>from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ISWoR web-site  -    http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html
>URGENT - please distribute this protest letter widely
>Support the All-Russia Workers' Day of Action
>on December 1st against the Barbaric new Labour Code
>Join the global e-mail protest NOW!
>The list of international signatures will be published
> internationally, on and after December 1st.
>The All-Russia Campaign in Defence of the Present Labour Code consider
>international solidarity from workers around the world, individually and
>through their unions or other progressive organisations, as very, very
>important. Please sign the following letter.
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Dear President Putin,
>As you know the second all-Russia Day of Action against your new draconian
>anti-union laws (Labour Code - KZot) takes place on December 1, 2000. The
>first protest on 17 May, brought out 300,000 workers across Russia.
>Since the introduction of privatisation in Russia, workers and their families
>have suffered enormous hardship. They have seen the average male life
>expectancy plummet from western levels to just 56. Non-payment of wages has
>become normal, schoolchildren have had to stay home because their schools
>cannot afford heating, diseases of poverty like tuberculosis have become
>epidemic, and all over the country people have been forced to live off what
>they can grow in their back plot. Now, on top of all this suffering, your
>government intends to introduce a new Labour Code that will destroy basic
>rights held by workers for decades.
>The new Labour Code, devised with the enthusiastic encouragement of the IMF,
>will impose a system of casual labour everywhere, removing from the trade
>unions all power to act. While at present workers cannot be legally fired if
>the union opposes it, the new Code will allow bosses to fire at will, as well
>as to spy on the private lives of workers, and blacklist any who have been
>active trade unionists. The length of the working day will be increased from
>8 to 12 hours, and employers will be able to impose a 56-hour week without
>overtime pay. Additionally the new Code legalises child labour and forces
>pregnant women to work night shifts.
>We, as part of the world workers and pjrogressive movement protest against
>your barbaric new Code. We demand that the right of workers to organise in
>trade unions is maintained. We condemn your attempts to legally impose
>nineteenth century working conditions. We affirm our solidarity with the
>All-Russia Campaign Against the Labour Code, who have called for a mass Day
>of Action on 1 December 2000 against this disgraceful attack on working
>Signed ................................
>City ..........................
>Country ....................
>Union/Organisation .........................
>Please send e-mail copies to the following FOUR addresses
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]     -  Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]       -  The State Duma (lower house of Russian legislature)
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Coordination Committee of the All Russia Action in Defence
>of the Present Labour Code via Oleg Shein, Duma Deputy, Co-Chairman of
>Zaschita "Defence" union
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] - International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - (ISWoR-MCPP)
>Supporters are also welcome to draft their own messages of protest and
>solidarity, with copies to the four e-mail addresses above.
>Faxes can be sent to President Putin at FAX (+7-095) 206 02 66
>with copy to campaign organiser Oleg Shein at FAX  (+7-095) 292 89 06
>Further information can be found on the ISWoR English-language website at:
>or on the ISWoR French-language website at:
>This e-mail has already been (or is being)  translated into Spanish, French,
>Russian, Italian, German and Finnish - if you can help with any other
>please contact   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   immediately.
>puts out information and analysis from a wide range of sources.
>If you have something you would like to distribute on Russia Info-List, or
>want to help in our practical solidarity work, contact:   >[EMAIL PROTECTED]<
>Box R,  46 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8RZ, England
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