TODAY'S NEWS (December.19.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il directs land realignment project in South Hwanghae Province

   * U.S. Army secretary's remarks flayed

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander commemorated

   * Remark of U.S. ambassador to S. Korea

   * Three principles of Korea's reunification

   * History of 20th century indicts Japan

   * DPRK boasts edifices bearing word "youth"

   * Brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk

   * WPK praised as ever-victorious party

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il dirige sobre terreno arreglo de tierra de provincia de
     hwanghae de sur

   * historia de siglo 20 acusa a japon

Kim Jong Il directs land realignment project in South Hwanghae Province

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il on
Monday gave on-site guidance
to the land leveling and realignment project in South Hwanghae Province.
    He went round Yonan and Chongdan counties and other parts of the
province and acquainted himself in
detail with the progress of land realignment project.
    Feasting his eyes on the vast expanse of standardized fields, he was
greatly satisfied to note that
soldier-builders and people intensely loyal to the party and the revolution
have done a lot of work in such a
short span of time by fully displaying the revolutionary spirit of
fortitude, the revolutionary spirit of soldiers,
and highly praised their proud feats.
    Then he advanced highly important tasks that would serve as a guideline
in accelerating the socialist rural
construction including land realignment and bringing about a radical turn
in agricultural production.
    Saying that the land leveling and rezoning project started by our party
is an important work to obtain new
arable land for increased grain output and realize the comprehensive
mechanization of agriculture, he stressed
the work should be dynamically pushed forward without a let-up through a
mass drive.
    Now that rich experience has been gained through the land realignment
projects in Kangwon, north
Phyongan and south Hwanghae provinces it is possible to realign the land
across the country in a short span
of time if the organizational and political work is conducted among the
masses in keeping with a high degree
of their revolutionary enthusiasm, he said, urging all the provinces,
cities and counties to work hard to finish
the land realignment by their own efforts.
    He also set forth tasks to be fulfilled to increase the grain output in
the realigned paddy and non-paddy
    Learning about the specific agricultural situation of the province, he
said it is very important to boost
agriculture in the province, the largest granary of the country. And he
urged industrial establishments and
other relevant units to satisfactorily supply necessary farm materials to
it in time.
    The province is favorable for double cropping as its soil is fertile
and climate mild, he said, pointing out
that no portion of this precious land should remain idle and double
cropping should be introduced on a large
scale with main stress on grain.
    Then he put forth tasks to be carried out to build all rural villages
well as befitting socialism.
    Noting that officials and agricultural workers in the province have
done a lot of work to implement the
"theses on the socialist rural question in our country", he earnestly
called for turning all the rural villages into
modern socialist villages good to work and live in so as to hand them down
to posterity.
    Accompanying him were secretary Kim Kuk Thae, department director Jong
Ha Chol and first deputy
department directors Pak Song Bong and Jang Song Thaek of the Worker's
Party of Korea Central
Committee and generals of the Korean People's Army Hyon Chol Hae and Pak
Jae Gyong.
    On the spot he was received by vice marshal of the KPA Ri Yong Mu,
chief secretary of the south
Hwanghae provincial committee of the WPK Kim Un Gi, Col. Gen. of the KPA
Sim Myong Su,
vice-Minister of Agriculture Choe Sang Byok and leading officials of the
province and counties.

U.S. Army secretary's remarks flayed

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Measure Committee on
the Mass Killings of
Civilians in Rogun-ri released a statement on December 15 denouncing U.S.
Army secretary Caldera for
having denied the shooting orders related to the case, the Seoul-based
"Yonhap News" (internet) reported.
    The statement noted that Caldera made remarks distorting the truth
despite evident testimonies of U.S.
Korean War veterans.
    His remarks are intended to evade or downplay the U.S. military and
government's responsibility for the
massacres and water down and distort the case. They are a sinister behavior
to shift the blame onto war
veterans, it held.
    The statement urged the South Korean authorities to announce the
results of the investigation into the
case at once and take a strong counteraction against the U.S. side seeking
to twist the incident.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Lecture meetings were held in Dar Es
Salaam of Tanzania and at
the Defence Ministry of Guinea, San Martin De Porres University and San
Juan Bautista University of Peru
and by the Democratic Congolese Youth Group for the Study of the Juche Idea
from Dec. 5 to 8 to
commemorate the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election
as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist
revolutionary fighter Kim Jong
    The lecturers stressed that Kim Jong Il's is a revolutionary family
that fought for freedom and liberation
of Korea generation after generation.
    They said that under his army-first leadership the DPRK could have the
Korean People's Army, the most
powerful formidable army in the world, and that under his wise guidance it
would be turned into a powerful
    Meanwhile, media of different countries gave special write-ups and
programs on the occasion of Kim
Jong Suk's 83rd birth anniversary.
    The Cambodian newspaper Khmer Amata on Dec. 12 and the Peruvian radio
Santa Rosa reported that
she gave birth to leader Kim Jong Il. This is her greatest feat and it was
a historic event of the nation that
guaranteed the rosy future of Kim Il Sung'S. Korea, they said.
    She was not only a fighter and politician but also a model woman
possessed of warm love and
simplicity, they stressed.
    They also said her august name and feats always remain in the hearts of
the people with prosperous
socialist Korea.

Remark of U.S. ambassador to S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The ambassador of the United States to
South Korea at a recent
seminar held in Kyoto, Japan, talked nonsense that the "North Korean
military still poses a threat to South
    In this regard Minju Joson today in a signed commentary observes:
    The U.S. ambassador's utterance reflected the true intention of the
United States to stem the trend of the
situation on the Korean peninsula towards reunification and incite
confrontation between the north and the
    The U.S. conservative forces seek to stifle the DPRK by force of arms,
seize the whole of Korea and
realize their ambition for world domination by using it as a springboard,
the commentary notes, and goes on:
    The United States has already worked out the "win-win strategy" and
sharply increased in recent years
reinforcements to be dispatched to the Korean peninsula in case of
"emergency" there, pursuant to the
    The numerical strength of these reinforcements has swelled by at least
100,000 and over 160 warships of
various types and more than 1,500 fighters have been inducted into those
forces over the last Decade.
    The U.S. conservative forces consider this trend of the situation on
the peninsula towards peace and
detente as a hurdle in the way of realizing world supremacy.
    No sinister intention of those conservative forces can go down with anyone.

Three principles of Korea's reunification

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The three principles of Korea's
reunification are its cornerstone as
they clarify the fundamental stand and way to solve the issue of
reunification by the efforts of the nation in
conformity with its will and interests, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article.
    The article goes on:
    These principles lay down, first of all, the fundamental principle and
stand to solve the issue of
reunification independently.
    It is the avowed principle and fundamental stand of the Worker's Party
of Korea and the government of
the DPRK to solve the issue of national reunification independently on the
principle of national
    National reunification is the cause to be achieved for the Korean
nation in any case and the Korean people
are responsible for it.
    It is they who have vital interests in the issue of national
reunification and are committed to and capable
of accomplishing that cause.
    All the members of the nation should cherish the dignity and pride of
being Koreans and believe in its
strength pave the way for national reunification by their own efforts.
    This is the most right way of achieving the independent reunification
of the country by overcoming all
    These principles also indicate the basic method of accomplishing the
cause of national reunification.
    It is the principled stand and invariable line of the WPK to achieve
national reunification by peaceful
means without a recourse to armed forces.
    The Korean people do not wish to fight a fratricidal war over the issue
of reunification as they have
undergone unspeakable misfortune, sufferings and disasters resulting from
the division of the country and the
    It is the unanimous wish of the peace-loving people of the world to see
the issue of Korea's reunification
solved peacefully in keeping with the trend of the times towards peace.
    These three principles provide a fundamental guarantee for reunifying
Korea independently and
    The great unity of the nation is a Decisive guarantee for accomplishing
the cause of national reunification.

    The issue of national reunification cannot be solved by the will and
efforts of people in one of the two
parts of Korea, any class and social section, any political grouping or any
individual but should be settled by
the concerted efforts of the whole nation.
    If the Korean nation is to fulfill its role and responsibility in the
efforts to achieve national reunification,
all its members should firmly unite irrespective of differing ideology and

History of 20th century indicts Japan

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- The 20th century is about to come to
its end. At this historic turn
of the century people retrospect the history of the world wars in the 20th
century which brought greatest-ever
disasters to humankind and most cruelly violated civilization and hope that
there would be no such wars any
more. At this moment, the international community is increasingly vigilant
against Japan. This is due to its
inglorious past and present and its untransparent future agenda.
    In the first half of the century Japan killed tens of millions of
Asians through wars of plunder and
aggression and in its latter half it employed all sorts of gimmicks to keep
its hideous crimes buried in oblivion
of the history.
    It is none other than Japan which is about to greet a new century
without liquidating its past crimes.
    The bitter Asian history of the 20th century started with the Japanese
imperialists' military invasion of
    The Japanese imperialists, afraid of being embroiled in the scourge of
a hopeless war if the Korean
people rise up in anti-Japanese war of resistance, hatched the most wicked
plot in the world history of
diplomacy to topple the weak feudal government of Ri dynasty. That was the
fabricated "Ulsa five-point
treaty" and "Korea-Japan annexation treaty."
    History records such examples as threatening other countries by force
of arms to force them to sign
shackling treaties but has never witnessed such despicable things done by
Japan. It stole the official seal of a
government institution of other country and forged the signature of its
head of state to fabricate a treaty.
    After depriving Korea of its national rights by such a vicious method
Japan enforced a colonial military
fascist rule over it for over 40 years. In that period it kidnapped or took
away over six million young and
middle-aged Koreans to force them into medieval slave labor and killed
millions of Koreans by the most cruel
    The Japanese imperialists kidnapped nearly 200,000 Korean women in
broad daylight and forced them
into sexual slavery.
    Their brutal mass killings of those women in battle sites are still
fresh in the memory of people as a
horrible nightmare.
    The international community hates Japan so much for its crimes related
to the "comfort women for the
army" because they were the most despicable and barbarous crimes against
    The Japanese authorities, proud of being an economic power, are showing
their moneybags off
everywhere they go. But there is a point at issue which should never go
    The point is with whose blood, sweat and wealth the foundation for the
industrial progress of Japan
which boasts of "high-rate growth" was laid.
    During Japan's rule over Korea over six million young and middle-aged
people were taken to Japan to
slave there.
    Japanese big businesses grew fat with the immeasurably precious
treasures looted from Korea.
    The Japanese imperialists, not satisfied with the plunder of all the
material and cultural properties of
Korea including underground resources and cultural relics, took away even
brass spoons and chopsticks
from Korean families.
    During the last Korean War which broke out in 1950 Japan raked up
enormous profits in return for its
direct involvement in the war and the offer of its whole territory to the
U.S. armed forces as a logistic base.
    In fact, Japan's offer of its whole territory to the Korean people
would not be enough to compensate for
the human, material and cultural and spiritual and moral losses it brought
to them for a century from early
20th century up to this date.
    But in Japan at the turn of the century there is a Samurai view of
history that "there is no need to feel
guilty for what was done in the past" and "it is possible to know the truth
of history only 100 years later."
And even arrogant remarks that the military fascist colonial rule over
Korea was "legal" are heard from there.
    Japanese right-wing forces' denial of their history of aggression and
crimes is not simply attributable to
Japan's deep-seated bad habits and shameless nature. This was prompted by
their ambition and carefully
arranged plan to repeat their past history any time at any cost and realize
their old dream of "Greater East Asia
Coprosperity sphere."
    Their other purpose is to evade the state compensation for Japan's
crimes against humanity.
    The Japanese authorities have made a mockery of the international
community with all sorts of wordplays
for over 50 years since the end of World War II. They pretended to
apologize for the crimes with the words
"regret" and "repentance," but retracted them by saying "there is no need
to make apology" and "what Japan
did was legal."
    Japan announced that it fully compensated to the south east Asian
countries by giving them small "aid,"
grant or in the form of "loan." It dreamed up a poor case of "suspected
kidnapping" in a bid to evade the
apology and compensation to the Korean people and is about to see out the
20th century with its crimes
unsettled, clamoring about "people's sentiment." This is a height of
shamelessness and moral vulgarity of the
Japanese authorities.
    The Japanese authorities are grossly mistaken if they think that they
can erase unprecedented killings,
rape, kidnapping and plunder committed by the Japanese imperialists against
the Korean people by playing
tricks over the issue of "a few persons missing".
    Japan should be judged by justice and history.
    The history indicts Japan for its crimes. Japan is a war criminal state
of the 20th century and the only
"enemy state" which is going to greet the 21st century without settling its
war crimes.
    The history of the 20th century will always curse disgraceful Japan
which adamantly refuses to repent of
the wrongs done for a century.

DPRK boasts edifices bearing word "youth"

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- There are nearly 30,000 monumental
edifices and units bearing the
word "youth" in the DPRK.
    This year alone, at least 10 monumental edifices were honored with this
    Among them are the Youth Hero Motorway completed in October and the
Anbyon Youth Power Station
whose second stage project was finished this year.
    The over 40 km-long youth hero motorway from Pyongyang to Nampho is a
monumental edifice built by
young people under the difficult conditions where they were hard pressed
for everything including
construction machines and vehicles.
    They successfully completed the motorway in a matter of less than two
years, overcoming difficulties in
the indomitable fighting spirit.
    The revolutionary spirit of soldiers was created when the first stage
project of the Anbyon Youth Power
Station was under way.
    This spirit, which was displayed in the most difficult period of the
"arduous march," prevailed
throughout the country, inspiring all the people to brave ordeals and
difficulties and lay a solid springboard
from which to build a powerful nation.
    Servicemen of the Korean People's Army displayed to the full mass
heroism and matchless devotion in
carrying out the second stage project of the power station to successfully
complete it.
    The Hwangbuk Youth Saltern, the March 24 Youth Mine, the Hachang Youth
Power Station, the
Unsong Youth Reservoir and others are associated with young people's feats.
    Youth are creditably playing their role as vanguard and shock brigades
for socialist construction in the
land leveling and rezoning project in South Hwanghae Province, the
Kaechon-Lake Thaesong waterway
project, the construction of the Odaejin saltern, a dam of the Kumjingang
power station and other minor
power stations in various parts of the country.

Brilliant life of Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- December 24 will mark the 83rd birth
anniversary of the
indomitable communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    On this occasion, an endless stream of working people from all walks of
life, servicepersons of the
people's army and school youth and children are visiting the revolutionary
martyrs' cemetery on Mt. Taesong
here and her statues and revolutionary sites in various parts of the country.
    They are looking back with deep emotion on the brilliant life of Kim
Jong Suk who devoted all her life to
the country and the people.
    She embarked upon the road of revolution to win the liberation of Korea
in her early years. She won
fame as a brave fighter and a competent political worker in the days of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary
    All her life is shining as a paragon of genuine revolutionaries
intensely loyal to the President Kim Il
    She was just like a fortress and shield in protecting his safety.
    It is well known that when she spotted enemy soldiers creeping in by
stealth close to the headquarters
during a battle fought against Japanese troops in Juche 29 (1940), she lost
no time to wipe out them, thus
protecting commander Kim Il Sung at the risk of her life.
    She made a distinguished contribution to the sacred war for the
liberation of the country with her
outstanding organizational ability and revolutionary sweep.
    After the liberation of the country, she devoted herself to the
building of a party and regular armed
forces, the establishment of a people's government and the successful
carrying out of democratic reforms,
pursuant to Kim Il Sung's line of building new Korea.
    Kim Jong Suk is always remembered by the Korean people for her immortal
exploits performed on
behalf of the country and the revolution.

WPK praised as ever-victorious party

    Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- Members of the delegation of officials
of the National Movement
of Uganda which visited the DPRK some time ago, highly praised the Worker's
Party of Korea.
    Deputy head of the delegation Boaz Kanyima said the history of the
building of the WPK is a history in
which President Kim Il Sung's unique idea and theory on party building
based on the immortal Juche idea
have been applied creditably.
    The WPK's exploits and experience are an example and textbook that all
the progressive parties around
the world should learn, he said.
    Member of the delegation Paul Muwonge said it is a precious experience
to all the progressive parties of
the world that a brilliant victory can be achieved in the revolution and
construction only when independence is
maintained in party activities.
    Another member of the delegation Emyimu William noted that the WPK has
enjoyed the absolute support
and trust from the people and the Korean people have entrusted their
destinies entirely to the party.
    He further said:
    The great Kim Jong Il has led the work of the WPK from long ago and, in
this course, further developed
it into an ever-victorious, great party.
    Victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people guided by
this great party.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il dirige sobre terreno arreglo de tierra de provincia de hwanghae
de sur

    pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il
dirigio ayer sobre el terreno el arreglo
de la tierra de la provincia de hwanghae del sur.
    al recorrer los distritos de yon-an y chongdan y otros varios lugares
de la provincia se entero de los
pormenores del estado de acondicionamiento de la tierra.
    al contemplar las parcelas estandarizadas de gran envergadura
extendidas infinitamente el dirigente kim
jong il se mostro muy satisfecho de que los constructores militares y los
habitantes infinitamente fieles al
partido y la revolucion han realizado en un tan corto espacio de tiempo
muchos trabajos desplegando
plenamente el espiritu revolucionario de lucha tenaz, el espiritu
revolucionario de los militares y evaluo
altamente sus brillantes hazanas.
    en el mismo lugar presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia
para impulsar con mas vigor el
reajuste de la tierra y la construccion rural socialista y traer un viraje
trascendental en la produccion agricola.
    dijo que el arreglo de la tierra comenzado por la iniciativa del
partido del trabajo de corea es una
importante labor para ganar nuevos terrenos, aumentar la produccion
cerealista y realizar la mecanizacion
combinada de la economia rural y anadio que se debe dar de continuo gran
impulso a esta labor en un
movimiento de todas las masas.
    continuo que se podria realizar en un corto tiempo el arreglo de la
tierra de todo el pais al empujarlo con la
labor organizativa y politica entre las masas de conformidad con el alto
entusiasmo revolucionario de estas
puesto que se han acumulado ya ricas experiencias a traves de este trabajo
realizado en las provincias de
kangwon, phyong-an del norte y hwanghae del sur y senalo que todas las
provincias, ciudades y distritos
deben desplegar con vigor la lucha por terminarla por cuenta propia.
    el dirigente kim jong il presento la tarea de aumentar el rendimiento
cerealista en los arrozales y campos
de secano nuevamente arreglados.
    luego de enterarse de los detalles de la agricultura de la provincia de
hwanghae del sur dijo que es muy
importante desarrollar la agricultura de este mayor granero del pais y
senalo que las fabricas y empresas y
otras ramas conexas deben producir y suministrar suficientemente y a tiempo
los materiales agricolas
    agrego que la provincia puede realizar el cultivo de doble cosecha por
contar con tierra fertil y el clima
templado y subrayo que debe introducir ampliamente el sistema de dos
cosechas al ano teniendo por lo
principal cereales a cereales sin dejar la tierra en desuso.
    el dirigente kim jong il presento la tarea de acondicionar bien todas
las aldeas rurales a la altura de la
sociedad socialista.
    dijo que los funcionarios y trabajadores agricolas de la provincia de
hwanghae del sur han realizado de
veras muchos trabajos en la labor para materializar "tesis sobre el
problema rural socialista en nuestro pais" y
enseno encarecidamente que hay que convertir todas las aldeas rurales en
campos modernos socialistas
comodos para trabajar y vivir y entregarlos a las generaciones venideras.
    le acompanaron kim kuk thae, secretario del cc del partido del trabajo
de corea, jong ha chol, jefe de
departamento del cc del ptc, pak song bong y jang song thaek, primeros
subjefes de departamento del cc del
ptc y los generales de ejercito hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong del ejercito
popular de corea.
    en el mismo lugar el dirigente kim jong il fue recibido por el
vicemariscal ri yong mu del epc, kim un gi,
secretario responsable del comite del ptc en la provincia de hwanghae del
sur, el coronel general sim myong
su del epc, el viceministro choe sang byok de agricultura y los
funcionarios dirigentes de la provincia y los

historia de siglo 20 acusa a japon

   pyongyang, 19 de diciembre (atcc) -- va a terminar el siglo 20. en este
momento historico las personas
recuerdan las guerras mundiales del siglo 20 que acarrearon calamidades
inauditas a la humanidad y
destruyeron gravemente la civilizacion humana y desean que ellas no se repitan.
    por esta razon la sociedad internacional dirige la mirada de alerta
aguda al japon que tiene el pasado y el
presente muy manchados y el futuro muy intransparente.
    en la primera mitad del siglo 20 el japon perpetro grandes crimenes
nunca perdonables al asesinar a
decenas de millones de habitantes de asia en la guerra de agresion
saqueadora y en la segunda mitad del
mismo siglo acudio al maquiavelismo de toda indole para taparlos con la
cortina negra de la historia acogiendo
asi el nuevo siglo sin liquidar su padado.
    el siglo 20 de asia empapado de sangre se inicio con la invasion
militar del imperialismo japones contra
    imperialismo temiendo que si el pueblo coreano se levantara en la
resistencia antijaponesa el japon se
podria obligado a cumplir la guerra imposible de ganar fraguo el agresivo
"tratado de 5 puntos de ulsa" y el
"tratado de anexion de corea al japon" urdiendo una intriga sin procedentes
en la historia diplomatica del
mundo contra el fragil gobierno feudal de la dinastia de los ri.
    la historia tiene registrado un caso en que un pais amenazo con las
fuerzas armadas al otro para imponerle
el tratado leonino, pero desconoce el acto tan abyecto como el del japon
que robo el sello oficial del
organismo gubernamental de otro pais y falsifico la firma del jefe del
estado para fraguar el tratado y
    el japon se valio de tales metodos taimados para usurpar el poder
estatal de corea y durante el periodo de
la dominacion fascista militar colonial de mas de 40 anos secuestro y
arresto a mas de 6 millones de jovenes y
adultos coreanos para someterlos al trabajo de esclavos medievales y
asesino a millones de habitantes
coreanos con los mas crueles metodos.
    secuestro, a plena luz del dia, a cerca de 200 mil coreanas y luego de
obligarles la vida de esclava sexual
las mataron cruelmente. estos crimenes horrorizan a la humanidad.
    hoy en dia, la sociedad internacional tiembla de indignacion ante el
caso de "consoladoras para militares"
perpetrado por el japon y lo califica del mas barbaro crimen contra la
    en la actualidad las autoridades japonesas se hacen alarde de la
potencia economica agitando por doquier
bolsas de dinero.
    pero, he aqui un problema en que debe pensar sin falta.
    es decir, quienes dedicaron sangre, sudor y bienes al echamiento de la
base del desarrollo industrial del
japon que se enorgullece del "alto crecimiento".
    durante la dominacion fascista militar colonial del imperialismo
japones en corea mas de 6 millones de
jovenes y adultos coreanos se llevaron por fuerza a los lugares de trabajo
duro del japon y las riquezas
incontables de corea se transportaron a este pais enriqueciendo a los
plutocratas japoneses.
    los imperialistas japoneses saquearon los bienes materiales y
culturales incluyendo los recursos
subterraneos y las reliquias de cultura de corea y hasta las cucharas y los
palillos de laton.
    el japon gano inmensas riquezas al participar directamente en la guerra
coreana del junio de 1950 al julio
de 1953 y ofrecer todo su territorio como base de abastecimiento militar a
las tropas norteamericanas.
    el japon no puede compensar ni con todo su ser las perdidas humanas,
materiales, culturales, espirituales
y morales de corea ocasionadas durante un siglo entero.
    sin embargo, hoy al umbral del siglo 21, en el japon aparecen el
"concepto de historia" a samurai como
"no hay necesidad de tener la conciencia culpable en cuanto a las cosas del
pasado" y "la historia se verificara
despues de 100 anos mas o menos" y la bandidesca logica de que es
"legitima" la dominacion fascista militar
colonial del japon en corea.
    las fuerzas reaccionarias derechistas del japon niegan su historia de
agresion y crimenes no solo por su
maligna costumbre y desverguenza sino tambien por su ambicion de realizar
el antiguo sueno sobre la "esfera
de coprosperidad de la gran asia oriental" repitiendo su pasada historia y
por su minucioso calculo.
    al negarla pretenden eludir la indemnizacion estatal por sus crimenes
    las autoridades japonesas han burlado a la sociedad internacional
durante mas de 50 anos de postguerra
fingiendo pedir disculpa con terminos de "lastima" o "reflexion" y
cambiandolos por las palabras de "disculpa
innecesaria" y "legitimidad".
    al umbral del siglo 21 el japon peroro que acaba de compensar a los
paises de asia suroriental con la
misera "ayuda" a credito o gratuita y fraguo la grosera artimana de
"sospecha de secuestro" para evitar la
disculpa e indemnizacion al pueblo coreano pretextando el "sentimiento
nacional". la desverguenza y la bajeza
moral de las autoridades japonesas llegaron a tal grado.
    ellas tratan de negar los actos de asesinato, violacion, secuestro y
pillaje perpetrados por los imperialistas
japoneses contra el pueblo coreano recurriendo al maquiavelismo con el
"problema de algunos
    pero se equivocan grandemente.
    el japon debe ser sentenciado por la justicia y la historia.
    la historia denuncia que el japon es un pais criminal de guerra del
siglo 20 y el unico "pais enemigo" que
acoge el nuevo siglo sin liquidar sus crimenes del pasado.


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+358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081


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