TODAY'S NEWS (April.12.2001 Juche 90)



Foreigners tour different parts of DPRK

Another site of mass killings discovered in S. Korea

13th enlarged meeting of executive committee of LAIJI

Friendly gathering with Finnish delegation

"100-Person Association for Press Reform" formed in S. Korea

Joint measure committee inaugurated

Premieres given by foreign artistes and overseas Korean artistes

Large-scale joint military exercise projected

DPRK representative on counter-measures against U.S. NMD

Press conference at NDFSK Pyongyang mission

Third Kimilsungia show opens

Vietnam aid to DPRK

National symposium held to commemorate Sun's Day

For Spanish-speaking people


el vicepresidente honorario pak song chol declara

"rodong sinmun" se refiere a principio de respeto a soberania

consignas de este ano

Foreigners tour different parts of DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- Diplomats of various countries and
representatives of international organizations here yesterday visited the
International Friendship Exhibition on the occasions of Sun's Day, the birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, and the 8th anniversary of the
election of leader Kim Jong Il as Chairman of the National Defence
Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The guests looked
round the gifts Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il received from party and state
heads, prominent figures of political and public circles and people from all
walks of life of many countries of the world.
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a reception for the guests on the
same day. Meanwhile, the military attaches' corps here visited the metro
construction museum.


Another site of mass killings discovered in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- One more site of mass killings during the
June 25 war was discovered in Pusan, South Korea, on April 8, according to
Yonhap News from Seoul. The Pusan alliance for democracy and national
reunification in a data book published in June last year was reported to
have observed that at least 10,000 civilians including political prisoners
and members of the mediamen's federation jailed in Pusan prison might have
been killed and secretly buried by troops and police between July and
September 1950. 
    It is the first time that such a site of mass killings was discovered in
    The Pusan and South Kyongsang Provincial Association of Bereaved
Families of Civilians Killed in the June 25 War carried out a fact-finding
work according to the testimony made by Ri Yun Gwan, 74, a witness, in
Kuphyong-dong, Pusan, and its results suggested that the massacre of over
150 civilians there was almost certain.
    According to his testimony, the army and police dug up three
depressions, each over 30 square metres, on a mountain behind Kuphyong
Primary School in September 1950 and shot to death more than 150 civilians
in prisoner dresses from Pusan prison in a month and secretly buried them
    He said that at that time the army and police cruelly killed another
group of 12 civilians jailed in Pusan prison in this region and he saw 7-8
dead bodies secretly buried on a hill near it.


13th enlarged meeting of executive committee of LAIJI
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The 13th enlarged meeting of the
executive committee of the Latin American Institute of the Juche Idea was
held in Venezuela on March 28. The meeting reviewed last year's work of the
institute and discussed a plan for actively studying and disseminating the
Juche idea in conformity with the requirement of the new century.


Friendly gathering with Finnish delegation
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The Korea-Finland Friendship Association
arranged a friendship gathering with members of the visiting delegation of
the Finnish National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea yesterday on
the occasion of Sun's Day, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
Present on invitation were members of the delegation led by secretary
general Pekka Rantala.
    Participating in the gathering were members of the Korea-Finland
Friendship Association and students of Moranbong Senior Middle School no. 1.
    The participants talked to each other about the work to develop friendly
ties between the two peoples and enjoyed an art performance given by


"100-Person Association for Press Reform" formed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- Men of the press in South Korea launched
their activities after forming a "100-Person Association for Press Reform"
in Seoul on April 6, according to Yonhap News from Seoul. It groups former
and incumbent leaders of newspaper, broadcasting and news agency employees'
unions, representatives of press organizations, those affiliated to civic
organizations, lawyers and professors.
    The organization in an inaugural declaration stated that it "supports a
series of activities planned by the press circle and would push forward a
press reform by promoting organic coordination and solidarity with those in
the field of the press including newspaper, broadcasting and news agency,
the academic circle and civic organizations who have shown interests in the
movement for press reform and worked hard for it.
    The press should admit its mistake in the past when it yielded to power
and turn ever a new leaf so as to stand fair and square before the times and
the readers, the declaration said.
    The organization decided to take concrete measures for the press reform
in the future. 


Joint measure committee inaugurated
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- Over 40 civic and public organizations
including the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the citizens'
solidarity for democratic society and the national alliance for democracy
and reunification Monday inaugurated a joint measure committee for checking
the U.S. "National Missile Defence" and "Theatre Missile Defence" systems
and achieving peace, according to the South Korean newspaper Hangyore. These
organizations at the inaugural ceremony said they shared the perception that
the U.S. missile defence strategy sparks worldwide arms race and the
heaviest victim of it will be the Korean peninsula which has got the
opportunity for peace settlement.
    After the ceremony, they made public a message addressed to Bush,
expressing opposition to the U.S. "missile defence" systems and paid a
protest visit to the U.S. embassy.
    A public organization "people paving the way for peace and
reunification" conducted a campaign for checking the U.S. "National Missile
Defence" and "Theatre Missile Defence" systems on the same day.


Premieres given by foreign artistes and overseas Korean artistes
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- Foreign artistes and overseas Korean
artistes participating in the 19th April Spring Friendship Art Festival gave
their premieres at various theatres and halls here yesterday. They put on
stages of the festival songs reflecting their boundless veneration for
President Kim Il Sung and highly praising the outstanding trait of leader
Kim Jong il as a great man and his distinguished feats.
    The Mongolian troupe of famous actors and actresses presented immortal
revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung" and a male soloist of the
art troupe of the Japan-Korea Society for Musical and Artistic Interchange
who is an international concours winner sang well Korean song "Cantata to
Marshal Kim Il Sung" and a female soloist of the Armenian musical company
Korean song "We will always remember all hardships experienced by leader,"
deeply impressing the audience.
    The female singers of the Chinese art troupe put on the stage "Song of
General Kim Jong Il" and "Dear General, Where Are You?" and the state
academy ensemble of the Ministry of Interior of Russia successfully sang the
Korean song "General of Korea" in chorus, winning an enthusiastic applause
of the audience. 
    A Syrian soloist presented song "Our Mind is One," his own words and
    Foreign artistes staged songs and dances truthfully depicting the
customs of life and national emotion of their countries.
    International concours winner Alberto Joya of the Cuban art troupe
successfully performed piano concerto "Korea is One," the troupe of German
players violin solo "We will be Loyal Down through the Generations" while
the French art troupe splendidly presented piano solo "waltz" by Chopin.
    Overseas Korean artistes put on the stage colourful numbers singing of
the revolutionary feats performed by Kim Il Sung including the song and
dance "Let Us Sing of Everlasting Sun's Day Together" presented by the art
troupe of Koreans in Japan.
    Colorful circus numbers were staged at circus theatres.
    "Stunt on a Ladder" by the Chinese acrobatic troupe demonstrated high
    Highly acclaimed by the spectators were "Cycle Stunts" by Swedish
acrobats, which was awarded a special prize at the Wuhan international
acrobatics festival, "Hand Feats" by the Finnish acrobatic troupe and "One
Man Plastic Acrobatics" by a Cuban acrobat.


Large-scale joint military exercise projected
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist aggressor forces
announced that they would conduct a "reception, staging, onward movement and
integration" (Rsoi) exercise with the South Korean armed forces from April
20 to 26, according to Seoul-based Yonhap News. More than 10,000 troops
including the South Korea-U.S. combined command and the units under it and
the U.S. forces stationed in the pacific will reportedly take part in the
    Though this military exercise has been an annual event since 1994, it
has gained in scope to be a large-scale war drill since last year with the
South Korean "Defence Ministry," the command of the U.S. forces in the
pacific under the joint chiefs of staff and the U.S. troops stationed in
Japan involved, a news report said.
    An official concerned with the military said that this year the exercise
would be "staged under the simulated conditions of an actual war."
    This fact reveals that the U.S. imperialist aggressors are clinging to a
dangerous adventure which may escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula and
push the situation to that on the eve of a war.


DPRK representative on counter-measures against U.S. NMD
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The DPRK permanent representative at the
united nations made a speech at the meeting of the disarmament commission of
the UN held in New York on April 10. Nuclear disarmament is facing a more
serious challenge in the new century, as the new U.S. administration is
opting for politics of dominating the world with nukes, defying the demand
of the times, he noted, and continued:
    U.S. is keen to establish the NMD at any cost despite strong
international opposition, holding the role of nukes supreme.
    What merits attention is that the new U.S. administration is
persistently citing the DPRK as a pretext to establish the NMD.
    The U.S. is talking about "a missile threat" from the DPRK in a bid to
push the nmd and continues labelling it as a "rogue state."
    This is sheer sophistry reversing black and white.
    As the U.S. keeps citing the DPRK as a pretext to establish the NMD, the
DPRK is left with no option but to take a countermeasure against it.
    Under the situation where the U.S. is going ahead with the nmd despite
international opposition, the DPRK's counter-measure will not be bound to
    There is no limit to the DPRK's counter-measure in its scope and
strength and it has potential, capability and will to take it.
    The DPRK has little to lose even if an arms race is triggered between
the DPRK and U.S. and all provisions of the agreed framework are scrapped
due to this. 
    The DPRK will in the future, too, do its best for the peace in the
Korean peninsula, Asia and the rest of the world, but will never tolerate
the imposition of any unfair and unilateral peace upon it.


Press conference at NDFSK Pyongyang mission
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang mission of the National
Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) called a press conference on April
11 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Pak
Kwang Gi, chief of the NDFSK Pyongyang mission, addressing the conference,
said that South Koreans from all walks of life are retrospecting with deep
emotion the revolutionary activities of the president, feats he performed
for the cause of national reunification in particular, while significantly
commemorating Sun's Day, the first to be observed in the new century.
    "The respected President Kim Il Sung is the eternal father of the
nation. Let the whole nation hold him in high esteem for all ages with
single-mindedness " this is an immutable faith and iron will of the South
Koreans, he said. 
    Referring to the fact that South Koreans from all walks of life revere
leader Kim Jong Il as an illustrious great man born of heaven identical to
the president, he said that the hearts of the South Koreans are going out to
Kim Jong Il in the wake of the historic Pyongyang meeting and their worship
of him is growing stronger.
    Unshakable is their determination to hold Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in
high esteem forever and dynamically advance along the orbit of Juche, he
said, stressing: 
    The South Korean people will as ever trust Kim Jong Il as their mainstay
and a protector of their destinies, follow him to the last and thus greet
the day of national reunification.


Third Kimilsungia show opens
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The third Kimilsungia show opened at the
Grand People's Study House today. Displayed there are over 3,500 potted
Kimilsungias contributed by the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, the
Ministry of People's Security, the Academy of Sciences, etc. And many units
and individuals from various parts of the country.
    Present at the inaugural ceremony were choe thae bok, secretary of the
Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), Yang Hyong Sop,
vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly,
officials concerned and people from all walks of life.
    Also present there were Sri Hastanto, director general for culture
value, art and film of Indonesia, the Indonesian ambassador and officials of
his embassy here, foreign horticulturists and overseas Koreans.
    Jang Chol, chairman of the Kimjongilia Federation of Korea, made an
inaugural address which was followed by a congratulatory speech by Guruh
Sukarno, head of the Guruh Sukarno art troupe of Indonesia.
    The show will remain open until April 19.


Vietnam aid to DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- A ceremony for presenting the DPRK with
5,000 tons of rice, aid from the Vietnamese government, was held at the
People's Palace of Culture today. Present there were Ri Yong Sok,
vice-chairman of the flood damage rehabilitation committee of the DPRK, and
other officials concerned.
    Also present were members of a Vietnamese government cultural delegation
headed by vice-minister of culture and information Vo Hong Quang, who are
participating in the 19th April Spring Friendship Art Festival, Do Thi Hoa,
Vietnamese ambassador to Korea, and embassy officials.


National symposium held to commemorate Sun's Day
    Pyongyang, April 12 (kcna) -- A national symposium was held at the
People's Palace of Culture today to commemorate Sun's Day, the birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Present there were senior party and
state officials, leading officials of armed forces and power bodies, working
people's organizations and national institutions, and officials in the
fields of science, education, etc.
    It was noted at the symposium that Kim Il Sung is the sun of Juche who
founded the Juche idea and ushered in the era of independence and a great
statesman who glorified the 20th century with his outstanding ideas and
tested leadership. 
    It was proved there that he was a great brilliant commander, a great
benefactor who hewed out and triumphantly led the revolutionary cause of
Juche with arms and brought up the Korean people to be revolutionary people
strong in national self-confidence and independence.
    Speakers referred to the great feats he performed in building the most
advantageous man-centred socialism. They underscored the need to glorify his
revolutionary ideas and feats for all ages.


For Spanish-speaking people

el vicepresidente honorario pak song chol declara
     pyongyang, 12 de enero (atcc) -- siempre nos uniremos gustosamente con
todas las fuerzas y las personas que liberadas del antiguo concepto de
enfrentamiento apoyan la declaracion conjunta norte-sur y se disponen a
ejecutarla, senalo asi pak song chol, vicepresidente honorario del presidium
de la asamblea popular suprema de la republica popular democratica de corea
en una declaracion oral publicada el dia 11 en apoyo a la propuesta y el
llamamiento del acto del ano 2001 para abrir por cuenta propia de la nacion
coreana la puerta de reunificacion y continua: el acto fue un foro de gran
significado que expuso al pais y el extranjero la firme posicion y voluntad
del partido del trabajo de corea y el gobierno de la rpdc de hacer del
presente un ano historico que abrira una coyuntura trascendental para la
reunificacion independiente de la nacion.
    el acto sirvio de un motivo que estimulo vigorosamente a toda la nacion
coreana a la gran marcha nacional para ejecutar la declaracion conjunta
norte-sur del 15 de junio e infundio con mas firmeza a ante nacion esperanza
y fe en la reunificacion independiente.
    la llave principal para adelantar la causa de la reunificacion de la
patria que continua de siglo en siglo reside en ejecutar cabalmente la
declaracion conjunta.
    las autoridades y politicos del norte y el sur deben mantener la firme
posicion de independencia nacional en la solucion del asunto de la
reunificacion de la patria y sostener la invariable posicion de lograr la
unidad y cooperacion de la nacion en repudio a colaboracion con las fuerzas
extranjeras y a la dependencia de estas.
    todos los coreanos en el norte y el sur de corea y el ultramar, segun el
llamamiento del acto, deben producir nuevo auge en el cumplimiento de la
causa de reintegracion de la patria durante el "periodo del movimiento por
la promocion de la reunificacion nacional del 15 de junio al 15 de agosto"
para manifestar la autentica fisonomia de una sola nacion y su voluntad de
reunificarla y hacer del presente un "ano para abrir por cuenta propia de la
nacion coreana la puerta de reunificacion".


"rodong sinmun" se refiere a principio de respeto a soberania
     pyongyang, 12 de enero (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual de hoy subraya que mejorar las relaciones exteriores con
todos los paises que respetan la soberania es la politica exterior -que es
la materializacion de la linea de independencia- del partido del trabajo y
el gobierno de la republica popular democratica de corea. esta posicion y
actitud elevaran la autoridad y el derecho a la palabra de corea en la
escena internacional, estimularan vigorosamente el establecimiento de las
sanas relaciones internacionales y contribuiran con eficacia a la paz, la
estabilidad, la prosperidad y el desarrollo del mundo.
    al mantener el principio de respeto a la soberania todos los paises y
pueblos del mundo podran establecer relaciones de amistad y buena vecindad y
vivir en buena armonia y lograr la prosperidad y desarrollo comunes, por
encima de las diferencias de ideologia, ideal y regimen politico.
    el respeto a la soberania constituye una base y un principio del
desarrollo de las sanas relaciones entre estados.
    la violacion a la soberania es el acto criminal que engendra las
relaciones hostiles entre los paises, que perturba la paz y la estabilidad
del mundo y que obstaculiza el desarrollo de la civilizacion de la
    el intento de dominar y subyugar a otros y de sacar provechos de las
desiguales relaciones internacionales es de modo pensar anacronico. un pais
que se comporta asi se pondra fuera de la epoca siendo objeto de la condena
y repudio del mundo.
    no hay motivo por el cual no se pueda mejorar las relaciones exteriores
con los paises capitalistas.
    el respeto a la soberania es la garantia fundamental de la verificacion
de la independencia, la paz y el desarrollo del mundo.


consignas de este ano
     pyongyang, 12 de enero (atcc) -- la rpdc ha empezado el ano 2001 con la
primera y vigorosa marcha del nuevo siglo enarbolando las consignas "
abramos el camino del avance del nuevo siglo con aquel impetu con que
triunfamos en la 'marcha penosa' " y " hagamos del presente un ano de nuevo
avance de la construccion de potencia economica del siglo 21 ". las
consignas reflejan la firme voluntad del partido del trabajo de corea de
desplegar plenamente la superioridad del socialismo coreano con aquel
espiritu e impetu con que defendimos y consolidamos el socialismo durante
los ultimos anos en que todos eran escasos y dificiles.
    el ptc se propone abrir el camino del avance del nuevo siglo al
desplegar mas plenamente la superioridad del socialismo coreano en todos los
dominios de la revolucion y la construccion y dar nuevo impulso a la
construccion de potencia.
    la potencia en que se despliegue plenamente la superioridad del
socialismo coreano es el paraiso socialista donde todo prospere y el pueblo
viva sin tener nada que envidiar en el mundo.
    el ano pasado el pueblo coreano bajo la situacion dificil del pais logro
grandes exitos en la construccion de potencia al trabajar con la
indoblegable voluntad y tocando el tambor del gran auge de chollima.
    subsisten todavia no pocas dificultades economicas.
    pero las consignas de este ano presentadas en el editorial conjunto de
los periodicos del partido, el ejercito y la juventud estimulan grandemente
al pueblo coreano que lleno de confianza y optimismo acelera el camino del
avance en la construccion de potencia.

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