September.16.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to Mexican President

   * U.S. troop pullout urged

   * International Day of ozone layer protection observed

   * U.S. embassy in Seoul on alert

   * British preparatory committee formed

   * Malian Association for Study of Juche Idea formed

   * Statement of spokesman for DPRK FM supported

   * Seminar on Juche-oriented party building held

   * 7th Korean Folk Art Festival

   * "Korea Visit" released in Nepal

   * Pyongyang Film Festival continues

   * Japanese women from Korea visit Korean Hall

TODAY'S NEWS (September.17.2000 Juche 89)


   * Preparatory committees formed abroad

   * Faith and will

   * DPRK praised

   * Korean books presented to Tajikistan

   * Recent developments on Korean peninsula estimated affirmatively

   * Outburst of director general of Defence Agency of Japan

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * dia internacional de proteccion de capa de ozono

   * esta en marcha 7 festival cinematografico de pyongyang

Preparatory committees formed abroad

   Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees of Nepal, Egypt
and Germany were
formed to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK).
    Madhav Kumar Nepal, general secretary of the central committee of the
Nepal Communist Party
(UML) was elected chairman of the Nepalese national preparatory committee,
the chairman of the
administrative council of the Arab Art, Culture and Information Association
of Egypt chairman of the
Egyptian preparatory committee and Werner Schulwese, chairman of the
central committee of the
Communist Party of Germany, chairman of the preparatory committee of the party.
    Inaugural ceremonies of the preparatory committees set a period of
celebration and decided to hold
various functions including celebration meetings, seminars, film shows and
photo exhibitions during the
    The preparatory committee of the Communist Party of Germany also
decided to publish the great
leader Kim Jong Il's works, form a group for the study of the Juche idea
and publish books during the

Faith and will

   Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- The editor-in-chief of the Russian
newspaper Patriot in his
article titled "Faith and will" said that the torchlight of the Juche idea,
the torchlight of faith and will,
held high by the Korean people, is throwing its rays over Russia, too, and
the torchlight is a beacon of
turning many people of Russia back to the road of independence and socialism.
    The article was carried by Patriot no. 36.
    Socialist Korea evokes respect and astonishment, excitement and
admiration among foreign friends
as well as the enemies, said the author.
    Referring to the important events recorded in the historical course of
the Korean people, he said that
all the successes and miracles have been made not under easy condition but
under the most difficult
domestic and international situation.
    The outstanding leader and father of the people Kim Il Sung and General
Secretary Kim Jong Il
founded the Juche idea and developed it, thus providing the people with an
eternally ideological and
almighty treasured sword, he said, and went on:
    Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il instilled into the hearts of all citizens
of the country from children to
adults the faith that they are the master of everything, that is, the
master of their destiny and their
country. This is why all the people of this country will devote their
energies and wisdom to working so
hard and bravely and dedicate their all to the country.
    The main weapon, the main strength of socialist Korea, is based on the
fixed faith, the harmonious
whole of the leader, the party, the army and the people.
    The people and the leader demonstrated its might in the course of
triumphant creation, trusting in
each other and becoming a harmonious whole, so that the international
authority and prestige of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea have steadily grown.

DPRK praised

    Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- B. C. Gupta, chief editor of the
Indian magazine Social
Look in a statement on Sept. 5 said that the Korean people hewed the road
of socialism with their faith
and are firmly defending socialism under the uplifted banner of the Juche idea.
    In the Democratic People's Republic of Korea the party and the leader
trust in the people and love
them boundlessly, and the people entirely trust in the party and the
leader, he noted, adding that this is a
true picture of the DPRK which has achieved single-hearted unity.
    The chairman of the Congolese Association for Friendship Among Peoples
in a statement on Sept.
6 said that the Korean people are strong and the DPRK is steadfast because
the immortal Juche idea
founded by the great President Kim Il Sung prevails all over society and
becomes a nutritious matter of
revolution and construction.
    It is also because the great leader Kim Jong Il is carrying forward the
cause of President Kim Il
Sung, he stressed.

Korean books presented to Tajikistan

    Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- Famous works of the great leader Kim
Jong Il were
presented to Tajikistan.
    The book-presenting ceremony took place at the library in Ura-tyube,
Leninabad region, Tajikistan,
on Sept. 7.
    Present there were Djuma Zakirov, Mayor of Ura-tyube in Leninabad
region of Tajikistan, Barno
Ashiranov, second secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party of
Tajikistan, and other party
officials and personages of the library.
    After receiving the books, the second secretary of the city party
committee said that the great Kim
Jong Il is an outstanding thinker and theoretician and a brilliant leader.
    His party will distribute Kim Jong Il's works to its organizations,
setting them as must books to
imbue and educate the party members with the socialist idea, he stated.

Recent developments on Korean peninsula estimated affirmatively

   Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- Participants in the plenary meeting of
the 55th session of the
UN General Assembly held on Sept. 12 and 13 affirmatively estimated recent
developments on the
Korean peninsula.
    Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, in his report on
the UN work at the plenary
meeting on Sept. 12 said that developments after the historic north-south
summit talks provide an
opportunity to build up trust between the north and the south and settle
the bitter dispute which lasted for
over half a century.
    The Chinese Foreign Minister praised the efforts made by the north and
the south to promote peace
and security in the Korean peninsula and the region.
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese abroad said:
    The recent development of the inter-Korean relations is an event of the
greatest political significance
in the year 2000, which will help toward peace and security in the Korean
peninsula and the Asian
region as a whole. The United Nations will make a meaningful contribution
to keeping this process.
    The resident representative of Finland in the United Nations and
foreign ministers of Japan,
Vietnam, Bulgaria, Honduras and Chile hailed the recent affirmative
developments on the Korean

Outburst of director general of Defence Agency of Japan

    Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- Director general of Defense Agency of
Japan Torashima met
with the U.S. Secretary of Defense in Washington a few days ago and
vociferated about strengthening
of the military ties between Japan and the U.S., vowing to continue
promoting the joint study and
development of the "Theatre Missile Defense" (TMD) system.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces his commitments as
anachronistic one.
    The commentary goes on:
    With the establishment of the "TMD" system together with the U.S., the
Japanese reactionaries seek
to introduce latest military technique so as to improve Japan's arms
industry and use it as a lever to build
up armed forces and round off preparations for reinvasion.
    That is why they are hell bent on the moves to establish the "TMD"
system, making much ado about
"missile threat" from the DPRK.
    Now that the plan for the "National Missile Defense" system has been
put off, the United States is
chiming in with the Japanese reactionaries in a bid to egg them on to
hasten the establishment of the
"TMD" system.
    If Japan runs amok in arms buildup and runs high fever in its moves for
overseas invasion,
ignoring the trend of the times, it will pay dearly for it.
    Japan should take the road of peace, keeping in step with the trend of
the times, not the road of
arms buildup and overseas invasion.

For Spanish-speaking people

dia internacional de proteccion de capa de ozono

    pyongyang, 16 de septiembre (atcc) -- hoy es el dia internacional de
proteccion de la capa de ozono.
    el periodico "minju joson" dedico a esta efemerides un articulo
aportado por jang chol gun del
instituto de proteccion ambiental del ministerio de proteccion territorial
y del medio ambiente.
    el articulo senala:
    en ocasion de ese dia, en muchos paises del mundo, bajo los temas de
"protejamos nuestro cielo,
protejamos a usted mismo y la capa de ozono" se desarrollan variadas
actividades entre otras el
seminario nacional por la proteccion de la capa de ozono, simposio
cientifico y fotoexhibicion de ese
    se destruye la capa de ozono que ejerce una accion positiva para la
salud del ser humano y la
existencia de otros vivientes.
    gracias a la acertada politica de esta materia del partido del trabajo
de corea que considera mas
valiosas la salud y la vida de la gente, el gobierno de la rpdc ratifico el
27 de enero de 1995 dos
convenios fundamentales para la proteccion de la capa de ozono y en 1996
cuando todavia era debil el
movimiento internacional para ese particular, tomo las medidas para
eliminar el proceso de produccion
de los materiales que afectan la capa de ozono.
    el gobierno de la rpdc tambien en el futuro ejecutara estrictamente el
plan de reduccion de sustancias
que destruyen la capa de ozono segun el protocolo de montreal y proyectos
de enmiendas para asi
cumplir con lealtad el deber tanto nacional como intercacional de este
sector para satisfacer la aspiracion
de la gente a vivir en el ambiente mas seguro y limpio.

esta en marcha 7 festival cinematografico de pyongyang

    pyongyang, 16 de septiembre (atcc) -- sigue con animacion el 7 festival
cinematografico de
pyongyang de los paises no alineados y otros en vias de desarrollo
inaugurado el dia 13.
    en la casa internacional de cinematografia de pyongyang y otros cines
de la capital se proyectan
pelicula artistica china "himno nacional", la india "el martir udam singh",
la polaca "con fuego y
espada", la malaya "reunamonos en sueno", la iranesa "amor perdido", etc.
    las peliculas reflejan la unanime aspiracion de los pueblos de los
paises no alineados y otros en vias
de desarrollo de vivir felizmente en un nuevo mundo libre y pacifico exento
de dominacion,
subyugacion y desigualdad social de toda indole, desarrollando a sus anchas
su ideal y talento.
demuestran vivamente la digna lucha de estos pueblos por la creacion de
nueva vida y su costumbre
tradicional y noble mundo espiritual.
    vieron las peliculas las delegaciones y los delegados de varios paises
al festival, huespedes
honorarios, trabajadores capitalinos y huespedes extranjeros.
    el festival continua.


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