a new society and socialism became

converted into the worldwide system thanks to the socialist

reforms in many Asian and European countries. This was, indeed,

a huge historical landmark.

President Kim Il Sung's revolutionary idea has been

continuously intensified and developed by General Secretary

Kim Jong Il, outstanding successor to the independent cause,

socialist cause.

This is the meaningful year marking the 35th anniversary of

General Secretary Kim Jong Il starting the work in the Central

Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea,the General Staff of

the Korean revolution. General Secretary Kim Jong Il, with

unusual wisdom and painstaking and enthusiastic ideo-

theoretical activities, defined the revolutionary idea of

President Kim Il Sung as an integrated system of the Juche-

oriented ideology, theory and methodology and thus systematized

it comprehensively and invariably developed in depth in

accordance with the requirement of the times and the developing


Only within a few years after bankruptcy of socialism in

various countries, he published a series of classical works such

as "Socialism Is a Science", "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable"

and "Our Socialism Centred on the Masses Shall Not Perish", thus

throwing a scientific light on all the problems arising in

safeguarding and developing socialism.

His original socialist ideology and theory constitute the

general socialist principles on which to lead our socialist

movement of our age to brilliant victory.

His works give us conviction in victory and encouragement,

indomitable will and strength.

General Secretary Kim Jong Il applied the Juche idea and the

Juche-oriented theory of socialism to the concrete reality while

leading the revolution and construction and thus performed great

exploits that would remain in the centuries.

General Secretary Kim Jong Il set forth the cause of modelling

the whole society on the Juche idea as the supreme program of

the working-class party and sagaciously led the Korean people

in their struggle for its realization. Thanks to his leadership,

Korean socialism has been defended in defiance of the imperialist

manoeuvres to isolate and stifle it, and the stronghold of

socialist movement further cemented even in the stringent

turmoil of history.

Following the collapse of socialism in the several countries,

the imperialists and reactionary elements directed towards the

DPRK. To make it worse, Korea has been hit hard by repeated

natural disasters for recent years.

We knew very well how great hardships the Korean people had

to suffer from and therefore, we scrutinized anxiously the tense

situation on the Korean Peninsula. However, the Korean people

created miracles beyond the imagination of the world's people.

General Secretary Kim Jong Il, with firm belief in his people,

inspired them to the nation-wide struggle to defend socialism in

defiance of isolation and suppression manoeuvres by the

imperialists and further strengthen and develop the popular

masses-centred socialism.

Taking the lead of the "arduous march", the socialist forced

march, General Secretary Kim Jong Il, with outstanding and

seasoned leadership based on indomitable iron will, great

insight and far-sightedness and unchallenged strategies to

convert unfavourable conditions into favourable ones, ensured

that the people should create new miracles and innovations in all

fronts of the socialist construction by overcoming all


As the result of the wise leadership of General Secretary

Kim Jong Il, the popular masses-centred socialism in Korea has

been further strengthened with the frustration of all the

imperialist manoeuvres to isolate and stifle socialism in Korea.

In the DPRK the politico-ideological fortress has been further

intensified, the military trench strengthened invincible, the

economy activated, its science and technology developed on such

a high level that she has launched an Earth satellite on its own

efforts, with the resultant that the general march for building a

socialist powerful country is successfully progressing.

We have to say it is a historic miracle that the DPRK has

defended, strengthened and developed socialism all alone within

the imperialist encirclement.

It is entirely thanks to the extraordinary ideology and

leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il that such a miracle

unprecedented in history could be created.

Availing myself of this opportunity, I, on behalf of all the

progressive peoples in Europe, would like to extend great honour

and thanks to General Secretary Kim Jong Il who has laid a new

and firm ideological basis for the socialist movement by

devoting himself to the dynamic ideological and theoretical

activeties day and night and thus retained the lifeline of

socialist movement and built an invincible fortification of



Dear comrades and friends!

In pushing ahead with socialist movement on a new basis, it

is important to have a correct understanding of the experience

and lessons learned in the past struggles.

To this end, we should firstof all, make correct evaluation of

the situation prevailing in the several European countries after

the collapse of socialism and instill firm confidence in

inevitability of victory in the mind of peoples in broad sections

who are advocating for socialism.

Today, I would like to emphasize that it is necessary

to understand the true meaning of the instruction of General

Secretary Kim Jong Il that the collapse of socialism in

several countries does not mean the failure of socialism as a

science; it means the frustration of opportunism that has

deteriorated socialism.

This instruction gives correct evaluation of the

present situations. When socialism collapsed in many countries the

imperialists fabricated and spread misrepresentations so called

"the end of socialism".

The betrayers of socialism are busy in rationalizing

their treachery vociferating that "the socialist idea itself was

a misled one" and so "the socialist revolution itself was wrong".

The sophism spread by the imperialists and socialist berayers

aims at denying the historic necessity of socialism as a science

and erasing the socialist ideal in the mind of the peoples.

Socialism is a socialist system built in reflection of

the centuries-old aspirations of the popular masses who desire to

live to their hearts' content the independent and creative lives

free from exploitation and oppression; it is the society based on

collectivism, the embodiment of the essential demand of man,that

nagates capitalism based on individualism discordant with the

essential attributes of man.

It is the law of the historical progress that the history

advances in accordance with the aspirations and desire of the

popular masses, the subject of the history and that the society

based on individualism converts into the society based on

collectivism. No force can stop the historical progress.

The above-mentioned teaching of General Secretary Kim Jong Il

is greatly encouraging us to rise to the struggle for socialism

with firm confidence in inevitable victory.

We are firmly determined to wage a dynamic struggle for

socialism cherishing deep in mind the conviction of ultimate


The great concern of the European people in the struggle for

socialism is how to build socialism in the future. It is an

urgent need to have a correct understanding of this matter in

advancing socialist movement along the road of victory in a

purposeful and intentional way.

The establishment of socialist system gives a rise to the

framework of socialist society. But this does not mean the

accomplishment of the struggle for socialism. Even after the

establishment of the socialist system remain legacies of the old

society because of which the popular masses cannot lead an

independent and creative life to their hearts'content and is

attended the dangers of return to capitalism.

The establishment of the socialist system is only the

beginning of the struggle to build a socialist society.

Therefore, even after the establishment of the socialist system

the revolution should continue to eliminate the remains of the

old society and bring the society to completion in conformity

with the intrinsic demands of the popular masses.

In the past, however, the European countries allegedly

engaged in the socialist construction regarded that with the

establishment of the socialist system ends the revolution and

thereafter, everything would go well only with the development

of the economic construction. Therefore, they ceased to continue

the revolution to complete the socialist society in accordance

with the essential attributes of the popular masses.

Life proved that their points of view and attitude towards the

revolution was wrong from the basis.

Then, what is the socialist society that meets the essential

demands of the popular masses? It is, in a word, the popular

masses-centred socialist society in which the popular masses are

the masters of everything and everything in the society

serves them. The socialism centring on the popular masses is the

society based on collectivism in which independence, creativity

and consciousness, the essential attributes of man, have been

fully materialized.

In this society the popular masses are not only the masters

of the political powers and means of production but also the

real masters of politics and social management; material and

spiritual wealth are all at service for the independent and

creative life of the popular masses; all members of the society

have been united rockfirm into a single socio-political

integrity and devote themselves to the interests of the society

and the collectives while helping and leading each other.

Only in the popular massescentred socialism can the popular

masses realize their centuries-old aspirations to lead

independent and creative lives to their hearts' content in the

society free from exploitation and oppression.

The popular masses-centred socialism, this is the strategical

target of the socialist movement in progress in the European

countries at present, we can say.

The Juche-oriented theory of socialism which clarifies the

strategical target of socialist movement, is greatly

encouraging the European people to push ahead socialist

movement with conviction and optimism.

The Juche-oriented theory of socialism clarifies the

fundamental methods and principles of socialist movement.

The history of socialist movement shows that this is also an

important question related with the destiny of the cause of the

popular masses for independence, the cause of socialism.

In order to reconstruct and advance socialist movement on a

new basis, we should buad the strong subject of this movement.

The social movement has its subject and proceeds by virtue

of the initiative activities of the subject. This is the unique

law governing the social movement fundamentally different from

the motion of nature that takes place through the

spontaneous interaction of the material beings.

The socialist movement is the socio-historical movement

on the highest stage of development, which is pioneered

and advancing by virtue of the revolutionary action and

role of the subject consisting of the leader, the Party and

the masses. The victorious socialist movement is inconceivable

apart from the active role of the subject of the revolution.

Therefore, for the ultimate victory of socialist movement

it is, above all, important to build the strong subject of the

revolution. There is no other secret of and magic for suc-

cesses of socialist movement than the invariably strength-

ening of the subject of the revolution and the enhance-

ment of its role. This is the truth proved by the history

of socialist movement for over centuries.

The main cause of the frustration of socialism in some

European countries lies in the disintegration of the subject

of the revolution subject to the manoeuvres of the opportun-

ists instead of continuously strengthening the subject of

the revolution in line with the requirement of the developing

socialist movement. The disintegration of the party, the

backbone of the subject of the revolution, brought about dis-

integration of the subject of socialist movement as a whole.

When the subject of socialist movement is disintegrated it

cannot overcome slight difficulties and hardships.

The disunion of the subject of the revolution, this is the

main cause lying in the fact that the socialist country,

once a superpower of the world with greatest economic

and military power, has collapsed helplessly before anti-

socialist manoeuvres of the imperialists.

Should the strong subject of the revolution have been built,

socialism would not have collapsed tragically to whatever

vicious anti-socialist manoeuvres the imperialists resorted.

Socialist Korea has proved this fact eloquently. It will be

difficult to find an example of such an arduous revolution as

the Korean revolution in the history of socialist movement.

Since the embarkation of the revolution under the condition of

the backward colonial and semi-feudal society, Korea had to

fight grave nationwide wars twice against two imperialism that

boasted of the world supremacy in the past half century and

carry out the rehabilitation and construction of the country on

the debris. This is the fact well known to the world.

After the collapse of socialism in several European countries,

the impelrialists concentrated their anti-socialist manoeuvres

on Korea.

The imperialists in an attempt to kill socialism in Korea

allied and forced political and military pressure and intensive

economic sanction. Taking advantage of the collapse of socialism

in many countries, and of the Gulf war, the US imperialists

became insolent to the utmost and underestimated that they would

be able to defeat Korea, the small country, by resorting to

vicious and tenacious isolation and stifling manoeuvres. But

they made a wrong estimation.

Korea, which rather rose as one than yielded, defended

socialism honourably shattering all the manoeuvres of the imper-

ialists and made higher rise as the stronghold of socialist

movement. It is not Korea, but the imperialists who yielded to


The great might that enabled Korea to create such historic

miracles defending socialism further strengthening and

developing it alone within the encirclement of the imperialists,

lies in the might of the subject, the ideological integrity

of the entire people and the army who are rallied rockfirm

around the leader and the Party.

The key to victory lies in building the strong subject.

This is the great truth learned in the stringent practice of


Therefore, we should always exert great efforts in building

the strong subject in the struggle to reconstruct and

advance the socialist movement successfully.

For successful reconstruction and victorious advance of the

socialist movement we should adhere to firmly Independent

and creative stands.

Independent stand is the fundamental stand to be ad-

hered to in solving all problems arising in the socialist

movement on one's own efforts in line with one's own de-

termination. Creative stand is the fundamental method to

be firmly maintained for the popular masses to hold their

position and perform their responsibilities and role as mas-

ters of the socialist movement.

The historical lesson of the socialist movement teaches

us that only when the independent and creative stands are

maintained is it possible to build socialism in an independ-

ent way in conformity with the aspiration of one's own people.

In the past many European countries failed to embody

this fundamental principles in a correct way. They did

rather accept absolutely and imitate the experience and

established theories of the other countries than accelerate

the socialist movement on the basis of their own conviction.

They did pin hope on the powers of the big countries

instead of giving thought to building socialism on their

own efforts. As the result, socialism was transplanted

that did not conform to the aspirations of their own people

and actual conditions of their own countries. It is the self-

evident reason that such socialism can neither strike its roots

into the land of their people nor enjoy the wholehearted

support from their people. Such socialism will be degraded

if socialism goes to corruption in the big country and

it will collapse the same way.

In this context, we should remember the instruction

of President Kim II Sung that if a man is subservient he

will become foolish, if a nation follows big powers the

country will go to ruin and if the party becomes flunkeyist

it will make a mess of the revolution. This maxim is the

crystallization of the historic review of the human cause of

independence, the cause of socialism.

Today, socialism in Korea, dignified for its independent

politics, powerful for its self-reliant economy and invincible

for its self-defensive military force, is a brilliant result

brought about in maintaining invariably the independent

and creative stands in the long protracted course of struggle

for independence.


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